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Book Review

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Plot Analysis

Ginny Blackstone is a seventeen-year-old girl who is about to take on her last year of highschool. She is given 13 blue envelopes that are from her recently deceased Aunt Peg.Ginny's aunt leaves her with four rules to follow: you may only bring what fits into your backpack, you can't bring any kind of journal or foreign language aid, you can't bring extra money of any kind, and you can not use or bring anything electronic with you. The tasks the envelopes contain lead her all over the world to many places she wouldn't even be able to imagine herself in. Ginny travels to places like London, Scotland, Paris, Greece, and Denmark. She meets many people who impact her life in different ways. She meets four students, and together they form the "Blue Envelope Group." Their group helps her with the envelope to Greece. The twelth envelop ends up telling her she can open the third envelop whenever she is ready, but the news might be a little to late. Ginny's backpack becomes stolen causing her to not have the thirteenth envelopes anymore. Ginny's Aunt Peg's paintings are soled at an auction. She finishes their story by giving hal of her inheriance to Richard.

Writing Style

Maureen Johnson's book, 13 Little Blue Envelopes, is a third-person narrative.

Likes & Dislikes

Some of the many ideas I liked about this book included: the mystery of her dead aunt and the places Ginny was going, journey she took, being excited about opening a new envelope, and the little bits of comedy placed in the book. This book was very appealing to me, and I am very glad to say I have read it. Eventhough I loved the book and the story line, I had a few dislikes her and there. Some of these dislikes included things like Ginny was a bit to dull sometimes, and some things were way to unrealisitc. The book was overall really good, and when I really think about it, there was only a few ideas that could possibly need to be changed to make the book amazing.

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Exposition: Conflict: The conflict in this novel is the letters that lead Ginny on a journey throughout many places. She goes through many obstacles each and evry day on her journey. Rising Action: Climax: The climax of this story is when Ginny loses her backpack with the last few letters in it. Ginny walks away from her backpack for less than an hour, and by the time she gets back her bookbag is no where in site. Falling Action: Resolution: The resolution is when Ginny realizes Richard is her uncle, and starts to apprehend what exactly her Aunt Peg wanted her to.

Characterize the Hero


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7. Describe at least one specific action you will take to overcome your most significant learning obstacle. One specific action I will take is to complete all of my homework each ngiht. Finishing each bit of my homewok will cause me to do better in class and on tests. I am going to remind myself every night to finish my homework and to not procrastinate. Completing my homework will help cause a "domino effect" on my grades, meaning that when i do my homework my in-class grades and test/projects grades will becom greater.

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3. Identify one or more specific concepts in this unit you found confusing. The concept I found most confusing from this unit was the Hero's Journey Circle. Some parts of it I can understand, but other parts I get completley lost on.

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5. Identify atleast one concept or skill you will devote more study and practice to. The concept I will devote a lot more of my time to is annotating. I have always had a tough time with annotating, and sometimes I feel like I can't even do it so there is no reason to try. I know that if i truly put forth some effort and try to annotate I will be able to finish it. Once I start to devote my time to annotating, I will begin to be able to complete the task faster and understand it more.

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8. If the last action you took to overcome a learning obstacle was not successful, explain why.

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6. How well were you able to budget your time during this project? Identify atleast one thing you can do(starting today) to better manage your time. I was able to budget my time very well for this project, but I still procrastinated to much. If I wouldn't have kept putting it off, I would have been able to do a much better job on this project. One thing I can do to really help me manage my time better is to plan out how much of the project I will complete each day. I can set out a daily plan for my project and have a date set that it should be finished by. This will keep me on track, and if I get behind a day or two I will know exactly what to catch up on.

Works Cited

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