Golden Parakeet- the national flower of brazil
The Golden Parakeet is mainly yellow with green in outer wings and with an all-yellow tail. It has a large horn-coloured beak, pale-pink bare eye-rings, brown irises, and pink legs. Male and female have identical external appearance. Juveniles are duller and have less yellow and more green plumage than the adults. The juvenile's head and neck is mostly green, the back is green and yellow, the upper side of tail is mostly green, the breast is greenish, the eye-rings are pale-grey, and the legs are brown
Cattleya labiata- the national flower of brazil
Cattleya labiata Lindl., also known as the Crimson Cattleya or Ruby-lipped Cattleya, is a species of Cattleya. It was discovered in 1818 in Brazil, and was the first species of cattleya discovered. This plant grows in the northeastern area of Brazil, in the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas. They grow to different sizes depending on the area from which they originate. Those that are growing in Pernambuco are smaller, with small but colored flowers, with most of them being lilac. The interior part of the flower is a dark lilac color. Plants from Alagoas are bigger and have larger flowers. Some varieties, such as Cattleya labiata var.semialba, have large white flowers with a touch of yellow. There is another variety of semialba, with lilac in the inferior part of the flower. This plant is an epiphite, growing up in trees, where light is plentiful. However, there are also many other places where this plant could grow, such as directly on rock with very little soil. The plant itself is a medium sized orchid, with a medium sized rhizome. The rhizome has long leaves, with a tough consistency because of the aridity in the canopy of trees, due to a short dry season. For water requirements, the plant has a pseudobulb on every leaf with water and nutritive substances, which is used in the latent season of the plant. In the wet season new leaves grow twice as fast, with a little inflorescence and with large flowers. Flowers are white colored with a spot lilac in middle of the flower, where the polinia and ovarum are located. Pollination is performed by insects, more specifically, a type of green bee. The result is a capsule with a very large number of seeds (10,000-20,000). For indoor cultivation, this plant is inappropriate because it does not produce flowers under artificial light.
Brazil- Rio
the shape of brasil
The Flag of Brazil
Brazil, the very heartland of South American continent, is no less than a paradise with enchanting natural scenic views and pulsating Brazilian life style. Whether it's the traditional 'Samba' dance or playing football in the streets and beaches of Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilians know to live life king size in spite of many difficulties, a Brazilian will always welcome you with a smile. A glimpse into the history of Brazil offers you interesting information on the national flag of Brazil. Widely known for its vibrant culture, the land has come a long way in establishing itself as most culturally diverse countries of the world. The significance of the national flag of Brazil lies in the fact that it symbolizes the glorious past of the country.
Bridge in Brasil at night time
Plain sticky notes
History of Brazil
The History of Brazil (Brasil) begins with the arrival of the first indigenous peoples, over 8,000 years ago by crossing the Bering land bridge into Alaska and then entering the rest of North and Central America. It is generally accepted that Brazil was discovered by the Portuguese on April 22, 1500, by Pedro Álvares Cabral, though this is contested by some. Until 1530 Portugal had little interest in Brazil, mainly due to the high profits gained through commerce with India, China, and Indonesia. This lack of interest led to several "invasions" by different countries, and the Portuguese Crown devised a system to effectively occupy Brazil, without paying the costs. Through the Hereditary Captaincies system, Brazil was divided into strips of land that were donated to Portuguese noblemen, who were in turn responsible for the occupation of the land and answered to the king. Later, the Portuguese realized the system was a failure, only two lots were successfully occupied, and took control of the failed lots. In the first century after its European discovery, the country's major export—giving its name to Brazil—was brazilwood, a large tree (Caesalpinia echinata) whose trunk contains a prized red dye, and which was nearly wiped out as a result of overexploitation. Starting in the 17th century, sugarcane culture, grown in plantation's property called engenhos ("factories") along the northeast coast (Brazil's Nordeste) It became the base of Brazilian economy and society, with the use of black slaves on large plantations to make sugar production for export to Europe. At first, settlers tried to enslave the Indians as labor to work the fields. (The initial exploration of Brazil's interior was largely due to para-military adventurers, the bandeirantes, who entered the jungle in search of gold and Indian slaves.) However the Indians were found to be unsuitable as slaves, and so the Portuguese land owners turned to Africa, from which they imported millions of slaves. Mortality rates for slaves in sugar and gold enterprises were dramatic, and there were often not enough females or proper conditions to replenish the slave population indigenously. Some slaves escaped from the plantations and tried to establish independent settlements (quilombos) in remote areas. The most important of these, the quilombo of Palmares, was the largest slave runaway settlement in the Americas, and was a consolidated kingdom of some 30,000 people at its height in the 1670s and 80s. However these settlements were mostly destroyed by government and private troops, which in some cases required long sieges and the use of artillery. Still, Africans became a substantial section of Brazilian population, and long before the end of slavery (1888) they had begun to merge with the European Brazilian population through miscegenation and mulatto work rights. During the first two centuries of the colonial period, attracted by the vast natural resources and untapped land, other European powers tried to establish colonies in several parts of Brazilian territory, in defiance of the papal bull and the Treaty of Tordesillas, which had divided the New World into two parts between Portugal and Spain. French colonists tried to settle in present-day Rio de Janeiro, from 1555 to 1567 (the so-called France Antarctique episode), and in present-day São Luís, from 1612 to 1614 (the so called France Équinoxiale). The unsuccessful Dutch intrusion into Brazil was longer lasting and more troublesome to Portugal. Dutch privateers began by plundering the coast: they sacked Bahia in 1604, and even temporarily captured the capital Salvador. From 1630 to 1654, the Dutch set up more permanently in the Nordeste and controlled a long stretch of the coast most accessible to Europe, without, however, penetrating the interior. But the colonists of the Dutch West India Company in Brazil were in a constant state of siege, in spite of the presence in Recife of the great John Maurice of Nassau as governor. After several years of open warfare, the Dutch formally withdrew in 1661. Little French and Dutch cultural and ethnic influences remained of these failed attempts.
Historia de Brasil
La historia de Brasil (Brazil) comienza con la llegada de los primeros pueblos indígenas, más de 8.000 hace años por cruzar el puente de tierra de Bering en Alaska y luego entrar en el resto del Norte y Centroamérica. Se acepta generalmente que Brasil fue descubierta por los portugueses en 22 de abril de 1500, por Pedro Álvares Cabral, aunque esto es impugnada por algunos. Hasta 1530 Portugal tenía poco interés en Brasil, debido principalmente a los altos beneficios obtenida a través de comercio con India, China e Indonesia. Esta falta de interés llevado a varios "invasiones" por los diferentes países, y la corona portuguesa ideado un sistema para ocupar efectivamente Brasil, sin pagar los costos. Mediante el sistema de Capitanías hereditarias, Brasil se dividió en franjas de tierra que fueron donadas a nobles portugueses, que fueron a su vez responsable de la ocupación de la tierra y respondió al rey. Más tarde, los portugueses dieron cuenta el sistema fue un fracaso, sólo dos lotes fueron ocupados con éxito y tomaron el control de los lotes fallidos. En el primer siglo después de su descubrimiento Europeo, exportación más importantes del país — dando su nombre a Brasil — fue brazilwood, un árbol grande (Caesalpinia echinata) cuyo tronco contiene un tinte rojo premiado, y que casi fue eliminado como resultado de explotación excesiva. Comenzando en el siglo XVII, cultura de la caña de azúcar, crecido en propiedad de plantación llamado engenhos ("fábricas") en la costa noreste (Nordeste de Brasil) se convirtió en la base de la economía brasileña y la sociedad, con el uso de esclavos negros en las grandes plantaciones de hacer la producción de azúcar para la exportación a Europa. En primer lugar, colonos trató de esclavizar a los indios como mano de obra para trabajar los campos. (La exploración inicial del interior de Brasil se debía en gran medida a párr-militares aventureros, el bandeirantes, que entraron en la selva en busca de esclavos de oro y la Indias). Sin embargo los indios se encontraron inadecuado como esclavos, y por lo que los portugueses de la tierra propietarios volvió a África, desde la que importan millones de esclavos. Tasas de mortalidad para los esclavos en empresas de oro y azúcar eran dramáticas, y a menudo no hubo suficiente entre las mujeres o condiciones adecuadas para reponer la población de esclavos indigenously. Algunos esclavos escaparon de las plantaciones y trató de establecer asentamientos independientes (quilombos) en zonas remotas. El más importante de estos, el quilombo de Palmares, fue el más grande asentamiento fuera de control de esclavo en las Américas y fue un Reino consolidado de unos 30.000 personas en su punto álgido en los años y 80. Sin embargo estos asentamientos fueron destruidos en su mayoría por Gobierno y las tropas privadas, que en algunos casos se requiere asedios largos y el uso de artillería. Aún así, los africanos se convirtió en una parte sustancial de población brasileña, y durante mucho tiempo antes de fin de esclavitud (1888) han empezado combinar con la población brasileña Europea a través de los derechos de trabajo de mestizaje y mulato. Durante los primeros dos siglos de la época colonial, atraídos por los vastos recursos naturales y la tierra sin explotar, otras potencias europeas intentaron establecer colonias en varias partes del territorio brasileño, a despecho de la bula papal y el Tratado de Tordesillas, que había dividido al nuevo mundo en dos partes entre Portugal y España. Colonos franceses intentaron resolver en actual Rio de Janeiro, desde 1555 a 1567 (el llamado episodio Antarctique de Francia) y en el actual São Luís, desde 1612 a 1614 (la así llamada Équinoxiale de Francia). La intrusión holandesa sin éxito en Brasil fue más duradera y más molesto a Portugal. Corsarios holandés comenzó por saqueo de la Costa: se despidió a Bahia en 1604 y capturado incluso temporalmente el capital Salvador. Desde 1630 a 1654, los holandeses establecer más permanentemente en el Nordeste y controlan un largo tramo de la costa más accesible a Europa, sin, sin embargo, penetrar en el interior. Pero los colonos de la compañía holandesa de India occidental en Brasil estaban en un constante estado de sitio, a pesar de la presencia en Recife de la gran John Maurice de Nassau como gobernador. Tras varios años de guerra abierta, los holandeses retiraron formalmente en 1661. Poco francés y holandés culturales y étnicas influencias seguía siendo de estos intentos fallidos.