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Hi I'm Whitney and this is my protopage called
- Fri June 4 - mom's big 40
- Sat September 4 - clay's big 14
- Mon October 25 - whitney's big 11
- Wed January 12 - dad's big 41
cool peace sign
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I go to Thomas Edison I think it is a great school.I get a lot of education! GO CHARGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I think webkinz is a coooool site!
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Hi! I'm Whitney I'm soooo glad to have my own protopage.
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I have my own kitty cat at home!Her name is Snickers.She is black but she is not bad luck.I also have a doggy dog,too. Her name is Blu she is gray.They are both snugglers!
things about me
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Hi I like to play tennis, sking, soccer and sing. do you?
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Hi I am Megan, Whitney's best friend. Whitney is an awesome friend. She is always there for me when I have a problem. She is always kind and friendly. Like I said sometimes friends can be a better medicene than the kind a doctor gives you and Whitney is defenitly one of those friends. WHITNEY YOU ARE AN AWESOME FRIEND AND YOU ROCK!
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I have some great BFF'S. they are all great. if i'm sad they make me happy. they are great and i will always be there for them and i know they will be there for me, too. some people have best friends, but all my friends are my best friends. my friend megan said that friends can be a better medicene than the dotor gives you. and she is very right!
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here are my best frinds.megan sammy brooke allie taylor jordan connor chase payton kaitlyn kennedy brooklyn jacki sophie evelyn margie andrea and mrissa.right now im with my firend allie. she is very crazy, adorible, and is a friend who can always help. but other times she is a bit on the wacko side. also she can be very very very very very very very very silly. but she is my best budd so i can put up with her crazyness sometimes. ya like when she pushed my face in the snow today. talk about crazy! :)
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CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY ALLISON FOR YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AN A THANKS TO ALLISON FOR BEING A GOOD FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Megan is an awsome girl!
loving family
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I have a great family. they are always there for me when i need brother and i can fight sometimes but he nows i will always love mom is an awsome is mothers day and i relize how much stuf she does for me.i love dad always hangs out with me.i love him.he is great.and i have two great animals. i love them.i love my family.
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Do you what to hear about my family. I'm 10 years old and brother Clay is 13. My mom and dad are great, awsome, and loving parents. My dog is sleepy, snoring, cuddly, and is sweet dog.My cat is wild, cute, and cuddly. Who does not love family?