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Hilton School Mission Statement
Hilton C.A.R.E.S. Collaborate. Achieve. Respect. Evolve. Succeed.
Four Critical Questions
1. What do students need to know and be able to do? 2. How will we know when they have learned it? 3. What do we do when they haven't learned it? 4. What will we do when they already know it?
Differentiation Booklist
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Goal 1
Goal 1: Hilton School will increase student reading and writing achievement through the use of differentiation strategies as evidenced by the following objectives: Measurable Objectives: A. After creating a book list based on the most recent differentiation strategies in education, each teacher will read at least one nonfiction book on differentiation and participate in a book group in the 2011-12 school year. B. In at least one lesson per week, each teacher will incorporate strategies to respond to short answer and extended response questions across the curriculum using varied writing methods based on grade level indicators. Strategies: 1. Create a book list based on latest strategies of differentiation. 2. Create survey and have staff vote to narrow to 6-7 books. 3. Assign yourself to a book group after books are announced. 4. Order books and distribute during summer months. 5. At bi-monthly meetings, discuss strategy you focused on and how you implemented it. 6. Incorporate writing portfolios of student work with a minimum of 2 entries per month.(e-portfolios; hard copies; or combination). 7. Share strategies currently used for writing. 8. Spend time talking with specialists to share expectations for what extended response questions/answers would be. 9. Review and analyze DIBELS data in PLCs for ALL students. 10. Review and analyze DRA data for "at-risk" students. PLCs.
How Are We Doing? Dec. 2011
In a December Survey where the staff was asked to recount the Differentiation Strategies that they had used from Aug. through Dec. 8th: The 5 most popular differentiation strategies were: 5. Asking multiple levels of questions. 4. Flexible grouping 3. Use of a variety of media 2. Use of technology 1. Individual support from the teacher
How Are We Doing? March 2012
In a February Survey where the staff was asked to recount the Differentiation Strategies that they had used from Dec. 8th through Feb. 28th: The 5 most popular differentiation strategies were: 5. Small groups for enrichment 4. Use of a variety of media 3. Flexible grouping 2. Asking multiple levels of questions 1. Use of technology 94% of staff members said they have used a new differentiation strategy each month.
Community Involvement
Community Involvement Resources
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Goal 2
Goal 2: Hilton School will increase community involvement as evidenced by the following objectives: Measurable Objectives: A. Hilton School will engage at least 50 hours from community helpers per month to enhance instruction. B. Each PLC will schedule at least one community outreach program which supports content standards per semester. Strategies: 1. Senior citizens to read/ review skills/ participate with small groups of students. 2. Involve/invite high school students to join K-3 students for collaborative learning experiences. -Science DZ -Math Buddies -Reading Buddies -Writing/ Pen Pals 3. Contact, schedule, and plan for Junior Achievement to enhance economics standards. 4. Schedule Brecksville MetroParks to enhance science standards at every grade level.
How Are We Doing? Dec. 2011
In a December Survey where the staff was asked to recount the Differentiation Strategies that they had used from Aug. through Dec. 8th: Teachers informally logged 161.5 hours using community volunteers at school.
How Are We Doing? March 2012
In a February Survey where the staff was asked to recount the Differentiation Strategies that they had used from Dec. 8th through Feb. 28th: Teacher informally logged 216 hours using community volunteers at school.
Technology Integration
Google for Education
More on Technology Integration
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Goal 3
Goal 3: Hilton School will integrate more technology tools to improve student learning as evidenced by the following objectives: Measurable Objectives: A. Hilton School teachers will dedicate two monthly meetings to the following: introduction of a new technology strategy that can be integrated into lessons; and a follow-up Q & A and sharing session about the utilization of this strategy. B. Hilton School teachers will implement at least one new technology strategy per month. Strategies: 1. Decrease the use of paper by increasing the use of online tools and internet options. 2. Explore the use of technology tools (hardware + software) that Hilton already has (ELMO, Flip Cams, more on SMART boards, SMART Responders, KidPix, Kidspiration, Kids College, BoardMaker). 3. Review, discuss, and use the tools available in the Google Suite for Educators- Docs, Calendar, Email, Sites, etc. 4. Share further web sites for literacy such as Wordle, Glogster, VoiceThread, etc., and maintain a school wide social bookmarking site to share these sites. 5. Share web site that updates links and tutorials to CIP goals- 6. Share and review options for student e-portfolios and student blogging web sites. 7. Implement one new "tool" per month and share in bi-monthly meetings.
How Are We Doing? Dec. 2011
In a December Survey where the staff was asked to recount the Differentiation Strategies that they had used from Aug. through Dec. 8th: After several new tools were introduced to the staff, the 5 most popular tech. tools during this time were: 5. Pinterest web site, Ohio Treasure Chest web site, and the Virtual Math Manipulatives web site 4. Photo Story 3 3. Hilton CIP/PLC Page 2. Google Calendar 1. Google Docs
How Are We Doing? March 2012
In a February Survey where the staff was asked to recount the Differentiation Strategies that they had used from Dec. 8th through Feb. 28th: After several new tools were introduced to the staff, the 5 most popular tech. tools during this time were: 5. Google Docs, Google Calendar, iTunes 4. MS Word 3. Hilton CIP/PLC Page 2. iPads 1. SMART Notebook & SMART board