List of public pages created with Protopage

Free Choice Activities


Pixel Art



Sub Plans


Digital Breakout

Technology Standards - ISTE

Plain sticky notes

MIssion Statement

In a nurturing environment and through the cooperative effort of families, teachers, and parish community, all children at Holy Rosary Catholic School will develop a sound foundation of Catholic faith along with an excellent base of knowledge that prepares them to be lifelong learners.


Welcome to the Holy Rosary School Technology Page. You will find resources for every subject under your grade tab. Feel free to use this website to grow in your learning. Mrs. Bell

Digital Citizenship

Everyone online is a digital citizen. The question is: "What type of digital citizen are you?" It is more than just being nice online. A digital citizen is a contributing and active member of the digital age. Digital Citizens are aware of the benefits and the need for awareness and caution.

Todo lists


Practice pressing keys
Practice moving the mouse
Practice dragging and dropping
1st Grade
Practice using the mouse to move objects
2nd Grade
Introduce Home Row Keys
3rd Grade
Practice Touch Typing
4th Grade
Practice Touch Typing
5th Grade
By end of the year type 30 wpm
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade










February Fun


January Fun

Advent/ Christmas



Halloween Math6. Hidd

Hour of Code

October Fun

Free Choice Activities

Halloween Math

December Fun

Cyber Safety

Plain sticky notes

Classroom Rules

1. Be POLITE 2. Take CARE of the computer 3. RESPECT Everyone 4. Work on your OWN computer 5. Be READY to work Rams ROCK! Respectful On task Cooperative Kind








February Fun


December Fun

Computer Science Standards activities

November Fun

Brain Teasers

Halloween Math

Free Choice Activities


Search Bookmarks

Cyber Safety

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Plain sticky notes

Classroom Rules

1. Be POLITE - Treat others the way you want to be treated. 2. Take CARE of the technology equipment. 3. ONLY use your computer, mouse, and keyboard. 4. Only visit approved Internet websites with permission. 5. Come to class prepared and READY to work. 6.KEEP your area neat and clean. Rams ROCK! Respectful On task Cooperative Kind







February Fun


Brekout EDU

Cyber Safety


December Fun



Sub Plans

Free Picture Sites

Halloween Math

Saints Info

Free Choice Activities



December Fun

Grade 2 - Computer Activities




100th Day of School

Plain sticky notes

Classroom Rules

1. Be POLITE - Treat others the way you want to be treated 2. Take CARE of the technology equipment. 3. ONLY use your computer, mouse, and keyboard. 4. ONLY visit approved Internet websites with permission. 5. Come to class prepared and READY to work. 6. KEEP your area neat and clean. Rams ROCK! Respectful On task Cooperative Kind







Grade 3- Computer Activities

February Fun


Cyber Safety


December Fun


Sub Plans


Using Google

Halloween Math

Free Picture Sites

Brain Teasers

Beakout/Escape Rooms

March Activities




Plain sticky notes

Classroom Rules

1. Be POLITE - Treat others the way you want to be treated 2. Take CARE of the technology equipment. 3. ONLY use your computer, mouse, and keyboard. 4. ONLY visit approved Internet websites with permission. 5. Come to class prepared and READY to work. 6. KEEP your area neat and clean. Rams ROCK! Respectful On task Cooperative Kind






Digital Learning Week


Indiana History

Hour of Code

Free Picture Sites


Presentation Tools

December Fun


Cyber Safety

December Fun

February Fun

March Activiities

Escape Room

Plain sticky notes

Classroom Rules

1. Be POLITE - Treat others the way you want to be treated 2. Take CARE of the technology equipment. 3. ONLY use your computer, mouse, and keyboard. 4. ONLY visit approved Internet websites with permission. 5. Come to class prepared and READY to work. 6. Listen when the teacher or others are talking. Rams ROCK! Respectful On task Cooperative Kind



February Fun

Lesson Plans


Easter.Earth Day

January Activities


Cyber Safety

5th grade lesson plans

Presentation Tools

Search Bookmarks

Free Picture Sites

Hour of Code

Plain sticky notes

Classroom Rules

1. Be polite. 2. Use suitable language. 3. Always keep you personal address and phone number, or that of anyone else, private. 4. Remember that electronic mail messages are not guaranteed to be private. 5. Be sure to use the network correctly. 6. Assume that all communications, programs, and information which are accessible on-line are private property. 7. Upload and download only software you are sure is free from any computer virus. Rams ROCK! Respectful On task Cooperative Kind





Space Camp



November Fun


February Fun

Google Sites


Presentation Tools


Cyber Safety

Search Bookmarks

Free Picture Sites


Halloween Fun


Plain sticky notes


1. Be polite. 2. Use suitable language. 3. Always keep you personal address and phone number, or that of anyone else, private. 4. Remember that electronic mail messages are not guaranteed to be private. 5. Be sure to use the network correctly. 6. Assume that all communications, programs, and information which are accessible on-line are private property. 7. Upload and download only software you are sure is free from any computer virus. Rams ROCK! Respectful On task Cooperative Kind



10 Minutes of Typing


Lesson Plans

Easter/ Earth Day

Cyber Safety

Stop Motion Animation

Presentation Tools





Search Bookmarks


Free Picture Sites

Plain sticky notes


1. Be polite. 2. Use suitable language. 3. Always keep you personal address and phone number, or that of anyone else, private. 4. Remember that electronic mail messages are not guaranteed to be private. 5. Be sure to use the network correctly. 6. Assume that all communications, programs, and information which are accessible on-line are private property. 7. Upload and download only software you are sure is free from any computer virus. Rams ROCK! Respectful On task Cooperative Kind





Google Sites




Brain Teasers



Cyber Safety

Presentation Tools

Search Bookmarks


Plain sticky notes


1. Be polite. 2. Use suitable language. 3. Always keep you personal address and phone number, or that of anyone else, private. 4. Remember that electronic mail messages are not guaranteed to be private. 5. Be sure to use the network correctly. 6. Assume that all communications, programs, and information which are accessible on-line are private property. 7. Upload and download only software you are sure is free from any computer virus. Rams ROCK! Respectful On task Cooperative Kind

Robotics Team



Virtual Lessons




October Fun





Computer Science Activities K-2


Common Sense Media K-2

Computer Science Standards activities

Common Sense Media Kindergarten

Common Sense Media - Grade 1

Common Sense Media - Grade 2

Common Sense Media - Grade 3


Network and Computing (NC) Links

Data and Information (DI) Links

Plain sticky notes

Data and Information (DI)

Click here to typeThe key is to use a step - by - step manner so that they can make the connection in 3-5 to an algorithmic approach. K-2.DI.1 Use technology resources to solve age-appropriate problems and communicate thoughts, ideas, or stories in a step-by-step manner. *I can retell a story or idea in sequential order. *I can use technology to share ideas in order. K-2.DI.2 Understand how to arrange (sort) information into useful order, such as sorting students by birth date, without using a computer. *I can organize information without using technology. *I can create groups of information without using technology. K-2.DI.3 Recognize that software is created to control computer operations. *I can explain what software is. *I can explain the relationship between hardware and software. Vocabulary: algorithm-a set of rules to be followed to complete a task sequence- things that follow each other sort- to organize by characteristics arrange- put (things) in a neat, attractive, or required order. software- computer programs hardware-

Impact and Culture (IC)

K-2.IC.1 Practice responsible digital citizenship (legal and ethical behaviors) in the use of technology. *I can use the Internet safely. *I can search for information on the Internet using reliable sources. *I can use technology in a safe way, including protecting my private information. *I can use technology appropriately. K-2.IC.2 Identify positive and negative social and ethical behaviors for using technology. *I can use technology to communicate appropriately with others. *I can use technology without hurting others or myself. *I can identify ways that technology should and should not be used. Vocabulary Digital Citizenship - the ability to behave safely and participate responsibly in the digital world. Legal - allowed by law Ethical - morally right Positive behaviors Negative Behaviors Social - enjoying the kindness of others Cyberbullying as a crime: sending obscene or threatening messages is a crime under Indiana law. The degree of the crime depends on the circumstances

Networking and Computing (NC)

K-2.NC.1 Use technology to work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, teachers, and others. *I can use technology to share ideas with other students and teachers. *I can use technology to review and respond to the work of my classmates. *I can explain technology tools such as word processing and presentation software. K-2.NC.2 Gather information and communicate electronically with others with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. *I can use technology to search and find relevant and reliable information. *I can use technology to communicate with others. Vocabulary Cooperate - to work together Collaborate - to work with others Electronic communication - communication that is digital K-2.NC.1 Use technology to work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, teachers, and others. *I can use technology to share ideas with other students and teachers. *I can use technology to review and respond to the work of my classmates. *I can explain technology tools such as word processing and presentation software. K-2.NC.2 Gather information and communicate electronically with others with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. *I can use technology to search and find relevant and reliable information. *I can use technology to communicate with others. Vocabulary Cooperate - to work together Collaborate - to work with others Electronic communication - communication that is digital K-2.NC.1 Use technology to work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, teachers, and others. *I can use technology to share ideas with other students and teachers. *I can use technology to review and respond to the work of my classmates. *I can explain technology tools such as word processing and presentation software. K-2.NC.2 Gather information and communicate electronically with others with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. *I can use technology to search and find relevant and reliable information. *I can use technology to communicate with others. Vocabulary Cooperate - to work together Collaborate - to work with others Electronic communication - communication that is digital K-2.NC.1 Use technology to work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, teachers, and others. *I can use technology to share ideas with other students and teachers. *I can use technology to review and respond to the work of my classmates. *I can explain technology tools such as word processing and presentation software. K-2.NC.2 Gather information and communicate electronically with others with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. *I can use technology to search and find relevant and reliable information. *I can use technology to communicate with others. Vocabulary Cooperate - to work together Collaborate - to work with others Electronic communication - communication that is digital

Programs and Algorithms

K-2.PA.1 and K-2 Multimedia=Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types. Multimedia must include at least two of the five elements. Please remember when inserting pictures to use Creative Commons (See links below to Creative common sites or when in Google go to IMAGES, TOOLS, USAGE RIGHTS, and change to LABELED FOR REUSE K-2.PA.1 Use technology and developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to conduct age appropriate research and support learning across the curriculum *I can use technology to find reliable information online. *I can use technology to find multimedia resources like videos to support my research. K-2.PA.2 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. * I can create slideshow presentations with support from others. * I can create a video with support from others. K-2.PA.3 Arrange information using concept mapping tools and a set of statements that accomplish a simple task. *I can create detailed directions for others to complete a task. *I can explain that computers and other technologies need detailed directions. Vocabulary Multimedia resources - Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together Research a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific methods Multimedia products Algorithm- a set of rules to be followed to complete a task Sequence- things that follow each other K-2.PA.1 and K-2 Multimedia=Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types. Multimedia must include at least two of the five elements. Please remember when inserting pictures to use Creative Commons (See links below to Creative common sites or when in Google go to IMAGES, TOOLS, USAGE RIGHTS, and change to LABELED FOR REUSE K-2.PA.1 Use technology and developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to conduct age appropriate research and support learning across the curriculum *I can use technology to find reliable information online. *I can use technology to find multimedia resources like videos to support my research. K-2.PA.2 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. * I can create slideshow presentations with support from others. * I can create a video with support from others. K-2.PA.3 Arrange information using concept mapping tools and a set of statements that accomplish a simple task. *I can create detailed directions for others to complete a task. *I can explain that computers and other technologies need detailed directions. Vocabulary Multimedia resources - Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together Research a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific methods Multimedia products Algorithm- a set of rules to be followed to complete a task Sequence- things that follow each other K-2.PA.1 and K-2 Multimedia=Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types. Multimedia must include at least two of the five elements. Please remember when inserting pictures to use Creative Commons (See links below to Creative common sites or when in Google go to IMAGES, TOOLS, USAGE RIGHTS, and change to LABELED FOR REUSE K-2.PA.1 Use technology and developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to conduct age appropriate research and support learning across the curriculum *I can use technology to find reliable information online. *I can use technology to find multimedia resources like videos to support my research. K-2.PA.2 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. * I can create slideshow presentations with support from others. * I can create a video with support from others. K-2.PA.3 Arrange information using concept mapping tools and a set of statements that accomplish a simple task. *I can create detailed directions for others to complete a task. *I can explain that computers and other technologies need detailed directions. Vocabulary Multimedia resources - Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together Research a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific methods Multimedia products Algorithm- a set of rules to be followed to complete a task Sequence- things that follow each other K-2.PA.1 and K-2 Multimedia=Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types. Multimedia must include at least two of the five elements. Please remember when inserting pictures to use Creative Commons (See links below to Creative common sites or when in Google go to IMAGES, TOOLS, USAGE RIGHTS, and change to LABELED FOR REUSE K-2.PA.1 Use technology and developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to conduct age appropriate research and support learning across the curriculum *I can use technology to find reliable information online. *I can use technology to find multimedia resources like videos to support my research. K-2.PA.2 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. * I can create slideshow presentations with support from others. * I can create a video with support from others. K-2.PA.3 Arrange information using concept mapping tools and a set of statements that accomplish a simple task. *I can create detailed directions for others to complete a task. *I can explain that computers and other technologies need detailed directions. Vocabulary Multimedia resources - Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together Research a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific methods Multimedia products Algorithm- a set of rules to be followed to complete a task Sequence- things that follow each other K-2.PA.1 and K-2 Multimedia=Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types. Multimedia must include at least two of the five elements. Please remember when inserting pictures to use Creative Commons (See links below to Creative common sites or when in Google go to IMAGES, TOOLS, USAGE RIGHTS, and change to LABELED FOR REUSE K-2.PA.1 Use technology and developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to conduct age appropriate research and support learning across the curriculum *I can use technology to find reliable information online. *I can use technology to find multimedia resources like videos to support my research. K-2.PA.2 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. * I can create slideshow presentations with support from others. * I can create a video with support from others. K-2.PA.3 Arrange information using concept mapping tools and a set of statements that accomplish a simple task. *I can create detailed directions for others to complete a task. *I can explain that computers and other technologies need detailed directions. Vocabulary Multimedia resources - Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together Research a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific methods Multimedia products Algorithm- a set of rules to be followed to complete a task Sequence- things that follow each other K-2.PA.1 and K-2 Multimedia=Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types. Multimedia must include at least two of the five elements. Please remember when inserting pictures to use Creative Commons (See links below to Creative common sites or when in Google go to IMAGES, TOOLS, USAGE RIGHTS, and change to LABELED FOR REUSE K-2.PA.1 Use technology and developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to conduct age appropriate research and support learning across the curriculum *I can use technology to find reliable information online. *I can use technology to find multimedia resources like videos to support my research. K-2.PA.2 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. * I can create slideshow presentations with support from others. * I can create a video with support from others. K-2.PA.3 Arrange information using concept mapping tools and a set of statements that accomplish a simple task. *I can create detailed directions for others to complete a task. *I can explain that computers and other technologies need detailed directions. Vocabulary Multimedia resources - Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together Research a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific methods Multimedia products Algorithm- a set of rules to be followed to complete a task Sequence- things that follow each other K-2.PA.1 and K-2 Multimedia=Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types. Multimedia must include at least two of the five elements. Please remember when inserting pictures to use Creative Commons (See links below to Creative common sites or when in Google go to IMAGES, TOOLS, USAGE RIGHTS, and change to LABELED FOR REUSE K-2.PA.1 Use technology and developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to conduct age appropriate research and support learning across the curriculum *I can use technology to find reliable information online. *I can use technology to find multimedia resources like videos to support my research. K-2.PA.2 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. * I can create slideshow presentations with support from others. * I can create a video with support from others. K-2.PA.3 Arrange information using concept mapping tools and a set of statements that accomplish a simple task. *I can create detailed directions for others to complete a task. *I can explain that computers and other technologies need detailed directions. Vocabulary Multimedia resources - Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together Research a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific methods Multimedia products Algorithm- a set of rules to be followed to complete a task Sequence- things that follow each other K-2.PA.1 and K-2 Multimedia=Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types. Multimedia must include at least two of the five elements. Please remember when inserting pictures to use Creative Commons (See links below to Creative common sites or when in Google go to IMAGES, TOOLS, USAGE RIGHTS, and change to LABELED FOR REUSE K-2.PA.1 Use technology and developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to conduct age appropriate research and support learning across the curriculum *I can use technology to find reliable information online. *I can use technology to find multimedia resources like videos to support my research. K-2.PA.2 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. * I can create slideshow presentations with support from others. * I can create a video with support from others. K-2.PA.3 Arrange information using concept mapping tools and a set of statements that accomplish a simple task. *I can create detailed directions for others to complete a task. *I can explain that computers and other technologies need detailed directions. Vocabulary Multimedia resources - Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together Research a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific methods Multimedia products Algorithm- a set of rules to be followed to complete a task Sequence- things that follow each other type

Computer Science Activities Grades 3-5



Computer Science Standard Activities



Untitled tab 1



Search Bookmarks


Computer Science Activities 6-8


Compute r Science Acitivities 6-8

Go Noodle


Go Noodle/WYR