All homework assignments will be posted on Fridays and due on the following Friday at the beginning of the period I have you. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! If you do not have it by Friday, you will get a zero on the homework AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE THE QUIZ!!!
If you are absent the day the homework is given it is your responsibility to get it from me.
As per the syllabus, here is where the lyrics will be located for the extra credit. Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to make up a song of your own at the end of each marking period dealing with a topic that we have covered. All songs worthy will be displayed on my website!!
Extra Credit - Samantha Pedneault
Extra Credit - Christina Karahisarlidis
Extra Credit - Christina Karahisarlidis (2)
Extra Credit - Brian Keenan, Sean O'Connor, Thomas Wittemann
v Stay to the right!...Whether walking in the halls, driving your car, or making a decision, always remember to stay to the RIGHT.
v Be polite!...Words like please, thank you, and excuse me and practicing good listening techniques and patience are all good habits to develop.
v Keep it clean!...The building and cafeteria were clean when you got here, please pick up after yourselves.
v Lock it don’t lose it!...If it is valuable or irreplaceable, please do not bring it to school. If you must bring it to school, please bring it to the Main Office or your grade level office for us to hold.
v Watch your website…We urge you to clean up your websites (i.e., away messages, my space accounts, blogs, etc.) Problems that begin in cyberspace but disrupt our learning environment will be punishable by appropriate detention and/or suspension. These will become part of your permanent discipline record.
v Dress for success!...School is where you work, learning is your job, and it should be your passion. Any clothing that is too revealing or distasteful in any way is not acceptable. Please remember it is not the beach of a party. School is where you go to work.
v Nothing but nice!...Criticisms and comments do not have to be nasty. If your comments or criticisms are not constructive, please keep them to yourself until you have figured out a way to say them in a positive way.
v Enhance your transcript every day!...Your transcript is a reflection of your ability and work ethic. Please work hard to make it look as attractive as possible. Please ask us about the Advanced Regents Diploma and the Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors. It will make a difference if you earn one!
v Attendance counts...Colleges, the military, and prospective employers will ask for your attendance record and we will show them. Attendance is a reflection of your work ethic!
v Hug your parents!...Be sure to speak to the adults in your life who are there to support you; whether it is a parent, grandparent, teacher, friend or neighbor.
1. Be proactive
§ Take the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.
2. Begin with the end in mind
§ Start with a clear destination to understand where you are now, where you are going, and what you value most.
3. Put first things first
§ Manage yourself. Organize and execute around priorities.
4. Think win/win
§ See life as a cooperative, not a comprehensive arena, where success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of others.
5. Seek first to understand
§ Seek to understand, then to be understood. This builds the skills of empathic listening that inspires openness and trust.
6. Synergize
§ Apply the principles of cooperative creativity and value differences.
7. ”Sharpen the saw”
§ Preserve and enhance your greatest asset, YOURSELF, by renewing the physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional dimensions of your nature.