List of public pages created with Protopage

Untitled 1


Quick Links

Links panel

Rich sticky notes

"Oliver!"Orchestra Parts

"Oliver!" Orchestra Members

Potential Players

Wedding Audio Setup

Things to return from the wedding:

XBox Mod Info

  1. Install Mod
  2. Get BIOS
    1. IRC to efnet. (Firefox using Chatzilla)
    2. join #xbins
    3. /msg xbins !list
    4. FTP to given site with username and password.
    5. Get BIOS (X3_3294) in /XBOX/bios/Xecuter/Xecuter3/
    6. Expand file.
  3. Start XBox to basic FlashBIOS and enable network BIOS update.
  4. Open web page to address on XBox screen.
  5. Transfer appropriate file via web page.
  6. Boot XBox and start dashboard from Slayer's Autoinstaller DVD.
  7. Choose to back up BIOS to C:\.
  8. FTP C, E, and F drives to computer and store files safely.
  9. Install new HD.
  10. Run Slayer's Autoinstaller DVD and choose to install software to large F partition.
  11. Update programs as needed.

Movies to get hold of

Untitled 2

Rich sticky notes



Sticky note

Sticky note
