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Final Grade
Amber, I appreciate your ideas and comments. I have enjoyed having you in class this quarter. It is always encouraging to hear from a student who "gets" the purpose of the class. Your class assignments were well thought out and appropriate. Remember, all students learn differently, even adult students. Some will be multi taskers even at age 4. And you as the teacher, need to be aware of this and alter your teaching style to meet their needs. Good Luck! Final Grade 4.0
Rich sticky notes
Presentation: The Importance of Guiding the Holistic Development and Learning of Young Children
The Importance of Guiding the Holistic Development and Learning of Young Children
Deliver Handouts.
P Presentation Introduction:
§ Our presentation is on the importance of guiding the holistic development and learning of young children.
3. Individual Introductions.
4. Key Points:
§ We have selected some key points on holistic approaches to education to share with you and then also want to give you a chance to experience holistic education yourselves.
Key Points of Holistic Approaches to Education
Holistic approaches to education, such as Waldorf and Montessori, rely on developmentally based, age-appropriate methods with the goal of educating the whole human being—mind, body, and spirit. Holistic approaches to education recognize that students have varied learning styles. By integrating auditory, visual, and kinesthetic activities, students have an opportunity to learn through artistic activities, movement, speech, and presentations. Kindergarten and first grade open-ended curriculum of holistic approaches to education focuses on garden and nature study, and allows students to progress at their own pace. Textbooks are not used until grade five in holistic approaches to education; younger children produce their own “Main Lesson Books” which record their experiences and what they have learned.
5. Activity Introduction:
§ We are going to create our own “main lesson books.” There are 5 nature related stations that you will visit in groups of 4-5 for about 10 minutes each. We will run a stopwatch on the board to keep track of time. When you have been at a station for about 8 minutes you will need to stop what you are doing and take a few minutes to write or draw about your experience and what you have learned. There is a box for each station on your handout.
6. Conclusion:
§ Now that you have created your own “Main Lesson Book” you have also participated in developing the assessment portion of our holistic approach to education nature unit.
§ Hopefully through experiencing these activities you can see the importance of guiding the holistic development and learning of young children.
7. Resources:
§ These are the websites we used to gather the information for this presentation.
Burke, Deborah. "Balanced Living Magazine - September - October 2004 - Educating the Whole Child." Balanced Living. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. <>.
"Educating the Whole Child | The Montessori School." The Montessori School | . N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. <>.
"Holistic Education: An Introduction." Holistic Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. <>.
"Teaching the Whole Child | Wesley Prep, a private school in Dallas Texas." Wesley Prep, a private school in Dallas Texas | A Ministry of Lovers Lane United Methodist Church. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. <>.
8. Questions:
§ Are there any questions or comments?
Competencies: (5.1, 5.9, 5.10)
Final Self-Assessment
This course has provided exposure to several topics relevant to early childhood education but had a large emphasis on the holistic approach. Throughout the quarter, we’ve identified, discussed, and demonstrated the importance of teaching to the whole child. This has encouraged me to research the project approach more in depth and work on creating developmentally appropriate lesson plans. I plan to observe facilities that practice such approaches in the future, and even consider eventually opening my own child care center and preschool.
I have successfully located several valuable resources and current information related to early childhood education, and practiced working with the competencies in preparation for the West E. This course has also helped me identify the need to keep up with current early childhood education events in the news, and to advocate for young children and their families.
There were difficulties and successes for me with ProtoPage this quarter, and I now recognize the importance of saving all documents and avoiding procrastination. I did notice that some students were working on their ProtoPage during class throughout the quarter and did not think that was appropriate or fair.
I truly enjoyed the group presentations and found them to be very beneficial in providing practice working collaboratively with peers; we are all here to make a difference in young children’s lives and it is important that we work well together.
Overall this course has been very beneficial and I complete the requirements with a better understanding of the variety of teaching approaches in early childhood education. I feel I actively participated in all class discussions and took responsibility in maintaining regular attendance. I believe I have earned a 4.0.
Week 1 Reflection: DAP
Playdough is a very developmentally appropriate material in early childhood education. According to the article titled, Playdough: What’s Standard, it provides valuable hands-on, active-learning experiences and supports children’s growth and learning in many domains. The article also states that experiences using playdough cover so many areas of learning and development that it is a useful tool for addressing early learning standards in the classroom.
In my future early childhood classroom I plan to use playdough regularly. I think playdough can be used in all subject areas; the article listed all the abilities and learning concepts addressed by manipulation of playdough, and the possibilities are endless. Specifically, the subjects of social and emotional development, creative arts, language development, science, mathematics, literacy, and physical health and development are addressed. I would also like to make playdough with my students, providing experiences in the kitchen related to cooking.
Playdough is fun for students of all ages and can be quite soothing. Since play is the work of young children, I cannot think of a more developmentally appropriate tool.
Competencies: (5.2, 5.4)
Week 2 Reflection: Holistic Education
Education with a holistic perspective is concerned with the development of every child's intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative, and spiritual potentials through connections to the community and to the natural world.
In holistic education, the teacher is seen less as a person of authority but rather as a friend, a mentor, a facilitator, or an experienced traveling companion. Early childhood educators have appropriate training, understanding, and knowledge regarding the developmental characteristics of this age group. They prepare the environment so that children learn through active exploration and discovery. Early childhood educators build on the child’s natural curiosity to promote a love of learning. They recognize that play is the work of young children and provide appropriate time and equipment to develop the large and small motor skills, both indoor and outdoor. Early childhood educators engage parents as partners in understanding the unique characteristics and needs of young children. Bias-free assessment tools based on development are used by early childhood educators when observing and interpreting children’s behavior.
I like the idea of teaching to the whole child and think it is important to accommodate to every individual student within the classroom. I think this is hard to do with large class sizes, which is why holistic classrooms are often small and consist of mixed-ability and mixed-age students. Holistic education encourages students to be active learners who explore, understand, and participate in the world around them. Students are engaged in the teaching/learning process and personal and collective responsibilities. Through holistic education, students learn about themselves, about relationships, about resilience, and about aesthetics.
I plan to implement the holistic approach in my future early childhood classroom. At the beginning of the year I plan to conduct a lesson inspired by holistic approaches. Students will create All About Me books and complete a unit on families, building classroom community. I hope to encourage student participation in the curriculum planning throughout the remainder of the school year.
Competencies: (2.4, 5.1, 5.9, 5.10)
Week 3 Reflection: Project Approach
The project approach believes that learning happens through first-hand observation, hands-on experience, systematic instruction, and personal reflection. Like a good story, project work has a beginning, middle, and end; there are three phases of a project: phase one, beginning the project, phase two, developing the project, and phase three, concluding the project.
Project work in early childhood usually includes 3D constructions, drawing, music, and dramatic play. I think these activities are essential in educating the whole child and providing opportunities to build positive self-esteem.
I like the project approach and plan to use it periodically in my future classroom. I think it is important for students’ interests to direct learning and appreciate students experiencing a sense of accomplishment at the end of an extensive unit. Some of the greatest learning comes from peers, and the project approach provides plentiful opportunity for such learning.
Competencies: (5.6)
Week 4 Reflection: Rights of the Child
According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a basic quality of life should be the right of all children, rather than a privilege enjoyed by a few. Children have the same general human rights as adults but they also have particular rights that recognize their special need for protection. Children have the right to develop their full potential, free from hunger and want, neglect and abuse.
Prevent Child Abuse America is a participant in the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign. Locally, Pinwheels for Prevention advocates for preventing abuse and neglect of our nation’s children by focusing on community activities.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child also states that children are neither the property of their parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. Children must been seen as an individual and as a member of a family and community, with rights and responsibilities appropriate to his or her age and stage of development.
I agree with these above rights of children, but also would like to add that children have the right to education. As a future early childhood educator it is my job to advocate for children and their rights, and to ensure a free public education to every child. We must ensure that the above rights are met, we must educate and support families, and we must be proactive for the children.
Competencies: (7.1, 7.6)
Week 5 Reflection: Assumptions and Myths in Education (Freedom Writers)
According to Mordechai Gordon, there are Ten Common Myths in American Education. Some of these myths include: good teaching means following a recipe, students need to know ‘the basics’, keeping students busy enhances learning, and more testing results in higher standards. Some of these myths were present in the movie, Freedom Writers. Other myths also present in the move include: low achieving students will always be low and eventually stop coming to school, you can't make someone want an education, integration is a lie, specific students can't learn so lets not waste resources, low achieving students aren't really learning what high achieving students have to learn, new teachers aren't capable of teaching quality materials, and what does liking the students have to do with teaching them?
If this is really how members of society feel about education today, then we are in trouble! It takes a community to raise and educate a child, therefore teachers and students need all the support they can get. We need to come together as a team to provide each and every child the quality education they deserve and are entitled to by law. Instead of judging what others are doing wrong in education it is time to start working towards making a change ourselves.
Competencies: (7.2)
Week 6 Reflection: Parent-Teacher Relationships
The article titled, Building Parent-Teacher Partnerships, states that recent studies show that when families are involved in their children’s education in positive ways, the children achieve higher grades and test scores, have better attendance at school, complete more homework, and demonstrate more positive attitudes and behavior. Reports also indicate that families who receive frequent and positive messages from teachers tend to become more involved in their children’s education than do parents who do not receive this kind of communication. This information emphasizes that quality education ultimately requires partnerships.
As future early childhood educators, how do we get parents involved in their child’s education both at school and in the home? How will we monitor whether or not parents are providing assistance with their child’s homework or encouragement to read? We may never know the answer to these questions, but it is important to remain active in building positive parent-teacher partnerships. To do so, according to the article, teachers can make the following suggestions to parents: read together, establish family routines, use television wisely, keep in touch with the school, and offer praise and encouragement. Teachers can also make the following efforts to connect with parents: involve parents in classroom activities, give parents a voice in decisions, plan ahead for parent/teacher conferences, and foster good communication.
Joint efforts involving both families and schools in children’s education helps foster academic success. In my future classroom I plan to hold monthly family nights to serve as times to build communication with parents. I also plan to welcome parents into the classroom whenever desired and request assistance from those willing to actively contribute. A weekly newsletter would be a great way to keep families updated with information pertaining to students and upcoming events. I think parent involvement is really important to the success of students and will do all I can to make such involvement possible for all families in some way.
Competencies: (1.3, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6)
Week 7 Reflection: Violence in the Media
The article titled, Beyond Banning War and Superhero Play Meeting Children’s Needs in Violent Times, by Diane E. Levin, discussed the meaning behind violent play in early childhood. Young children today may see violence in their homes and communities, as well as in the media. Aggressive play is one way for children to cope with and attempt to understand the violence they have been exposed to.
As future early childhood educators, how should we respond to violent play in the classroom? According to the article it is important to talk with the child to learn what they are working on and how. It is also important to help the child gain skills to work out the violent content they bring to their play. I agree with these suggestions.
In my future classroom, I plan to limit children’s exposure to media violence and toys marketed with media violence, as many of today’s bestselling toys are linked to violent media and channel children to replicate the violence they are exposed to, eliminating imaginative play. I also hope to create a safe environment for children where they feel comfortable sharing their questions and concerns.
The article discussed additional approaches to working with children’s violent play and also included student drawing samples of violent nature. I found it quite astonishing to view and interpret the work of young children inferring such violence. Weather children are acting out or drawing the violence they see, it is clear that they are struggling to deal with the issue. I think it is important to not eliminate play and drawing time but rather include additional times to address the issue of violence in the above ways.
Week 8 Reflection: Understanding Family Diversity
In today’s society, all families are diverse. A family can appropriately be defined as a group of people who live together and support each other. It is the role of the early childhood educator to be aware of who constitutes each student’s family.
Early childhood curriculum must be accepting to all types of family diversity. In my future classroom I plan to start the year by conducting a lesson that goes as follows: ask students to draw pictures of their family. Have children share with and explain to the class who their family consists of and what family means to them. Talk about the different family forms that exist. Share about the diverse nature of families and what the definition of family is. Encourage children to talk about family diversity with their family members. The point of this exercise is to bring awareness about family diversity and to teach that different family forms are normal. A follow-up lesson would go as follows: read Families, by Meredith Tax. Lead a discussion about different kinds of families. Have students draw a picture of each family member on a separate sheet of paper. Then have students write their last name on a long piece of paper. Attach the family members under the last name with holes, a hole-punch, and yarn. Ask volunteers to share their work and tell about their families.
I personally acknowledge the importance of family involvement in students’ education and plan to do all I can to make all families feel welcome in my classroom.
Competencies: (1.7, 4.2, 4.5, 4.6)
Week 9 Reflection: Autobiography (Assumptions in Education)
I was the first born child. My family believed it was necessary for me to play with other children, so I attended day care a few times a week. I loved it! I went to Sunday school and pre-school because it was assumed to lead to future success. So of course full-time kindergarten was also required for success.
Elementary treated me kindly, though I was followed by assumptions such as: teachers automatically gain respect, gossip is known about ‘difficult’ students, teachers should try to get all students to the same educational place, etc.
Middle and high school carried assumptions such as: there are smart and dumb classes, only ‘good’ students go to college and all ‘good’ students must go to college, teachers/adults don’t understand where the students are coming from, etc. Also, it was assumed that special education students were not smart and never could become smart, and that the Native American students and their families don’t care about education or respect authority of any kind.
College has helped me identify and form opinions about these assumptions, but they still exist today. I was fortunate to be a ‘smart’ and well-liked student with an involved family, but that was not the case of every student in my school. Overall, school has been a pleasant experience for me but I know I need to work hard to help my future students steer clear of harmful assumptions. I think society puts a great deal of pressure on education, for both students and teachers.
Competencies: (8.2)
Week 10 Reflection: Washington State Preschool Regulations
To my understanding, child care centers in the state of Washington must have licenses whose requirements focus on health and safety issues, and early childhood educators require no certification other than 20 hours of training. Preschools in Washington that operate four hours or less daily do not have to have a license and are not subject to any training requirements.
I think this is absolutely ridiculous!
I cannot believe this is acceptable to parents. I would never be able to trust an absolute stranger with no accreditation or background check to influence the beginning stage of education for my children. I have put much thought into this issue and have decided that opening my own preschool one day would be the only resolution to this frustration.
If I were to open a preschool, I would ensure it would be nothing but the best. I would complete all the requirements to license the center within the state, and also register the preschool through NAEYC. I would not feel comfortable opening the preschool until I have completed my BAE with emphasis on early childhood education. Completing the yearly STARS credits along with first aid training would be mandatory for all employees. Parents could feel absolutely comfortable and safe leaving their children’s learning and care in the hands of my facility.
Why aren’t all our preschools similar to the one I’ve described above? When is early childhood really going to be important to our state’s legislatures? Fortunately, Governor Chris Gregoire has proposed the "All Star" program for preschoolers, which would open up preschool to low-income families by providing subsidies for those with incomes below twice the poverty level.
The state currently has a preschool program for low income families called the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program. Gregoire's proposal would allow parents who can afford to pay for preschool to enroll their children in ECEAP, too, but it would also provide assistance to low-income families to put their children in private preschools run by churches, nonprofit organizations or colleges. The state would also have to establish standards for facilities that help prepare 3- and 4-year-olds for kindergarten, as currently we have no standards for preschools and preschool teachers are not required to undergo background checks. This would regulate all preschools so we know where our 3- to 5-year-olds are before kindergarten, because someone needs to be accountable!
I also think that in order to get quality teachers in early childhood education, our state needs to pay high enough salaries to attract and retain educators who would provide quality learning experiences. Most parents would be willing to contribute towards such a cost.
Competencies: (7.1)
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Plain sticky notes
Final Grade
Kalee,Thanks for being in class. I am glad you actually visited three different centers and were able to see the importance of environment for stimulation and learning. Final Grade 4.0
Rich sticky notes
Environment Observation Reflection
Kaylee Crow
EDUC 496
Chris Booth
August 4, 2010
Infant/Toddler Environment Observation
The first environment I observed was and infant room at KinderCare on the South Hill in Spokane. There were two adult caregivers and four babies at the time of the observation. The room contained four cribs, two high chairs, and a limited amount of plush baby toys. The room was carpeted, but no extra rugs or pillows were added to the floor for comfort. A photo of each baby was present on the wall, but no other posters, decorations, or literature rich materials were seen. Mobiles were not hung above the cribs, and the ceiling and walls were bare white. Some of the babies were trying to sleep, yet no music played softly to help soothe them. The caregivers were cleaning at the time of the observation. This environment did not seem developmentally appropriate, and did not contain the necessary equipment to properly entertain and stimulate the babies as discussed in class. Most importantly, I did not see caregivers actively interacting with the babies.
The second environment I observed was an infant room at the EWU Children’s Center in Cheney. There were two adult caregivers and four babies at the time of the observation. The room contained several cribs and high chairs, a play/climbing gym, two swings, two activity saucers, toys, books, a rocking chair, cubbies for individual belongings and a changing station, and a small kitchen. Four small windows provided natural light, and the walls were covered with pictures, posters, and mirrors. The majority of the floor was carpeted but the kitchen area was laminate. During the observation, caregivers were lovingly playing with the babies on the floor and soft music was playing. This environment seemed very developmentally appropriate and safe, encouraging comfortable stimulation and curiosity in babies.
The third environment I observed was a toddler room at the Community Building Children’s Center in Spokane. There were two adult caregivers and 6 toddlers at the time of the observation. The room had an entire wall of windows, a toddler sized bathroom facility and changing station, a laundry facility, and a rocking chair. Cubbies for individual belongings and supply cupboards provided storage for materials and nap cots. The remaining walls contained mirrors and posters. Each toddler had a portfolio at their reach of individual work samples and photos. Small tables and chairs, a climbing gym, books, toys, and art supplies were readily available to toddlers at this time. Caregivers were encouraging toddlers to use toddler scissors at the time of the observation. This environment seemed very developmentally appropriate and safe, encouraging comfortable stimulation and curiosity in toddlers.
After completing and reflecting on the three observation requirements, I’ve concluded that as a parent it is extremely important to visit and question the care providing location you will be entrusting you child to before enrolling them. I’ve also concluded that more quality and developmentally appropriate environments for infants and toddlers are needed in this area with loving care giving professionals. These observations have helped me identify aspects of developmentally appropriate and stimulating infant and toddler environments and have sparked my curiosity in seeking these materials for future use.
Competencies: 2.3, 2.4, 2.7, 5.2
Book Reflection
Kaylee Crow
EDUC 496
Chris Booth
August 4, 2010
Book Reflection
For this assignment, I chose to read Johnson’s Your Toddler from 1 to 2 Years. This was a great guide for parents and caregivers regarding toddlers’ physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. The book was split into two sections: section one discussed how toddlers’ development affects their physical and emotional needs, while section two discussed how and when toddlers are likely to reach new milestones.
Toddlers’ horizons are expanding physically as they learn to walk. This is an example of a physical milestone. At this stage, it is critically important to establish limits and basic safety rules by removing items that can be damaged and directing toddlers’ attention to activities that take advantage of their natural curiosity and pleasure in exploration. Toddlers have lots of energy, so it is necessary to channel this energy constructively as well as allowing for free play. Constructively, music and movement develops concentration, coordination, rhythm, and imagination. Free play, as discussed in class, helps build toddlers’ imagination. According to the book, toddlers still need lots of rest, 12 to 14 hours of sleep within a 24 hour period, so at least one daytime nap is required for toddlers to be well-slept and rested which is critical to physical development.
Emotional development, including a wide range of emotions, can be overwhelming for toddlers, and can only be expressed within a secure environment. The book discusses the importance of creating a secure environment by helping toddlers manage their emotions because they are not yet able to do so themselves. Encouraging toddlers to demonstrate expressions of emotions through imaginative play is one suggestion made in the book, which parallels with discussions from class. Showing loving behaviors to a toy, pet, or another child is an example of an emotional milestone. Tantrums are an expression of the overwhelming frustration felt by a toddler who doesn’t yet have the emotional maturity to deal with such strong feelings. Toddlers are more likely to have a tantrum away from home, because they may be feeling less secure when away from home since attention is less closely focused on them, making their frustrations overwhelming. The book suggests keeping the mood calm when a tantrum occurs, by choosing to sit it out, walk away, or distract the toddler with an alternative suggestion.
Cognitive development occurs when toddlers begin talking, combining comprehension and physical activity to make sound into verbal language. Initially, toddlers begin experimenting with babbling and blowing bubbles. Later they begin to say individual words, which then develop into short sentences. This progression from single words to two word utterances is an example of a language milestone. The book suggests two to three one-on-one sessions daily between adult and toddler, of 10 or 15 minutes each, in which the toddler is talked to, read to, or sung to, without any background noise. Nursery rhymes and songs are great for developing language skills, as discussed in class.
Socially, toddlers are very egocentric, and the concept of sharing is difficult for them to grasp. This beginning to understanding the concept of possession is an example of an intellectual milestone. The book suggests removing toys for later that are being squabbled over and ignoring bad reactions as much as possible, preventing it from becoming attention-seeking. Discipline should focus on teaching toddlers what is expected of them, setting consistent limits, using a positive approach with a lot of praise and encouragement. Distraction is often a successful technique to use when toddlers will not cooperate, while giving choices is also very effective.
Overall I found this book to be very informative and easy to read and understand. I plan to keep this book in my professional library and will refer to it regularly when directly involved with children in this age range. I may also suggest this book to parents in the future. After reading this book I feel I am a better informed resource regarding toddlers.
Competencies: 2.1, 9.2.3, 9.2.4, 9.3.6
Definitions: Observation and Assessment
As discussed in class, observation is a type of assessment, and assessment is the judgment of the facts obtained from the observations. To conduct a systematic observation, one must focus on being unobtrusive and objective while observing all verbal and nonverbal behaviors, suspending judgments and conclusions. Some other assessment tools used in early childhood education include: checklists, anecdotal notes, learning stories, journals, photographs, work samples, etc.
Anything a child says or does can be assessed. Assessment in early childhood education is important because it: shows evidence of progress, identifies and addresses concerns and red flags, allows us to evaluate and make adjustments to the curriculum and environment, initiates parent conversation and conferencing, and provides necessary information for intervention processes.
In my first grade classroom placement, the master teacher uses the following formal inventory assessment tools, all of which include a rubric: DRA, Running Records, and district generated trimester tests generated by teachers and coaches. As a pre-service student teacher, I am not able to view the results of these assessments; therefore, I am unsure of their accuracy and accountability in regards to this specific group of students. The master teacher and I continually conduct, reflect, and discuss observations made throughout students’ daily learning process.
Competencies: 3.1, 3.2, 3.4.
Reflective Self Assessment
Kaylee Crow
EDUC 496
Chris Booth
August 4, 2010
Reflective Self Assessment
A lot of information was discussed throughout the two day secession of this course. The most valuable information I gathered from this course regarded assessment and curriculum and schedule planning in developmentally appropriate environments for infants and toddlers. Prior to this class I was unsure of how to assess infants and toddlers and plan a curriculum developmentally appropriate for them. I was also a bit unclear about what a schedule for an infant or toddler consisted of. After participating in class discussions, researching, and observing infant and toddler environments, I now have a better conception of the role of the teacher regarding individual and group assessment and curriculum and schedule development.
Infant and toddler assessment is done via teacher observation. An organized template could be created and become a very valuable resource to me in my future early childhood practices. One suggestion discussed in class was the idea of using sticky-notes to jot down observations in the moment. This also could be useful and time saving, as long as additional time is set aside at the end of each day to reflect on observed behaviors/situations. It is important to assess infants and toddlers in both individual and group experiences. This information should be reviewed and shared with families.
Curriculum would be created following assessment results. It was very helpful to have practice creating an individual and group curriculum for an infant or toddler environment in class. Prior to this course I was not aware of the value in both individual and group experiences for infants and toddlers. The template for curriculum planning for both individual and group experiences will be another very valuable resource to me in my future early childhood practices. I also valued planning curriculum for both indoor and outdoor time, because I previously viewed outdoor time as free play and did not think of it as valuable constructive educational time for infants and toddlers.
A schedule is very critical for infants and toddlers. Young children need to know what to expect on a regular and daily basis, but it is also important to keep schedules flexible to meet individual needs. It is a good idea to have a schedule posted in the environment to provide parents a general idea of what their children are doing throughout the day, especially if they want to keep the schedule consistent in the home.
Overall I think this course has been very beneficial. I plan to keep information collected for future reference and feel a new confidence in my ability to assess and plan curriculum and a schedule for infants and toddlers in a developmentally appropriate environment. I put a lot of effort into this course and feel I have earned a 4.0.
Competencies: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 3.6, 5.2, 5.9
Plain sticky notes
Final Grade
Amber, Good job! Good luck in student teaching and then the hunt for a job. You will make a very good teacher who will keep children learning and excited about learning. Mostly, they will love your compassion and easy manner. Final Grade 4.0
Rich sticky notes
What do you know about child development and what do you hope to get out of this course?
What do you know about child development?
Every child experiences the stages of development in different ways and at different times. As an ECE teacher, it is critical that I provide DAP for ALL students including proper materials/environment. Health and nutrition are key to children’s development and it is my responsibility to provide adequate resources to families.
What do you hope to get out of this course?
I hope to gain a caring way to help families identify and understand the stages of development, making clear the importance of supporting/encouraging their child to progress at his/her own comfortable pace, in his/her own way. (Example: “Here are the ages and stages what you can do with your child when he/she is at each of the stages. Don’t focus on what he/she should be doing at this age but rather what he/she can do in the current stage.)
Philosophy Statement
Philosophy Statement
I believe that every child develops and learns at their own pace and in their own way. It is my job as an early childhood educator to develop curriculum that will teach to the whole child, and to every child regardless of their differences. Through observation, I have found that learning through exploration and play is most productive for a large percentage of young children. It is my mission to create an environment rich in literature and developmentally appropriate materials and activities to increase success for all children. I believe children are most likely to succeed in an environment where they feel safe and comfortable, surrounded by caregivers they have established a secure relationship with. It is important that I nurture and know each of my students, their needs, and where they are developmentally, and to make them aware of the care I have for them. Family involvement is also a crucial factor in the development of young children, increasing the importance of my responsibility to focus on building partnerships with families and their children. It is my goal to be the one that makes a difference in the educational life of children.
Developmental Autobiography
Developmental Autobiography
On October 14, 1986, George and Carrie Crow welcomed the arrival of their first child, Amber Kaylee Mae Crow, just two days after their first wedding anniversary. I was born one month early, surprising my family who anxiously awaited my arrival, as I also was the first grandchild and niece born into the family on both sides. I was born in Spokane, Washington, but was raised on a wheat farm in Wilbur, Washington. I grew up with two younger brothers, Colby who is four years younger and Dylan who is eight years younger, both who are now taller than me. My paternal grandparents live in Wilbur also, and have always been a part of everything our family does.
Physical Factors
Although I was born one month early, I have always been physically healthy. My Mom said I was perfect, and that I developed on schedule according to all the books she read. My physical needs were always met and nourished.
I remember making yearly visits to the pediatrician, and several trips to the dentist and orthodontist. When I was 16 my appendix ruptured, resulting in emergency surgery and a ten day stay in the children's hospital.
As a child I loved dancing: ballet, tap, and line dancing, playing: four square, hop scotch, softball, basketball, and volleyball, cheerleading, jumping rope, skipping, swimming, riding bikes, pedal cars, snowmobiles, motorcycles, four-wheelers, and horses, camping, fishing, and hunting.
I was very particular about the way my shoes were tied.
Cognitive Factors
When I reflect on my cognitive development, my most vivid memories include books. I loved to read and to be read to. My family supplied an endless amount of books and read to me several times a day. When I couldn't get anyone to read to me I would listen to books on tape. I was subscribed to Highlights Magazine and visited the library weekly. As I was learning to read, I memorized my favorite books and thought I was very smart. Learning to read was easy for me, and by first grade I was reading at grade level. I've always enjoyed writing, and often played school with my younger brothers, teaching them to read and write.
I also really enjoyed singing, and performed hand motions to all my favorite songs. I took piano lessons and played the saxophone in band class.
Math has never been a strength for me, nor has it been a very favorable task.
I have always been very organized, neat, and tidy. I find that cleaning, making lists, and journaling are therapeutic for me. A planner is essential for my sanity.
Social and Emotional Factors
Prior to the birth of my younger brothers, I attended daycare and preschool to receive social interactions with peers and adults outside of my family. I took big sister classes in preparation for the arrival of my baby brothers, and enjoyed tea parties with my great aunt. I wasn't afraid to be away from my parents because I was always reassured that they would return, and I enjoyed weekly sleepovers at my paternal grandparents home.
I remember having a fear of thunderstorms, and crashing planes. (My paternal Grandfather and Father are pilots)
I have had several opportunities to be exposed to Christianity, theater, music, and family holiday traditions and travel.
Historical, Cultural, and Socio-economic Factors
My Father worked full time and on the family farm, so my Mother was able to stay at home with me and my younger brothers. Financially, we always had what we needed, and even some of what we wanted. My parents never made my brothers and I aware of financial struggles if they ever existed, and for a long time I was unaware of the concept of money; I would select what I would like to purchase at local businesses and ask the cashier to "charge it to my Papa!" My parents taught my brothers and I how to budget, save, and spend money frugally. They taught us work ethic that prepared us for attending college, and for professional career selections of our future.
Teacher/Theorists Observation Reflection
Teacher/Theorists Observation
My teacher observation was done in a first grade classroom at Jefferson Elementary. After observing the class uninterrupted for some time, the teacher, Miss Lyman and I, had a chance to discuss some of the early childhood education theorists we’ve researched for the course and their use in her classroom. Miss Lyman expressed that she is aware of the many varieties of theories about early childhood education, and that the one she is most familiar with is the views of the behaviorists. She agrees most specifically with the idea that behavior is a reaction to rewards, punishments, reinforcement, and stimuli. As a behaviorist way of addressing classroom behavior, Miss Lyman uses the traffic light method. Every day, all students begin on green and progress through the system based off behavior; yellow= warning, orange=loss of recess, and red=call home. Each day that students remain on green they receive a sticker, and after accumulating 5 stickers they are rewarded with a visit to the treasure box. This is an example of positive reinforcement. I agree with this method of behavior/classroom management and plan to use a similar method in my future classroom.
Competencies: 5.7.
Infant Observation
Infant Observation: Gabrielle (11 months)
My infant observation was 30 minutes in length, done at an in-home setting. Gabrielle is the second of two children in the home. Her Father works full time and her Mother is a full time student. She and her older brother go to a church childcare center on weekdays.
Language: Adults encourage Gabrielle to say hello and goodbye, and respond to her doing so with hugs and kisses.
Gabrielle is able to verbally say:
· Thank you.
· Bye.
· Hi.
Gabrielle vocally communicates discomfort or unhappiness with loud and lengthy shouting.
Social/Emotional: Adults reassure Gabrielle that she is okay when she becomes upset in the presence of strangers, and then introduces the stranger to her. They repeatedly remind Gabrielle that they love her.
· Shows preference for primary caregivers.
· Distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar adults. Exhibits separation anxiety by crying when caregiver is not in sight.
· Quiets when comforted.
Cognitive: Adults verbally label everything in Gabrielle’s sight.
· Is able to locate and point to nose, mouth, eyes, and ears.
· Plays with/imitates older brother.
· Looks at books.
Physical: Adults hold Gabrielle’s hands and assist her in walking.
· Crawling
· Pull self up
· Hand Clapping
· Waving
· Grasps caregiver’s fingers.
· Feeds self with fingers.
· Drinks from cup.
I would suggest to the family that they continue to encourage Gabrielle to start walking independently.
Competencies: 1.3, 6.1, 9.2.4.
Toddler Observation
Toddler Observation: Olivia (23 months)
My toddler observation was done at an in-home setting over the course of 2 days. After reviewing notes made and the Washington State Early Learning and Development Benchmarks for children between the ages of 18 and 36 months, I've concluded that Olivia currently fits right into the suitable category. Her family is very supportive of her growth and well being, often times allowing her to explore and discover joys and hardships independently, considering every experience a teachable moment.
Language: Adults encourage Olivia to use her words to communicate, often listening several times to the same pronunciation attempting to understand.
· Balla=Bottle | · Top=Cup lid off |
· Please | · Thank You |
· I love you | · Mama |
· Daddy | · KK=Kadyn |
· My Tim=Tim | · Nanna |
· Anna=Aaron | · Keylee=Kaylee |
· My Kitty | · Milk |
· Bye Bye | · Mine |
· Car | · Yes |
· No | · Up |
· Candy | · Bucket |
· Shoes | · Mouse |
· Lulu=Lucy (dog) | · Outside |
· Ta Da | · Clean Up |
· All Done | · Shirt Off |
· Pretties | · Some Here |
· Nose | · Eye |
· Hit | · Hurt |
· Owie | · Ite=Write |
· Sit Down | · Spoon |
· Mimi=Cup | · Toppy=Giraffe |
· Night Night | · Pood=Potty |
· Color=Crayons | · Walla=Water |
· Come Here | · JoJo=Neighborhood cat |
· Baybay=Binki | · Coat |
· Sauce=Applesauce | · Cheese |
Social/Emotional: Adults encourage loving and affectionate behavior.
· Hugs
· Kisses
· Gets very upset when misunderstood, throws tantrum.
· Wanted to go outside, but it was raining and Mom said no, got very upset and stood by door crying and repeating outside.
Cognitive: Adults encourage independence and self-help, health and well-being, and an understanding of safety guidelines and rules.
· Goes to Time Out and stays there
· Claims everything is "mine"
· Feeds self, with hands and spoon
· Blows nose with help
· Played pretend conversations on phone.
· Gave shoes, phone, water bottle, etc. to owner. Identified other's belongings:" Tim's bed, Kaylee's bottle."
· Put cars in purse. Found a red and blue car when asked. Was unable to find a yellow or green car when asked.
· Took my socks off and tickled my toes.
Physical: Adults patiently provide wait time for Olivia to physically complete tasks on her own. They encourage her to be active and included in family life.
· Walking
· Running
· Kicking (tantrum)
· Hitting
· Walk up and down stairs, holding railing
· Dances to music
· Climbs out of bed
· Sat on barstool to color at kitchen island.
· Help put wet clothes in the dryer, and closed the dryer door.
· Put folded socks in drawer.
· Continued to pull on kitchen cabinet until child lock broke off.
· Pulled spoons out of open dishwasher. Opened correct drawer to get a spoon.
· Wanted shoes on/off in car and couldn't do it herself, got very upset and cried self to sleep one exit from home. Slept in car seat for 1 1/2 hrs.
One suggestion I made to the family was to try using some baby sign language with Olivia, in hopes of eliminating some communication frustration and misunderstanding that currently results in tantrums.
Competencies: 1.1, 1.7, 2.3, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.6, 6.1, 6.6, 9.2.4, 9.2.6, 9.3.2.
PreSchool Observation
Preschool Observation: Trace (5 years)
My Preschool student observation was done in an in home setting, which provided me the opportunity to gather an abundant amount of information in each domain from the family. Trace is the oldest of two children. When his parents are at work, he and his younger sister go to a family friends' home, along with four other children. Trace's parents have decided to send him to Kindergarten next fall, due to social Kindergarten readiness.
Language: Adults use adult vocabulary when speaking to Trace, often taking the time to define words that he is unfamiliar with. They encourage him to use his words to communicate, rather than crying when upset.
Trace enjoys telling stories, true and untrue, with vivid details. He enjoys talking on the telephone. Trace is shy and reserved in the presence of strangers.
Social/Emotional: Adults provide social experiences outside the home for Trace to practice interactions with others, in hopes of preparing him for Kindergarten. The family concern regards his social immaturity, so I would suggest they continue out of these home social experiences.
Trace is very caring and sensitive to other's feelings and emotions. He gets embarrassed very easily and dislikes loosing at games. When Trace doesn't know how to do something, he is willing to try, but if unsuccessful gets very upset and often cries. He also cries when unable to get what he wants.
Trace's interactions with peers are very positive. He is willing to share and take turns. When meeting someone new, Trace is able to express appropriate manners and shake their hand. Trace responds to all commands given to him by peers, especially his older cousin.
When Trace is physically tired, he becomes naughty. He often enjoys alone time, or one-on-one time with adults, expressing comfort in a break from his younger sister.
Cognitive: Adults provide developmentally appropriate materials and activities to encourage academic growth and Kindergarten readiness.
Trace knows the verbal alphabet song and several verbal numerals. He can write his full name, Mom, Dad, and Tylee (sister). Trace knows several colors and shapes. He is also familiar with concepts of print, and often enjoys being read aloud to.
Trace loves to sing and pretends to play guitar. He is able to repeat lines from movies or slogans from advertisements. Trace is also able to operate several electronic devices, specifically speed dial on telephones, TV, DVD player, and Nintendo Wii.
Physical: Adults regularly take Trace to the park and provide an abundant amount of outdoor play time.
Trace is able to:
· Walk
· Run
· Jump
· Summersault
· Hop on two feet
· Balance on one foot
· Jump into deep water and swim to the side of a pool
· Ride a horse
· Swing a cowboy rope
· Hit a ball pitched to him
· Catch a football
· Throw a baseball, football, and basketball
· Dribble a basketball
· Ride a bike with only two wheels
· Dress self, including snaps, buttons, and zippers
· Put socks and shoes on correct foot
· Brushes teeth
· Buckles self into car
Competencies: 3.1, 4.1, 6.1, 9.2.4, 9.2.5, 9.2.8, 9.3.7, 9.4.3.
Kindergarten Observation
Kindergarten Observation: Aedan (5 years)
My Kindergarten student observation was done in an after school program setting. Fifteen students were present in the classroom, ranging from Kindergarten to third grade, six of which were in Kindergarten. Prior to my visit, I received parental consent to specifically observe Aedan while at the center.
Social/Emotional and Language: Adults in the center encourage all students, including Aedan, to use their words to communicate with caretakers and peers. The main method for problem solving is referred to as Stop Talk and Solve, used to eliminate tattling. Kind behavior is always encouraged.
Aedan is typically reserved in communication when surrounded by unfamiliar adults. He will politely respond to initiated conversation, although responses are lacking detail and enthusiasm. Upon Kindergarten entry, Aedan struggled with communicating his personal needs to his teacher, as she was unfamiliar to him, making the transition into school somewhat unpleasant.
When surrounded by those adults familiar to him, Aedan is comfortable and quick to excitedly initiate conversations with vivid descriptions and body language. Aedan now regularly has a warm smile and hug for his teacher who has become much more familiar to him.
In the home, Aedan is very comfortable communicating anything and everything with his family. According to his parents, on occasion, Aedan has been known to throw a verbal fit in hopes of getting what he wants.
When communicating with peers, Aedan speaks softly and with compassion. Typically he clearly expresses his thoughts and ideas, but is willing to compromise with the thoughts and ideas of others. Aedan rarely verbally argues with peers.
Cognitive: Adults in the center encourage students to always do their best work and to try something at least once.
Aedan can verbally recite the letters of the alphabet and is able to print his first name. He can use scissors to cut and pastes neatly with a glue stick. When coloring, Aedan is able to stay inside the lines.
I believe that if I would have had more time in the center, allowing Aedan to become more familiar with me, I could have collected more information regarding this domain. I assume Aedan is able to verbally count, but I would like to identify to which numeral, and am interested in discovering which numerals he is able to write. I would also like to know if he is able to write the letters of the alphabet and if he knows the sounds each letter makes.
Physical: Of the 3 hours the center is operating, 30 minutes of large motor activity is provided daily.
Aedan is able to:
· Walk
· Run
· Skip
· Jump
· Hop on one foot
· Hop on two feet
· Balance on one foot
· Snap, button, and zip clothing
One fine motor task developmentally appropriate for Aedan to begin working on is shoe tying. Aedan also expressed to me that he would like to learn to ride a bike with only two wheels.
Competencies: 3.1, 4.1, 4.6, 9.2.4, 9.3.7.
First Grade Observation
First Grade Observation: Kadyn (6 years)
My first grade observation was done at an in-home setting over the course of 2 days. I was able to talk with the family and gather an extensive amount of information regarding Kadyn’s current development in each of the domains. The focus was mainly on what Kadyn is able to do, but I also had the opportunity to discuss a weakness of Kadyn’s and brainstorm methods to implement into the family’s daily routine to ensure success.
Language: Adults speak to Kadyn as he is an adult, using adult words and explaining the meanings when necessary.
Kadyn has a pretty extensive vocabulary for his age, and actually knows what the words mean. He is very verbal and is not worried to tell his thoughts. He has very clear communication peer to peer as well as with adults. Kadyn can understand some and speak a few Hmong words.
Kadyn struggles with following directions the first time they are given. Often several warnings are given and punishment is implemented. He also has difficulty sitting and focusing on a task or meal for long period of time.
The family and I brainstormed ways to help Kadyn improve his listening, attentiveness, and ability to sit focused on a task for a selected period of time. We discussed that boys Kadyn’s age are very active and often struggle with sitting still for long periods of time. At this point the family shared their decision to keep Kadyn in sports as an active and constructive way to release built up energy. The family, Kadyn, and I agreed that a behavior chart may be beneficial for Kadyn, in that he would be rewarded a sticker for each time he followed directions the first time they were given, and after accumulating 10 stickers he would be given a reward of his choice. This method matches the theories of the behaviorists, as researched and discussed in class.
Social: Adults encourage Kadyn to befriend everyone and to be kind and caring. They keep him in team activities to encourage working with others.
When it comes to interacting with other children, Kadyn prefers to do so with kids that are older than him. He relates socially more with older children than with kids his own age. He loves to be friends with most everyone, but more often than not is shy in initiating any sort of interaction. He is definitely a leader. He is good at giving directions and not so good at taking them.
Emotional: Adults maintain a loving home where Kadyn feels loved, safe, and secure.
Emotionally, Kadyn is very attached to the idea of "family." He wants to do everything together as a family, even down to having "family dessert." He is very attached to his grandma, and sometimes will have an emotional breakdown because he wants to go stay at her house. Kadyn likes to be independent but is always making sure that he has his Mom or Dad in sight somewhere. He gets upset if someone is disappointed in him. Kadyn is not attached to "things."
Cognitive: Adults read with Kadyn every night, play educational games with him, and try to push him beyond what is easy for him encouraging him really think.
Kadyn is rapidly improving in reading and is getting much better with writing. Math is his favorite subject in school and he enjoys challenging his family with equations he’s written. Kadyn loves solving science hypothesis and is very interested in fish. Art is an activity Kadyn chooses to do in his free time; he has an entire tool box full of supplies and is always creating masterpieces to give to others. Word searches, crossword puzzles, and color by number are an exciting challenge to him. Kadyn also enjoys cooking and baking. He loves listening to music, singing and dancing, and making instruments. Kadyn would love to be on TV, and enjoys modeling and having his picture taken. He is able to operate a variety of electronic devices: computer, TV, Satellite, DVD player, BOSE Home Theater, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, iPod, iPhone, digital camera, etc.
Physical: Adults take Kadyn to the park and the Bounce House, providing opportunities to be active on a daily basis. They also keep him involved in sports.
Physically Kadyn is very active. He can run, jump, hop on one foot, balance on one foot, jump rope, catch and throw, etc. He loves playing basketball, soccer, and hockey. Kadyn has some coordination because he is able to ice skate. He is very strong for his little body. Growth wise, he is in the 15th percentile for height and the 10th percentile for weight. Kadyn can tie shoes, zip zippers, and button buttons.
Competencies: 3.1, 4.1, 6.1, 9.1.1, 9.1.3, 9.1.5, 9.2.5, 9.2.8, 9.3.7, 9.4.3.
Nova Video Reflection
Nova Video Reflection
Honestly, I had a hard time finding this video beneficial. The content presented in the film was very relevant to the course, but the video itself was very outdated and dry. After 60+ minutes of conception and cell division discussion, I lost interest and began zoning out instead of taking notes. At the point of fetus growth and child birthing processes discussion, I was once again interested, but was not able to personally relate to the information. I understand and appreciate the importance of the information in the field of early childhood education and development, and plan to locate literature descriptive of such information and its relevance to my obligation as a resource to parents and families in the future.
Babies Video Reflection
Babies Reflection
I thought the movie, Babies, was very interesting, especially since there were no words spoken throughout the entire film. I noticed several things throughout the movie, specifically regarding how the following ideas are viewed differently across cultures:
· Views on sanitation and hygiene.
· Ways of showing love to babies.
· Entertainment.
· Clothing and furniture.
· Traditions/Ceremonies/Prayers.
· Education.
I specifically noticed that our culture and the culture of China focuses heavily on cleanliness, pampering and accommodating for babies, and academic education, while the other cultures represented in the film simply incorporate babies into their already existing everyday life.
The following occurred to the babies in all cultures represented in the film:
· Health Milestones.
· Small Motor manipulation.
· Gross Motor: walking, crawling, standing.
As the early childhood education teacher of these babies, I would continue to progress forward with similar developmentally and culturally appropriate activities for those students previously exposed to educational materials, and would introduce materials that are developmentally and culturally appropriate for those babies not previously exposed to educational materials. In all cases, family interaction and involvement would be a critical starting point.
I enjoyed watching this film and think it was very relevant to this course.
Competencies: 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6.
Preschool Activity to Support Development
Preschool Activity: What We Like
· magazines
· glue sticks
· 1 large sheet of butcher paper
· sharpie marker
· tape
Set up:
Place butcher paper on wall at child’s level with heading “What we like” have different categories on sheet (animals, food, toys, random etc).
Have materials out.
1. Introduce the activity and describe what students will be doing.
2. Have children tear pictures of what they like out of magazines.
3. After each tear, have children glue the picture to butcher paper in the correct category.
4. Ask questions that require in depth answers.
· Gross Motor- sitting to tear, standing to glue pictures onto butcher paper, and walking back to sit again.
· Fine Motor-manipulating fingers to turn pages, tear pictures, and use glue sticks.
Language: Asking and answering questing, participation in discussion about selected pictures.
Cognitive: Categorizing the pictures torn from magazines, and gluing those pictures into correct category.
Social: Positive interactions with peers, including talking, helping, and encouraging.
Emotional: Discovering and developing a sense of self. Finding pictures of things they like shows children that what they like may be different from those around them, and that it is okay to have differences!
Competencies: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9.
Preschool Activity Reflection
Preschool Activity Reflection
I think our group project presentation came together quite nicely. Members of the group readily agreed on the age selection of preschool, and creative activity ideas began to compile quickly. We took into consideration the domains necessary to teach to the whole child, and made a developmentally appropriate activity together, dividing the work load and material collection equally.
I think the greatest thing about our activity is that it can be modified to meet the educational needs of students at the time of its use. As discussed at the conclusion of our presentation, categories could be changed and long term class discussions and projects could be inspired by this activity, my favorite being a class book. This activity is a great way to build community, informally observe and assess students, and differentiate future instruction.
Competencies: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9.
Self Evaluation
When reflecting on my learning developed throughout the course I turn back to the response I wrote to the proposed question on the first day of class and ask myself, did I learn what I hoped to learn? Did I put forth the effort to meet the outcomes of the course? Did I attend and participate in class discussions? The answer to all the above questions is yes! I feel I put forth a great amount of effort and participation to make my learning the greatest it could be. When cold season hit, I admit that attention was harder to give, but found myself pushing forward to be successful. I feel I have met all course requirements in a timely manner, and have gathered the resources I need to help guide families in activities that are developmentally appropriate for children at each of the ages and stages with a positive attitude. The observations and reflections on observations were the most beneficial requirement of the course, as they provided opportunity for me to see the different ages and stages first hand and reflect on what I saw and what I will do when I am experiencing those ages and stages along with families and their children. This quarter is my final quarter at EWU, as I move into student teaching in first grade at Salnave Elementary on January 3, 2011 (assuming that will not be a snow day), and I thank you Chris for contributing to my success as a future early childhood educator!
Web widgets
Plain sticky notes
Final Grade
Thanks for being in class. Final Grade 4.0
Rich sticky notes
Definitions: Observation and Assessment
Definitions: Observation and Assessment
As discussed in class, observation is a type of assessment. To conduct a systematic observation, one must focus on being unobtrusive and objective while observing all verbal and nonverbal behaviors, suspending judgments and conclusions. Other assessment tools used in early childhood education include: checklists, anecdotal notes, learning stories, journals, photographs, work samples, etc.
Anything a child says or does can be assessed. Assessment in early childhood education is important because it: shows evidence of progress, identifies and addresses concerns and red flags, allows us to evaluate and make adjustments to the curriculum and environment, initiates parent conversation and conferencing, and provides necessary information for intervention processes.
In my first grade classroom placement, the master teacher uses the following formal inventory assessment tools, all of which include a rubric: DRA, Running Records, and district generated trimester tests generated by teachers and coaches. As a pre-service student teacher, I am not able to view the results of these assessments; therefore, I am unsure of their accuracy and accountability in regards to this specific group of students. The master teacher and I continually conduct, reflect, and discuss observations made throughout students’ daily learning process.
Competencies: 3.1, 3.2, 3.4.
Assessment Tool Research Reflection: The Creative Curriculum
Assessment Tool Research Reflection: The Creative Curriculum
As a pre-service student teacher I am not able to view the results generated from the formal inventory assessment tools used in my current first grade classroom placement, so I decided to research The Creative Curriculum as possible assessment tool to be used in my future as an early childhood educator.
One assessment tool I found and like is The Creative Curriculum. The Creative Curriculum is an observation based assessment tool that is used for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Observational checklists cover the four developmental domains discussed throughout this course: social-emotional, physical, cognitive, and language. Daily observations record students’ progress and provide early childhood educators opportunity to adjust individualized curriculum. Families too are encouraged to perform observations and are included in their child’s education.
In addition to recording observations, The Creative Curriculum also compiles student portfolios including: work samples, photographs, audio and/or video recordings, and observer documentation.
I think this assessment tool does a great job viewing the whole child and recording where the child is developmentally, in all four domains. It also helps early childhood educators and families decide where to take the child next on their educational journey. Most importantly, I think the provided observational checklists make this assessment tool quick and easy for early childhood educators to use.
Competencies: 3.1, 3.3, 3.6. IEP Instructional Objectives Blank Document Sample
IEP Instructional Objectives
Date: ________ to ________
IEP Implementer: _______________
Student: ____________________
Student Rating Scale:
S-Satisfactory Progress
M-Minimal Progress
U-Unsatisfactory Progress
U1-Lack of Motivation
U2-Frequent Absence
U3-Inappropriate Behavior
U4-Goal Inappropriate at this time
Short Term Objective
Methods & Materials
Criteria of Successful Performance
Evaluation Schedule
Date & Results
IEP Instructional Objectives Completed Document Sample
IEP Instructional Objectives
Date: September to December
IEP Implementer: Sample Teacher A
Student: Sample Student A
Student Rating Scale:
S-Satisfactory Progress
M-Minimal Progress
U-Unsatisfactory Progress Due to: _____________________
U1-Lack of Motivation
U2-Frequent Absence
U3-Inappropriate Behavior
U4-Goal Inappropriate at this time
Short Term Objective: Cool Down Methods
Methods & Materials: 10 Chart, With Prompt, Without Prompt
Criteria of Successful Performance: 2/5, 3/5, 4/5
Evaluation Schedule: 3x Week
Date & Results: After 120 Days, Student will be able to independently use cool down methods 4/5 times of becoming escalated.
IEP and IFSP Reflection
IEP and IFSP Reflection
An IEP is and Individual Education Plan. This plan is designed to meet the unique educational needs of one child, who may be disabled. In all cases the IEP must be tailored to the individual student's needs as identified by the IEP evaluation process, and must help teachers and related service providers understand the student's disability and how the disability affects the learning process. The IEP should describe how the student learns, how the student best demonstrates that learning and what teachers and service providers will do to help the student learn more effectively.
An IFSP is an Individualized Family Service Plan. This plan documents and guides the early intervention process for children with disabilities and their families. According to IDEA, the IFSP shall be in writing and contain statements of:
· The child's present levels of physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social or emotional development, and adaptive development.
· The family's resources, priorities, and concerns relating to enhancing the development of the child with a disability.
· The major outcomes to be achieved for the child and the family; the criteria, procedures, and timelines used to determine progress; and whether modifications or revisions of the outcomes or services are necessary.
· Specific early intervention services necessary to meet the unique needs of the child and the family, including the frequency, intensity, and the method of delivery.
· The natural environments in which services will be provided, including justification of the extent, if any, to which the services will not be provided in a natural environment.
· The projected dates for initiation of services and their anticipated duration.
· The name of the service provider who will be responsible for implementing the plan and coordinating with other agencies and persons.
· Steps to support the child's transition to preschool or other appropriate services.
In class, groups were given the opportunity to practice writing an IEP or an IFSP for a sample student. The group I worked with chose to write an IEP, which I have attached to my ProtoPage. This was a great experience, and I especially enjoyed listening to what other groups wrote because as to be expected each sample student IEP or IFSP was written differently. This activity really helped me realize the great amount of time that is put into writing and reviewing IEPs and IFSPs. I think the most important thing to remember when participating on an IEP or IFSP team is that the family knows the child best and their input should be included in the document creation and revision, keeping in mind that the child’s best interests are the focus for all team members. It is now clear to me that an IEP would be created for school aged children with a disability, and an ISFP would be created for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with a disability.
Competencies: 3.7.
1 Child Observation
1 Child Observation
I observed a kindergarten boy during snack time. All students were asked to wash their hands, take out their snacks, and quietly sit in their seats to eat. Students were allowed to color or read a book in their seat when they finished eating.
These directions were repeated several times to the specific boy I was observing. Never did he respond verbally or nonverbally. It appeared that the student was unable to hear or understand the directions given.
The student walked to the location where blank paper is stored in the classroom several times, and each time the directions were again repeated to him. After his fourth attempt at a blank piece of paper, the teacher said, “Donovan what should you say?” At this point the student responded for the first time during my observation by making eye contact with the teacher and saying, “Can I have paper?” The teacher allowed him to take a blank piece of paper and return to his seat.
Moments later, the student was behind the teacher’s desk, standing behind a music stand. He used a pencil to tap on the stand and then began waving the pencil in the air in circular motions. The student also cleared his throat and began to hum sounds. I walked over to the student and looked at the blank paper he had placed on the music stand, and to my astonishment, he had written music notes and symbols on the paper. I asked him if he was pretending to be a music conductor and he said yes.
I concluded that this student had heard the directions clearly all along, but was not interested in participating in the activities he was offered and was somewhat bored. Although the student appeared to be at a low functioning level, due to lack of communication, responses, and obedience, he indeed is functioning at a much higher level. After concluding my observation I was able to speak with the classroom teacher; I mentioned what I saw and she took the moment to tell me that the student is on the Autism spectrum.
This was an amazing opportunity for me to see first-hand the great intelligence hidden behind children on the Autism spectrum that aren’t given the opportunity to function educationally in a comfortable and engaging environment. This was also an opportunity for me to see the expectations of a classroom teacher, responsible for all students in the classroom, regardless of their abilities and often without the help of an aide.
Small Group Observation
Small Group Observation
I conducted my small group observation during recess; the group consisted of 3 first grade boys. Rules for recess snow are: boots, snow pants, coat, hat, and gloves must be worn on the grass field and bark playground; boots, coat, hat, and gloves must be worn on the asphalt blacktop; no play on the snow piles from the snow plow or on the grass hill; no snowball throwing; no eating the snow; stay off the ice.
A new student who was not aware of these rules was leading the pair of boys, encouraging sliding down the hill wearing only coat, gloves, and boots. The pair of boys, familiar with the rules, did not object to the activity, but were quick to recite the rules once approached by the recess teacher. The recess teacher asked the boys to sit for five minutes and discuss with her the recess snow rules and their importance for student safety. As expected, the new student explained that he was not aware of the rules, and therefore felt he should not be punished. The recess teacher agreed to give a friendly reminding warning to the group and allowed all three boys, with soaked pants at this point, to return to play. The pair of boys then continued to be lead by the new student, this time to a new and appropriate activity.
This observation was very interesting to me. Typically, a new student struggles with finding a group of friends, and often times will tend to follow the lead of others. In this case, the new student had a very strong and assertive personality, and led the pair of boys with much confidence. I was also surprised to observe that the pair of boys familiar with the rules did not speak up and take the lead in explaining them to the new student. Being an accepting and helpful school member to all, including new students, is encouraged throughout the building. Although the pair of boys was not helping the new student learn and follow the rules, I was happy to observe that they were most diffidently being accepting.
Large Group Observation
Large Group Observation
I observed a large group of six first grade students during afternoon free choice centers. The group was playing with both Lego’s and wood blocks. The leader of the group, who happened to be the oldest of the children participating, was directing the others in the creation of a large castle. She was using a polite and soft voice to repeat the phrases, “Remember that we need to...,” and “Let’s do….” Four of the students were sitting off to the side, quietly building the piece of the castle they were directed to build. One student was working directly beside the leader, often causing the leader to use the word, “No.” By the end of the free choice center time, all the students had compiled their built pieces together to create the final castle, which was rather large. All students then worked together to clean up the Lego’s and blocks in a timely manner.
This observation did not surprise me. Typically when any group works together, one person leads and the others follow. This proved to be a successful method in building the large castle during free choice centers. I was happy to see that all the students knew they were expected to participate in the clean up at the end of the free choice center time; this is an example of functional classroom management.
I am interested to observe a group of students at the Lego’s center during free choice centers in a situation where none of the students work together to compile one creation. I wonder if students argue over specific parts and pieces, and whether or not the use the pieces they created to then play imaginatively together.
Hour Log
Date | Hours |
August 31, 2010 | 4 |
September 1, 2010 | 2 |
September 8, 2010 | 3 |
September 16, 2010 | 4 |
September 21, 2010 | 3 |
September 28, 2010 | 4 |
October 5, 2010 | 3 |
October 12, 2010 | 3 |
October 19, 2010 | 3 |
October 29, 2010 | 4 |
November 2, 2010 | 3 |
November 5, 2010 | 4 |
November 9, 2010 | 3 |
November 16, 2010 | 3 |
November 22, 2010 | 1.5 |
November 29, 2010 | 3 |
| |
Total Hours | 50.5 |
Amber Kaylee Crow
Hour Log: First Grade, Salnave Elementary
IceCream Lesson Plan
Subject: | Life Skills |
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Grade: | Kindergarten |
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Time: | 1 class period. 45 Min. per class. |
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Learning Outcomes: | Students will be able to preform scooping procedure using an ice cream scoop and large container rainbow sherbet. |
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Rationale: | This lesson is essential for activating schema. |
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Procedure: | Before: Set procedures expectations (write on white board) Read aloud: "Ice Cream," by Elisha Cooper Student lead: review of procedure expectations During: Teacher will: breaking class into groups of three Teacher will: assign a group leader (napkins, bowels, spoons management) Students will: preform scooping procedure in making ice cream cones After: Students will: Sit in circle and eat ice cream cones. |
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Differentiated Instruction: | We will make all appropriate accommodations according to students IEP's, as well as circulate around the groups to utilize teachable moments, and answer any questions. |
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Management Plan: | Students will follow procedures already in place for whole and small group instruction. |
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Resources: | - Materials and resources:
Ice Cream Scoop Napkins Cones Check List "Ice Cream" Picture Book |
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References: | Kaylee Crow, Chandra Halstead, Vanessa Hunsaker |
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Assessment: | An observational checklist will be used during this exercise. |
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Standards Reflection: | This lesson is used to practice activation schema, but what we are are assessing fine and gross motor skills. |
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EALRs: | .gif) | .gif) | .gif) | .gif) | .gif) | .gif) | .gif) | .gif) | .gif) | .gif) | WA- Washington State Grade Level Expectations | .gif) | • Subject : Reading
| .gif) | • EALR : EALR 2: The student understands the meaning of what is read.
| .gif) | • Component : Component 2.1: Demonstrate evidence of reading comprehension.
| .gif) | • Grade : K
| .gif) | • GLE : 2.1.4 Understand how to use prior knowledge.
| .gif) | Evidence : Make connections or identify similarities between self and text, from a variety of cultures and communities, after read alouds and/or shared reading.
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IceCream Lesson Plan Observational Checklist
Ice Cream
Key: Y = met N = not met
Student Name | Listened/Followed Directions | Effective classmate | Complete Work | Participated in class discussion | Comments |
1. | | | | | |
2. | | | | | |
3. | | | | | |
4. | | | | | |
5. | | | | | |
6. | | | | | |
7. | | | | | |
8. | | |