Classroom News
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Spelling Words
Spelling Words week of 9-13 to 9-17 Dragon Gets By 1. bag 2. win 3. is 4. am 5. his 6. has 7. ran 8. if 9. dig 10. sat 11. was 12. I 13. scratch 14. picnic
Class Specials Schedule
Monday - * Media - 2:50 - 3:30 Tuesday - * P.E. - 1:30 -:210 Wednesday - * Art - 9:30 - 10:10 Thursday - * Spanish - 2:10 - 2:50 Friday - * Music - 10:10 - 10:50 * Computer Lab - 1:30 - 2:10
Word Wall Words
bought front kitchen roll until
Vocabulary Words
VOCABULARY LIST week of 9-13 to 9-17 Dragon Gets By Balanced: even; not too much of one thing Diary: goods made from milk or cream Diet: the usual food and drink of a person Shopper: a person who buys things Vegetables: roots, leaves, stems or flowers of plants used as food. Hungry: wanting food Shopping: going to a store to buy things
- Sun September 27 - Lunchtime: Buy a new beanie hat
- Mon September 28 - 6pm: Go rollerblading
- Tue October 13 - MEAP Testing
- Thu October 15 - MEAP testing
- Tue October 20 - MEAP testing
- Tue November 3 - No School
- Thu November 26 - Thanksgiving
- Fri November 27 - No School - Thanksgiving break
- Mon November 16 - book fair all week
- Fri November 20 - book fair ends 1/2 day - conferences
- Thu November 19 - 1/2 day - conferences
- Wed November 25 - 1/2 day - Happy Thanksgiving Dismisssal at 11:49
- Fri December 18 - Last day of school for 2009
- Fri December 25 - Christmas
- Mon January 4 - School begins
- Wed December 16 - Personal Narrative due
- Thu December 17 - Family Tradition Celebration 2 p.m. cafe
- Mon January 18 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Mon April 5 - No School - Spring break
- Mon April 12 - School resumes
- Wed March 17 - St. Patricks Day
- Thu April 22 - 1/2 day - conferences
- Fri April 23 - 1/2 day - conferences
- Tue May 4 - Cranbrook field trip leave school at 9 a.m. & return at 2 p.m.
- Thu June 17 - Last day of school - 1/2 day
- Wed June 16 - Last full day of school
- Fri June 18 - Teacher's last day
- Tue September 7 - First day of school - 1/2 day.
- Wed September 8 - First full day of school.
- Wed September 29 - Student count day.
- Fri September 24 - Money Due for Entertainment books
- Tue September 14 - Curriculum Night
Classroom Information
Plain sticky notes
Homework Policy
Homework is given on Friday and expected back the following Thursday. It usually consists of a page of math problems and the expectation that your child with read for approximately 20 each evening. Included in the homework section of thier binder is a log for keeping track of this. Homework is not given simply as busy work but as reinforcement of skills addressed in class during the week. I will accept late work but a loss of recess or free time will be accessed to the student when work is tardy. I make every effort not to assign homework over the weekends; however, sometimes this is unavoidable.
Grading Policy
Classroom Assignment 25% Projects/Reports 25% Homework 25% Tests 25% 100-90 = A 89-80 = B 79-70 = C 69-60 = D 50 and below = F *Students have the option to redo work
Our Greatest Heros
Our greatest heros are ordinary people doing extra ordinary things!
Classroom Pictures
Fun Things to learn
- Fri November 9 - Distance learning @ 12:30pm
- Thu November 15 - conferences, 1/2 day of school
- Fri November 16 - Conferences, 1/2 day of school
- Wed November 21 - 1/2 day Thanksgiving vacation starts
- Thu November 22 - No School
- Fri November 23 - No Schoool
- Mon November 26 - School resumes
- Thu December 20 - Holiday party; Celebrating Traditions
- Fri December 21 - Last day of School
- Tue December 25 - Christmas
- Mon January 7 - School resumes
- Mon December 17 - Musical instrument due
- Wed January 23 - Report cards go home
- Mon January 21 - No School, MLK Day
- Thu January 31 - LIGHT UNIT - FINAL TEST
- Tue February 5 - Caught Being Good Assembly
- Fri February 8 - Caught Be Good Luncheon & 100th day celebration(dress like someone 100 years old).
- Wed February 13 - count day
- Mon February 18 - Mid-winter break begins
- Mon February 25 - School resumes
- Fri March 7 - 1/2 DAY conferences
- Mon March 24 - No school this week :)
- Mon March 31 - School start
- Tue May 6 - Cranbrook Field Trip
- Thu May 29 - Detroit Zoo Field Trip
- Thu March 6 - 1/2 DAY Conferences
- Tue April 1 - Our favorite character celebration
- Fri May 2 - research paper due
- Mon May 12 - State suitecase project due
- Mon May 19 - start powerpoint presentations
- Tue September 2 - School begins. 1/2 day dismissal is at 11:59
- Wed August 27 - Meet the teacher night - 5:30 -7:30 session 1 - 6-6:20 session 2 - 7- 7:20 National Coney Island will be on hand to sell food starting at 5:30.
- Wed September 24 - Fun Run in the pm.
- Wed September 10 - Meet the Teacher Night
- Fri October 31 - Halloween - 1/2 Day Party @ 10:45 Parade @ 10:00
- Mon November 10 - Sound Instrument project due
- Tue November 4 - No School - Teacher in-service
- Thu November 20 - 1/2 day, conferences
- Fri November 21 - 1/2 day, conferences
- Wed November 26 - 1/2 day, Thanksgiving break
- Thu November 27 - No School - Thanksgiving Day
- Fri November 28 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
- Mon December 1 - School resumes
- Fri December 19 - Last day - dismissal 3:57pm.
- Mon December 22 - Winter Break
- Tue December 23 - Winter Break
- Wed December 24 - Winter Break
- Thu December 25 - Christmas Day
- Fri December 26 - Winter Break
- Mon December 29 - Winter Break
- Tue December 30 - Winter Break
- Wed December 31 - Winter Break
- Thu January 1 - New Year's Day
- Fri January 2 - Winter Break
- Mon January 5 - School resumes
- Thu December 18 - Holiday Celebration @ 2 pm
- Fri January 16 - 1/2 day / records
- Fri February 13 - Valentine Party - 2:30 to 3:30 Last day of school before Mid-Winter Break
- Mon February 23 - School Resumes
- Thu March 5 - 1/2 day conferences
- Fri March 6 - 1/2 day conferences
- Fri March 27 - 1/2 records
- Mon April 20 - School Start
- Wed May 20 - Cranbrook Field Trip
- Tue September 8 - 1/2 of school
- Wed September 9 - First full day of school
- Mon September 14 - First PLC Monday
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