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We are meeting on Wednesday @ 1:00 PM, correct?

Brian's Financial Affidavit ::

1.  Gross Monthly Income is listed at $3750, but his annual income is listed at $66,893 - so there is a discrepancy there.

2.  He has NOT PAID MORTGAGE since March.  He lived rent free for April and May.

3.  Under "miscellaneous," page 3, he has Home Furnishings listed at $1000.  There is absolutely no way he spends $1000 on home furnishings EVERY MONTH.  I think he misunderstood and filled that in by mistake.  I know you said the court takes those sections w/ a grain of salt, but considering the large number of $1000 per month, I wanted to draw attention to it now, and call bullshit on it.

4.  Under Debts, his St. Luke bill is at $700 and he currently pays $50/month.  I checked it, I have the account info and checked through the automated system, as I used to handle the payments for it.  Previously, it was $100 per month for payment, but he has changed it.  Also, under DHCA (dentist) - that balance is ZERO as of June 6th.

Bree Financial Update ::

1.  My last direct deposit for payroll from Factory was 5/15/06 in the amount of $1399.34 (which was regular days worked plus some sick time since Kaden was born on 5/2).  After that, I was on short-term disability from Northwestern.  At 60% of my regular salary, Northwestern sent checks to my home for the period of 5/9 to 6/12 :: total = $2579.24 NET.  To help with the shortfall in June, I am allowed to "cash in" on vacay time.  I am taking 8 days, which will be paid to me on 6/30 w/ a net approximation of $1120.  I will return to work on July 5.
When all said and done, it looks like maternity leave is costing me to lose about $600 for the 2 months.

2.  IRS - 2004 tax returns :: I went down to the local IRS office.  I will bring paperwork w/ me tomorrow, but basically, I found the error and for 2004 we do in fact owe $2646.  (The IRS did NOT receive our amended return, I never received a couple W-2's, and a 1099 was erroneously recorded as tip income through turbo tax)
 I have to respond by July 5, and it requires Brian's signature along w/ mine on the response form, so I would like to speak with you about how best to handle it and initiate it.  Ideally, I would like him to sign the paper in your presence, as I am fairly sure he is going to be rude about the whole thing.

3.  I am receiving more medical bills from Kaden's birth.  Not sure if we tackle those now, or add them to debts for the later hearing. I will bring copies of what I have.

4.  Day Care - $800 per month, and day care begins in July.

Parenting Time ::

My Parenting Time proposal is attached. copy/pasted at bottom of this email.

1.  There is a lot of research out there.  Half of it supports no overnights for infants/toddlers and the other half disputes that.  Where there seems to be agreement however, is in cases of an "angry divorce."  Brian and I qualify as an angry divorce.  Brian qualifies as just plain ole' angry in general.

2.  Examples of evidence contrary to "NO overnights" :: It would seem that there has been quite a "daddy movement" since the 70's towards 50/50 parenting time, hence the conflicting research.

Personal NOTES ::
•  This is Brian's first experience w/ a baby.  He has no prior experience with care giving for a baby.
•  Brian has an anger management problem (our therapist also pegged him as having "adolescent mentality.")
•  Brian smokes marijuana every day
•  Brian is a cigarette smoker
•  Brian is extremely irresponsible w/ finances (gambling, used money his family gave him for a car seat on getting into his new house, which he claimed he was saving for during those 2 months he lived rent free, purchased a motorcycle while in the middle of a divorce and baby on the way.)
•  Brian drinks a lot (problems w/ his temper escalate with alcohol)
•  Brian lives w/ room mates - has a 1 yr lease.  I am especially concerned about who he might take on as a roommate later, I don't think his home stead is that steady, it never has been until he lived with me.  Before that he was in and out of roommate partners regularly.
•  I am nursing Kaden -- exclusive of formula supplements.  I am trying to avoid introducing formula if possible.... and so far, it is looking like I will be able to.  The breast milk supply I am gathering is for his time at day care and SOMETIMES for his visits w/ Brian (depends on if Kaden eats just prior to a visit).  I nurse rather than bottle feed whenever possible (during day care that will be lunch during the day, nights, and weekends), as the pediatrician and lactation consultants have advised that is the best route for keeping my milk supply consistent w/ Kaden's intake.

Stuff for Temporary Orders ::

1.  Parenting Time
2.  House
3.  Child Support
4.  Joint Checking Acct (Brian has his own acct, but my active acct is a joint acct, so I would like for Brian to sign off of it)
5.  Dental Insurance (If Brian will agree - and I think he will, I would like to take him off my dental insurance.  It would seem he has already told my dentist that he is no longer insured, and he has paid the acct in full).
6.  IRS thing???


July 10, 2006 to Nov 4, 2007 (2 mos to 18 mos)
Tues/Thur 4:00 to 7:00
Saturday 2:00 to 5:00

Brian will pick Kaden up from day care on Tuesdays/Thursdays and drop Kaden off at Bree’s residence.
Brian will pick up and drop off Kaden to Bree’s residence on Saturdays.
Thanksgiving 2006 :: Bree has Kaden from November 22 (Wed) to November 26 (Sun).
Christmas 2006 :: Regular schedule, w/ the addition of December 24th Brian has Kaden from 10 am to 1 pm, and December 25th Brian has Kaden from 2 pm to 6 pm.

Nov 5, 2007 to May 4, 2008 (18 mos to 24 mos)
Tues/Thur 3:30 to 7:00
Saturday 2:00 to 6:00

• Brian will pick Kaden up from day care on Tuesdays/Thursdays and drop Kaden off at Bree’s residence.
• Brian will pick up and drop off Kaden to Bree’s residence on Saturdays.
• Thanksgiving 2007 ::  Regular schedule.
• Christmas 2007 :: Bree has Kaden from December 21st to December 26th.

May 5, 2008 to May 3, 2009 (24 mos to 36 mos)
Tues/Thur 3:00 to 7:00
Saturday 2:00 to 6:00, with overnight till 10:00 am on alternate Sundays.

• Brian will pick Kaden up from day care on Tuesdays/Thursdays and drop Kaden off at Bree’s residence.
• Brian will pick up and drop off Kaden to Bree’s residence on Saturdays.
• Thanksgiving 2008 :: Bree has Kaden from November 26th to November 30th.
• Christmas 2008 :: Regular schedule w/ the addition of December 24th Brian has Kaden from 6 pm to December 25th 1:00 pm.

Mandatories ::
• Bree gets first right of refusal for times when Brian cannot keep Kaden
• Brian must have reliable transportation w/ car seat.  Transportation must be detailed to rid it of smoke, and after that no smoking in the vehicle.  Bree has permission to check the vehicle from time to time.
• Brian is not to smoke in front of Kaden.
• Kaden needs his own space – a room w/ a crib.

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