List of public pages created with Protopage

Operating Systems


BBC News - Tech

Plain sticky notes

Things to Remember:

Operating System: A suite of programs responsible for the carrying out of the main system tasks. --------------------------------------------------------- Main Tasks: Memory Management: Responsible for placing and finding programs in memory File Management: Responsible for creating/editing/moving or deletion of files. Error Reporting: Notifies the user of an error. Driver: A program for running hardware GUI: Graphical User Interface WIMP: Windows Icon Mouse Pointer (Interface) Management of output and input devices. Application Program: A piece of software designed for a specific task

Rich sticky notes

Rich text note

The Quizlet set is here

Rich text note

The Offical Protopage Song:

Smooth - Carlos Sanata feat. Rob Thomas

Listen While Reading =)

Web widgets

Wikipedia: Operating Systems


Windows Vista!!

The Windows Vista operating system!

Utility Program


Ask A Ninja - iPod Technology, Business, Media, and News Podcasts

Plain sticky notes

Utility Programs

A utility program is a program which carries out a task that the operating system does not do.

Examples of Utility Program

Examples of Utility Programs: Anti-Virus Software Spyware Remover


Anti Spyware

System Security Software

Application Software


Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

Try our new multi level to-do lists - you can even drag items between different lists! (drag to-do items by their check boxes).

Sticky note

Smashing!!! -------------------------------------------------------------- Offical Protopage Song: Smooth - Carlos Santana feat. Rob Thomas

Todo lists

Todo list

To-do item
To-do item
Another item


Photo upload

The word "orchis" was first used by Theophrastos, in his book "De historia plantarum". He was a student of Aristotle and is considered the father of botany and ecology.


Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

A device driver is a specific type of computer software developed to allow interaction with hardware devices. Programs which normally require drivers are gamepads, mobiles, printers, scanners and PCI cards


This Printer May Require A Driver

More Stuff



BBC Sport - Football (Scottish Premier League)

Web widgets

HibeesBounce Hibs Forum (General Hibs Chat)