List of public pages created with Protopage

Restricted Categories


RSC - Green Chemistry : latest articles


Rich sticky notes

Access to Restricted Categories


Aside from the 'Public Category' Tabs on this page, there are a number of (customized) 'Private' or 'Restricted Category'  Tabs available, with their associated information sources.


Access to these 'Restricted Categories' requires a dedicated password.

A few of the available "Restricted Access Tabs" or illustrated on this page; many more are available to our professional or individual partners.

They include e.g.:


This password may either allow you just to view Category Tabs (and their content), or to modify and customize them entirely.


To obtain passwords: register at ..... or contact our .... secretariat at ......


To obtain access: use the 'log-in' facility at the bottom of this page.







Web widgets

Web page : Illustration of



BBC Podcasts : Entertainment


Bookmarks panel

Plain sticky notes

Welcome to Protopage

This is YOUR page - you can keep it private, or share parts of it with friends or colleagues. You can arrange and change everything on this page - try clicking this text and typing...

Rich sticky notes

Rich text note - test









Savage Chickens




Wizard of Id

Moderately Confused



this WEEK in TECH - MP3 Edition

CNN News Update

Inside the Net

Diggnation (Mp3)

BBC Podcasts : Music feed 1

BBC Podcasts : Music feed 2

BBC Podcasts : Music feed 3

Reel Reviews Radio

Web widgets

Web page

Video Podcasts


MTV News (Video): Daily Headlines

commandN (iPod format)

the show with zefrank

Rocketboom RSS 2.0 Main Index

MobuzzTV - Daily Buzz (QT 16:9) Technology, Business, Media, and News Podcasts

Ask A Ninja - iPod


Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

Try our new multi level todo lists - you can even drag items between different lists! (drag todo items by their check boxes).

Todo lists

Todo list

Todo item
Todo item

Todo list

Todo item
Todo item
Another item

More Widgets

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Sticky note

There are 270 user contributed widgets for you to choose from - click the 'Add widgets' button on the toolbar to discover them.

Web widgets

Web page


Photo upload

The word "orchis" was first used by Theophrastos, in his book "De historia plantarum". He was a student of Aristotle and is considered the father of botany and ecology.


Help & Sharing


Protopage News Blog

Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

You can click the 'Category' tab to reveal more categories. Use categories to organize your tabs. You can drag and drop widgets between tabs. You can also click the button on the right side of the category tab to reveal options that will let you color code and share your tabs with other people. Just start clicking and exploring!

Sticky note

We'll post helpful tips and regular news of our latest features on our blog...

This tab is shared

Plain sticky notes

Sharing your tabs

Once you have registered your Protopage, you will be able to share your tabs either publicly or with specific people. You can assign passwords so that only certain people can view or modify different parts of your Protopage.