Plain sticky notes
Mission Statement or Introduction
Welcome to my example protopage newspaper! I have begun basic organization of an online newspaper site that may help you get started with your own ideas. Each group will design their site differently, which is a good thing and highly encouraged. Do not feel that you need to copy exactly what I have done: on the contrary, be creative and think up something new! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished products each group comes up with.
Calendar note
I added a calendar to my homepage so that viewers can have quick access to important dates.
Comment note
Allowing a space where readers can leave feedback in the form of comments may create reader loyalty to your paper by feeling that they have a part in it too.
School website note
I chose to add a website widget to display the school's official website. This creates quick access to the site which may be important to the readers of the school newspaper.
- Fri March 19 - Last day of school before break!
- Mon March 29 - Classes resume
- Thu April 1 - April Fool's Day
- Sat May 1 - Happy May Day!
- Fri June 11 - Last day of school
- Mon June 7 - Finals week begins
- Mon September 6 - Welcome back to school!
Web widgets
Plain sticky notes
Class blog note
How might a blog fit in with an online newspaper? Would you like to share student blogs from writing classes? What about a "field reporter" who contributes via a blog that is added as a widget?
Web widgets
Music and Art
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Music Performance Schedule
I added another calendar on this page that is especially for music group performances. There may even be an advertising section about upcoming performances that could be added to this page to subtly prod readers to attend!
Student artwork note
I think readers would enjoy viewing artwork that students at the school create and want to provide a space for that to happen.
Listen to music note
I chose to add Pandora radio under the art and music tab so people can listen to it and enjoy while browsing through my online website. It doesn't feature any of our students performing, but this might be an idea you want to use for your own newspaper.
Music Performance Schedule
- Sat February 27 - 6:00 pm -- Band concert in gym
- Fri March 12 - 7:00 pm -- Choir concert in gym
Student artwork
Photo credit: Protopage default
Sports Newsfeed
Video Feature
Plain sticky notes
Sports Newsfeed note
Can you incorporate a newsfeed from a site that posts statistics of high school games that includes our school?
Video Feature note
How might you incorporate a video in your online newspaper? Perhaps you could post a video of a great play the basketball team had or a close victory to promote school spirit? It's your newspaper -- so be creative!
Student Activities
Audio Podcast
Plain sticky notes
Audio Podcast note
Why not include an audio podcast of school news from the SA? Be sure to get permission to make it availabe through your newspaper first.
Student Association Activities note
Keep track of important dates that the SA has planned with a calendar widget!
Student Association Activities
- Sun March 7 - Rollerskating in the park!
- Sat March 20 - 7 pm Spring Formal in the gym.
Editor's Page
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Sticky note
Why don't you have a page that highlights your group, the newspaper staff? This is a place where each person can write something about themself and share a bit of their personality with those who view the online newspaper.
Student Profiles
Plain sticky notes
Sticky note
I like the idea of spotlighting outstanding students in the school. Can you think of people who did something great that others should know about that perhaps doesn't fit under any of your other categories? Let other students be included in the newspaper!