S2 computing
Plain sticky notes
learning intentions
28/2/08 • I will have added at least four tracks which work well togther using the loop browser. • I will have extended the pieceof music over at least 16 bars. • I will have finished my piece of music and i will exported it to intunes. •I will have finished my piece of music in garage band . •i will have adoppted my garage band piece of music to create a ringtone. i will have exported my piece of music and converted it to an mp3. I will have decided on the clips to use for my mouse. I will have imported clips into imovie. I will have extrtacted audio from the clips. I will have cut out parts of the clips that i want to use I will have selected 3 or 4 movie clips and added them to imovie i may have included still images aswell. I will have added a soundtrack to my movie. I will have added an apropriate effects to my movie. I willl have reminded myself about what makes a good website. I will have adentified and modified styles on a webpage. I will have changed styles and worked with colours on a webpage. I will have set up a website using freeway. I will know how to insert hyperlincs. I will have added a table and the information to create my healthy living site. I will have started my own website. I will have set up my own wbsite using freeway. I will have added information on my interests. I will have inserted hyperlinks between pages and other sites.
Sticky note
MP3 An mp3 is a small file used to store audio. stands for mpeg can be used on a mp3 player or phone .mp3 is a compressed format to about 10 %. WAV a wav is an uncompressed audio file stans for waaveform audio first used in 1991 standard format for storing audio on the pc.
Sticky note
What makes a good web site Good colour scheme Intersesting information Mix media Easy to use Links to other sites