List of public pages created with Protopage



I am not a number . . .



Rich sticky notes

Rich text note

Unit 21 Website Production and Management

Introduction to Unit 21

This unit considers the whole process from identification of a client's need for a website and designing to meet those needs to creating the web pages, navigation structure and a range of other features, making sure the site works and reviewing it. A comprehensive understanding of how to interpret requirements and use your skills effectively to meet publishing deadlines and relevant legislation and guidelines for best practice is also covered.

Unit resources

You will find plenty of resources for this unit at this link.

Unit 21 Resources at The Studyzone

Something to do while your waiting - the easy quiz



Sample for Adam



My quick links

Rich sticky notes


Sticky notes

variations on the theme

So far, I'm finding this one of the easiest to work with. Lacks lots of the content of netvibes or pageflakes but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's certainly easier to add text panels like this and make them look how you'd like them to look.

July 2006

Web widgets

Web page


indian bean tree blossom

not what you'd expect to find in Dunstable!

AHI Machin

Rich sticky notes


The AHI Machin Definitive Catalogue is coming soon. The last edit was way back in 2000 so it's about time. Lots of new entries and the whole sites getting tidied up too.

Web widgets

Web page


33p slate

now worth about £40!



My news feed 1

My news feed 2

My news feed 3

My news feed 4

My news feed 5

My news feed 6

Protopage News

Rich sticky notes

Virtual page tips

Hover over the virtual page controller  in the bottom right of your screen, and click the lock icons to make each page public or private (You must be logged in to do this).

Then share your public pages with friends!

(Pages will be automatically removed if you delete all of the panels on them).

Protopage Tips

Use sticky notes like this for to-do lists and reminders

Change any panel by clicking the top right edit button

Try clicking the maximize button (next to the edit button) to see your news in full screen mode

If you run out of space, click add page in the bottom right corner, where you can also make individual pages private or public for sharing with friends

Business e-tools


Business Information Systems

BBC News - Business

UK Times - Business


Bookmarks panel

Rich sticky notes


This is the Business E-tools site, developed by staff at Dunstable College. Here staff and students can quickly access course information and links to useful resources. It is really easy to create and edit - the people doing this had pretty basic ICT skills and certainly zero web design skills!

On the College Library Business page you'll find a link to how they did all this for free!
Andrew Hill


For notes on Office applications:

The Studyzone




Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

Can this be used for an e-portfolio? Need tags.




In The Village

Rich sticky notes

Rich text note