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Roman Architecture



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Architect Site by

Aiden, Alyssa Hana, and Selam as architects

Roman question

Why do architects of today study Ancient Roman Architecture?

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Ancient Roman Aritecture

Berfore the romans started architecture there was mainly post and lintel to build houses.


Ancient Roman Temple

This is one of the Ancient Temples ceiling.

Bath house

This is a picture of an ancient roman bath house.Some of these Bath Houses still exist in some places in Europe.

This picture shows the similarities between ancient roman architecture and todays architecture

ancient church

This is a picture of an ancient church

Roman Government



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Thesis Statement

How does Ancient Roman Government influence today's Government?

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Cristina,Khoa,and Chad

Roman Laws

The roman government has a lot of laws. some of the laws are:

Who Ruled Ancient Rome

At first rome was ruled by very cruel kings. Tarquin the proud was a king that was overthrown, then years later,rome became a republic for the next 400 years. The republic was ruled by cenators, not every one was allowed to vote, like women, slaves, and poor people. The people that were not slaves are citizens.

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Modern Government
Ancient Roman Government


Ancient roman government

This is the roman government from back then.

This is how the roman government was organized

Modern Government

This is the government building that we have today.

Roman Sports



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Did You Know ..............

The last known gladiator fight in Rome was near January 1, 404!

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Project Partners

Joe and Eric



Answer To Thesis

Sporting events caused the Ancient Romans to build some of the most important buildings that you can still see today. They built the Colosseuem and it was finished in 80 A.D. It's first name was the Flavian Amphitheatre. This giant stadium could seat 45,000 people! This giant stadium made ideas for some of the stadiums that have been built today like football, baseball, and basketball stadiums. Circus Maximus was also a huge stadium. Circus Maximus was a public entertainment center that was used for mostly for chariot racing.  Chariot racing was the most important event at Circus Maximus.  Circus could seat more than an estimated of 250,000 spectators. 

Did You Know..............................

Gladiators sometimes took steriod like herbs and seeds that made them stronger.

Roman Sports

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Chariot racing is like today's horse races, just we ride on the horse.

Gladiator Fight

Gladiator fights are similar to today's wrestling , except wrestlers do not use weapons.

Harness Racing

Harness racing is very similar to chariot racing, except harness racing only has one horse.

Modern-day wrestling

These are modern day pro wrestlers. Wrestlers are like modern-day gladiators without weapons or shields.

The Colliseum

The Colliseum is one of the most well known stadiums from Ancient Rome and still standing today.

A Modern-Day Stadium

This is the Denver Broncos stadium which is very similar to the Roman Colliseum and how it is built.

The Military



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Sean, David, and Evan

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How are Ancient Roman military strategies used in modern warfare?

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Roman war tactics
have been used  by armies for years. 



This sword was used by Roman military and this is how they strapped it on.


Weapons of War



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How catupalts were used.

The Romans used catapults to destroy enemy buildings faster and a sometimes fling over walls that's just a myth.

Notes on romans weapons.

Romans used weapons that destroyed other lands and helped them take over other lands and rule most of Italy.

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Project Partners

By: Triston, Blake, Caleb, and Seth

Color key

Brown boxes mean Roman weaponsBlue are modern weapons.


How did the Ancient Roman's weapons influence today's weapons?

Weapon similarity

Ther Roman weapons of yesterday have influenced modern weapons of today.


scutum sheild

These were called scutums and they were used in battle. They were made of steamed boards bent into a curved shape.

SWAT team shield

This shield is used by the S.W.A.T team. It protects them from gun shots.

Nordisk Spear

This spear was used when they were defending themselves. If they are surrounded they can use both ends of the spear.

Modern Javelin

This javelin is used in sports.


These were thrown at each other during wars. They were usually thrown over the front ranks into the enemy's territory.

Roman Mangonel

This is a replica of a Roman mangonel that can throw rocks farther than catupults.


This is a replica of a Roman catapult. These through humans, rocks, and fireballs.

Modern reanimation of roman war

These men are reanacting a Roman War. They are using fake swords and knives.




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Project Team

Christina, Lauren, Jessica, and Hannah


   How are Ancient Roman Classes of society represented in their dress?  How do we still use it today?


They were ranked on the social rank of the father. They would always be in the month of May or February. The bride was dressed ina long white robe with a veil and bright yellow shoes. The groom would hold a feast and then the wife would perform a certain religious rite.

Roman Clothing

Men wore two garments, a tunica and a toga. The tunica was a short sleeve, woolen undergarment. The toga was a puplic display garment and can be worn inside the comfort of their homes. Togas were made from white wool or expensive linen.  Also a belt would be worn around the tunica to keep the garment snug. Only actual citizens were aloud to wear it. Women wore a tunica ,too. It was formed into a sleeveless dress. Belts were tied over or under folds. A more common tunic was a little like a greek chiton. It was sleeved and made from two peices of cloth. They also came in different colors depending on their social status and wealth.

Roman Coins

Gold, silver, and broze coins were the currency that the ancient romans used.  A silver coin, denarius, was worth 16 bronze coins. Gold was called aureus and worth 25 silver coins.


Roman House

This is ruins of a house that has been broken down from many years.


Ancient Roman Wedding.


Roman money is where the coins from modern day came from.

Roman Social Classes

These are the classes of ancient Rome.The classes are Senators, Equestrians, Common, and Slaves.


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This is where I will put some information IN MY OWN WORDS about my topic.

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Branches of Government

ROMAN GOVERNMENT    was interesting for the following reasons:

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Capital BUilding in D.C.

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The word "orchis" was first used by Theophrastos, in his book "De historia plantarum". He was a student of Aristotle and is considered the father of botany and ecology.



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Getting Started

Try these links to get started learning about Ancient Rome. Feel free to find your own, too!

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Question should begin with HOW or WHY and be one that you don't know the answer.
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Reflection on your learning that ties back to your thesis question
Make a connection to the topic you studied to today's world



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