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Welcome to Bitchcraft Online

Bitchcraft are a 4 piece band from Newcastle NSW. We are Newcastle's second loudest all-girl band. Use the tabs along the top, to find out more about us! Links will take you to our sites.

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Gig Guide

We are currently on a break, whilst Kylie has Bitchcraft baby number 4.

Don't worry, we'll be back rockin' in 2009. This band was started  as a way to get out of the  house and get some free time from small children.

Contact Us

Contact us at

We'll be back in action in 2009. Taking a break for now....


Bitchcraft v.2007

Bitchcraft v.2004


We rock


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Bitchcraft Places Around The Web

MySpace: where vomit meets web design

YouTube: coupla scratchy vids

Moblog: Bitchcraft happy snaps

Newcastle our entry

MP3s some mp3s are there

Newcastle Music Awards - includes mp3 of "Why Couldnt Ya"

Reviews and Articles

Olde Review: Heidi's Corner

Mamapalooza 07 Gig

A Blog Entry From Newie - see the entry of June 20, 2004

Really old reviews in Kylie's really old online diary

Random Bitchcrafty Goodness

Definition of Bitchcraft


Simone and Kylie Do Product Placement

Vic on the Park Hotel, Sydney 2004


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Our Facebook group has some rad photos

Check out our snapshops, on K-craft's moblog:


Hideously Pink in 2002

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