Intoduction to Ghosts
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Ghosts: A History and an Introduction
The paranormal definition for a ghost is that it is a trapped entity which for some reason is caught up on Earth and forced to do the same thing over and over again. The regular definition for a ghost is an apparition of a dead or deceased person. They are said to occur in places they were known to visit when they were alive, and are usually in the appearence similar to that person. Another way to describe a ghost is the soul or sprit of a person, or any spirit of a demon. Either way, ghosts have been a part of many cultures since the times of the Greeks and Romans, who believed that if you did not give a deceased person a proper burial, their soul would, in turn, walk the earth and trouble the living. Other ancient civilizations believed that a dead body was similar to an empty house, where, if the body was not protected by spells or other things, an evil spirit could make itself a home in that body. Later on, in Europe, during the Medival Age, it was primarily believed that ghosts were the spirits of people who had died silently and usualy by violence. Frequently, ghosts were said to come back from the dead to complete a certain unfinished task. Some ghost stories during this time told of murder victims who game back from the dead, as a ghost, in order to haunt their murderers. Hopefully now you have some backgound infromation of ghosts, and have fun looking at the rest of the site!!!
Early Ghost Sightings
One of the earliest ghost sighting occured in Athens, around 2,000 years ago by the Roman writer Pliny the Younger. Pliny told the story of a haunted house in Athens where an old man, wearing chains, was reported walking around the building and moaning. This occured over and over again until one brave man followed the reported ghost to a specific spot on the ground. Digging up the spot, the man discovered a skeleton with, rusted chains around its bonee, and, after the proper ceremonies were completed, the ghost was never reported again.
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In a lot of stories and sightings of the paranormal, ghosts tend to show up more at night and in places where the dead rest, such as a graveyard.One possible explanation for this is that it is thought that most people die between the hours of 2 A.M. and 6 A.M.
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The reason poltergeists differ from ghosts are that ghosts are the trapped entities of a deceased person that constantly shows up in the same place, where a poltergeist might not be an entity at all. Some people suggest that poltergeists are mass forms of energy that a person unknowingly controls, and, in some of these cases the poltergeist is linked to demons that dwell inside a person. Distinguishing this "noisey spirit" ,as literaly translated from German, from a haunting can be hard at first, seeing as they both share common aspects such as apparitions, strange noises, odors, moving and/or disappearing objects, and other things usually attributed to hauntings. Although, poltergeists are usually linked to a direct person or object and can be triggered by a traumatic event, where a haunting typically occurs in a certain place where a dead person is found. These people who are linked to are, most of the time, but not limited to, young women who are entering puberty. Anyone who has experienced such poltergeist activity would notice that poltergeist activity builds up over time until they reach a climax of their energy, where they are very dangerous to the living, and then start all over again. Other attributes of a poltergeist infestation are that they can travel anywhere, the phenomena can happen at all hours of the day, and they can defy logical thinking. If you come upon a poltergeist just remember to deal with them with great care, since exorisms of a poltergeist might not work and may make things worse, and, in extreme case, the poltergeists can inflict extreme mental and physical terror.
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Reported Poltergeist Activity and an Example of What It Looks Like
Poltergeists, probably the most dangerous member of the ghost family. They are usaully attributed with things being moved around.
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In German, the literal translation for the word doppleganger is "double-walker." This makes sense because a doppleganger, or fetch, is the ghostly double of a person, which is most commonly known as an evil twin and, in some cases, possibly your shadow. One "prime" example of a fictional doppelganger is if you have ever played the Metroid Prime Series. This is a game series about a bounty hunter named Samus Aran, who, in the second game, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, flys to a planet known as Aether. On arrival, Samus is attacked by Dark Samus a dark copy of Samus, and is like her in every way, except for her color which is changed from orange to black. Another great and famous example of a doppelganger is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Samus and Dark Samus
This is Samus and her doppelganger Dark Samus. Where Samus fights for the side of good and tries to help people, Dark Samus always tries to bring all of space into chaos.
Dopplegangers might seem fun to joke around with, but if you happen to come across your own doppelgangers, it can mean an omen of death.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Another famous person and his doppelganger, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. While Dr. Jekyll was a peaceful scientist, he drank a potion, and, unknowingly, he turned into a very dangerous person Mr. Hyde.
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The characteristics of a Will-O-The-Wisps are that they are ghostly lights seen at night and/or twilight, and usually around bogs. The reason these lights are in the ghost family, is that they are usually associated with spirit of ghost activity. These lights are soft and illusive and do not have a source that is easily determinable. If you look to the right you can get an example of what this looks like.
Reported Will-O-The-Wisps Picture
This is said to be what a Will-O-The-Wisps look like. Although it is hard to say if this photo is real of fake, it does give you an example of what this ball of light in the ghost family looks like.
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Demons are usually associated with something that is pure evil and terrorizes the living. They fit into the ghost family by ghosts sometimes being described as any spirit of a demon, and demons can be described as a malevolent, or an evil, spirit. In certain religious terms, they can be described as fallen angels, and demons are often depicted as something that can be summoned and possibly controlled.
Summoning a Demon
This is what it may look like to summon a demon, and, if someone does summon a demon, they would probably try to control the demon.
Psychics and Mediums-Contacting with the Dead
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To be considered a medium, in terms of ghosts, you would need to have experiences that you had with the spirits or the dead. Mediums sometimes claim, by experiencing these visions with spirits, to allow communication between people who are not mediums and spirits who may want to share a message with them. Depending on the medium, some of of them claim to also be able to hear spirit conforsations and then translate them to you, go into a trance and speak without knowing what they were saying or letting a spirit speak through them and possibly write messages ghosts have for the living. During a seance, if a medium holds one, the medium may also claim to talk with ghosts and spirits telepathically, of with their mind. Some fictional examples of mediums are in "The Ghost Whisperer" and "The Medium", both being T.V. shows.
The popular definition for a psychic is a person who retains the ability to be able to sense things people with regular senses cannot. They accomplish this though extra-sensory perception, or ESP, which is the reported ability to be able to recieve information by paranormal means and without help of the five known senses. While mediums tend to deal more with talking with the dead, psychics tend to be related to having these extra-ordinary abillities such as ESP, although they are sometimes said to be able to contact the dead using these so-called abilities. One fictional example of this is the movie "The Sixth Sense," which involved a little boy who could see dead people.
A Psychic's Tools
It is very common for people to believe that a usual tool for psychics is a crystal ball, which is not always the case.
Getting Rid of the Dead
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Solutions for Clearing Your Home and Yourself of Ghosts
To start with, let's talk about what you can do if you believe your house is haunted. If you don't mind or you think it is "cool" that you are sharing your house with a ghost, then you don't necesarily have to do anything, unless you want to contact that ghost. If it frightens you to have a ghost boarding in your house, then one thing you can do is call a well-recognized paranormal investigation group. All they would proably do is speak with you and people who have had "encounters" with the ghost, and possibly leave some equipment running to gather some evidence. Another thing you can do is contact a psychic, but, be careful, because there are many pretend psychics out there that will give you a false reading and rip you off. If the "ghost" in your house is something like a poltergeist and you want it to stop immeadiately, one great way to do this is to contact your local church and see if they can help of have any advice. Although some churches do not host these practices, you'll eventually find one if you keep searching.
The Final Question.....
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One Question For You
After reading this protopage, I hope you have gained a greater understanding of ghosts and related apparitions. But before you exit this site I have one question for you............ Do you believe in ghosts?
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