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Rich sticky notes

Assignments for This Week


5th Grade-This is a brief summary of what we will be doing this week!

*Monday- Poetry



*Thursday-No switching-6th grade gone to Chaffin

Friday-No switching -5th grade gone to Little Rock


6th Grade-This is a brief summary of what we will be doing this week!

Monday -Poetry

Tuesday- Poetry


Thursday-Poetry-6th grade to Chaffin

Friday- Poetry

Writing Websites

Grammar Rules-



Grammar Games





5th Grade SLE's

5th Grade-

W7.5.5-I will create strong beginnings and endings.

W5.5.1-I will write to entertain/explain.

W4.5.1-I will generate ideas by brainstorming.

W4.5.10-I will revise my writing using various tools.

W4.5.14-I will publish my writing.

W5.5.7-I will write with a prompt for a sustained period of time.

W.5.5.2-I will select a form of writing for a specific audience.

W6.5.6-I will define and identify parts of speech.

W4.5.3-I will show awareness of audience when writing letters.

W4.5.8-I will revise for content.

W.4.5.14- will share my writing based on purpose.

W5.5.5/IR12.5.1/IR12.5.4-I will write research reports using a variety of sources/summarizing and paraphrasing

Quote of the Week

The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any.
- Fred Astaire

6th Grade SLE's

6th Grade-

W7.6.6-I will create a strong beginning and ending.

W5.6.1-I will write to entertain/explain.

W4.6.1-I will generate ideas by brainstorming.

W4.6.10-I will revise my writing using various tools/methods.

W.4.6.14-I will publish my writing.

.W5.6.7-I will write with a prompt for a sustained period of time.

W.5.6.2-I will select a from of writing for a specific audience.

W.6.6.6-I will define and identify parts of speech.

W.4.6.3-I will show awareness of audience when writing letters.

W.4.6.8-I will revise for content.

W4.6.14-I will share my writing based on purpose and audience.

W5.6.5/IR12.6.8-I will write research reports using a variety of sources/summarizing and paraphrasing


Social Studies

Rich sticky notes

Social Studies Websites

Weekly Assignments

Assignments for this week:

wrap up Ch. 7

Ch. 7 review and Test

Weekly Reader
