Skywarn training video produced by NWS HFO specifically for Hawaii.
ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service - from the ARRL, but can be managed locally
RACES - Radio Amateur Emergency Service - from FEMA, requires a series of online courses and a background check, administered at the State or County level
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency - national disaster aid (floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, pandemics, etc.)
CERT - Community Emergency Response Teams - managed locally, may not require an amateur radio licenses
SKYWARN - National Weather Service program - immediate severe weather confirmation - administered at the county level, retrain every 2 years
Honolulu Forecast Office Skywarn https://www.weather.gov/hfo/skywarn
Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) [CHAPTER 127A]
127A-3 Hawaii emergency management agency
127A-4 Hawaii advisory council on emergency management
127A-5 County emergency management agency
127A-6 Emergency reserve corps
127A-8 Status and rights of personnel
127A-10 Political activity prohibited
127A-11 Powers on whom conferred; delegation of powers
127A-12 Emergency management powers, in general
127A-13 Additional powers in an emergency period
127A-15 Proclamations, how made; service of papers
127A-18 Mitigation of hazardous situations
127A-20 Immunity from liability of private shelter
127A-22 Determination of compensation
127A-23 Determination of damages
127A-24 Investigations and surveys
127A-27 Preliminary or interlocutory injunctions and temporary restraining orders
127A-28 Enforcement of injunction proceedings; interventions
127A-30 Rental or sale of essential commodities during a state of emergency; prohibition against price increases
127A-31 Penalties prescribed by this chapter additional to other penalties
127A-32 Effect of this chapter on other laws
From Kevin Bogan, AH6QO:
I have recently been re-appointed as the Skywarn HAM Coordinator for Hawaii.
· I am working on maintenance issues of the ham radio area in the National Weather Service Honolulu Forecast Office (NWS HFO). The HF antenna mast broke andthe antenna came down.
· We need Skywarn Spotter volunteers. In discussions with staff at NWS HFO, I was told that the YouTube video produced by NWS HFO staff to train volunteers in Skywarn criteria and reporting is valid. They stated that it will be updated in the future. For now please view the 47 minute video,follow the instructions and report your results to sheana.walsh@noaa.gov and liam.tsamous@noaa.gov in order to receive your Skywarn Spotter number or that you have refreshed your standing with them.
· In addition to needing Skywarn Spotters, we need Spotters who have Amateur Radio license to register with me, kevin.bogan@gmail.com, to participate in the Skywarn HAM effort supporting NWS HFO. Due to privacy issues, NWS HFO cannot provide me with a list of who is a Spotter nor who has just received a Spotter number.Please let me know.
· Iplan on reaching out to the HAM spotters who had previously registered with me.
· Here are some useful links:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlttvKlyPFk&t=1s Skywarn Spotter 2019 training video.
https://www.weather.gov/hfo/skywarn The Skywarn page at NWS HFO includes criteria for reporting.
· If you have questions, please ask. Please remember that I am Skywarn HAMand not an NWS meteorologist Skywarn. NWS activates Skywarn HAM not me. I coordinate Skywarn HAM, its training in reporting and scheduling of HAM staffat NWS HFO.
Thank you for your interest in Skywarn and Skywarn HAM.
Need more clarification regarding Skywarn and Skywarn HAM?
What is a Skywarn Spotter?
SKYWARN is a nationwide network of volunteer weather spotters, trained by National Weather Service(NWS) personnel, who report hazardous weather to local NWS offices. Amateurradio operators and weather observers, generally operating through local organizations,are ideally equipped to contribute to the SKYWARN program. However, the publicis also an integral part of this program. SKYWARN Spotters provide ground truth on the atmosphere that we observe from radar, satellites and various reporting stations. They are our eyes and ears, helping to provide better forecasts and warnings.
What is Skywarn HAM?
Skywarn HAM is the name given to the Amateur Radio effort that supports the National Weather Service(NWS). When activated by NWS, Skywarn Spotters report Severe Weather Reports(SWR) into the Skywarn HAM station located at the National Weather Service viaradio. This service delivers messages regardless of power outages and disruptions in normal communications giving the NWS “ground truth” reports not obtainable by radar or satellite images. Near real-time reports support the NWSin issuing timely and accurate Warnings, Watches and Advisories.
Format for real-world Severe Weather Report (same as what you would do on the telephone call to NWS):
first name
call sign
Spotter number (if you have one)
location of observation
time of observation
Metrics (no guessing! No estimating. If nothing measured, move on to Impacts)
Severe Weather Report (SWR) Criteria ( https://www.weather.gov/hfo/skywarn ) :
What to Report (and use EXERCISE and SIMULATED as descriptors for any practice messages):
- ANY tornado, funnel, or waterspout
- Heavy rain at a rate of an inch per hour or more lasting more than 15 minutes
- ANY type of flooding that is threatening or causing damage
- ANY hail
- High winds strong enough to cause property damage
- ANY weather related death, injury, or significant damage
Flash Flood WarningHIC003-122230-/O.NEW.PHFO.FF.W.0015.240512T1924Z-240512T2230Z//00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTEDFlash Flood WarningNational Weather Service Honolulu HI924 AM HST Sun May 12 2024The National Weather Service in Honolulu has issued a* Flash Flood Warning for... The island of Oahu in Honolulu County* Until 1230 PM HST.* At 924 AM HST, trained weather spotters reported heavy rain over windward Oahu. Rain was falling at a rate of 1 to 2 inches per hour. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by heavy rain. SOURCE...Trained spotters reported. IMPACT...Flooding in drainages, streams, rivers, roads, properties, and other low-lying areas. Public road closures possible in some areas. Landslides are possible in steep terrain.* Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Kaneohe, Maunawili, Kailua, Kaneohe Marine Base, Ahuimanu, Waimanalo, Manoa, Kahaluu, Palolo, Waiahole, Waikane, Heeia, Bellows Air Force Station, Nuuanu, Waimanalo Beach, Waialae, Kualoa and Kahana Valley State Park.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Stay away from streams, rivers, drainage ditches, and culverts, evenif they are currently dry.&&This warning may need to be extended beyond 1230 PM HST if floodingpersists.LAT...LON 2133 15766 2131 15780 2152 15789 2151 15783 2147 15783 2143 15779 2144 15778 2146 15779 2147 15779 2148 15773 2147 15772 2146 15771 2141 15773 2134 15769FLASH FLOOD...OBSERVED$$JVC