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MSNBC - Top Stories

This Week in Tech


Fresh Air

PopSugar - World




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Hillsborough Golf Club



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Hillsborough Golf Club Protopage site has been taken but not activated.

David Gosling - Phone / Email log

Z Emergency - Z Task - protopage is down - Incident number Adam 001
1. Incident Report Sent to Protopage today - Number Not Saved ...
We are experincing a few problem now - I have had no problem with Protopage for 12 years - except odd issues.

Today when working on a business Critical task we had a major major outage with account registration.
It may be that partial registrations are  being created after a service down time when the system was not available 

I can not report about David Gosling now - i will be late for my weekly meeting with my business adviser Zena Evans.. 

This in not a disatster just a major innconveniece - all will be put in order ....

In fact it is a major bonus -I have been able to progress this mornings problem of my announcement of a company structure - the solution is to present my Salford Univercity / Rank Xerox structur that I created ii about 1975... For my Marketting Experience After Work Management Traing Buniness Trading game under Tom Shaw / Eddie Lawson..

Late and I dont have Zena Phone number - NHS policy