Unit A
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Pythagoras Theorem
First of all, these questions aren't as scary as they look, you just have to think about it. You can work every question out in nice, easy steps. First, label the sides of the triangle A, B and C (you can see how to do this on the diagram to the left). Then you have to follow the formula a^2 + b^2 = c^2. This means that 'a' squared (so a x a), plus 'b' squared (b x b) equals 'c' squared (c x c) The problem is that you don't want to find 'c' squared, you just want to find 'c'. To do this you do the square root of 'c'.
Unit B
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Remember this is a NON-CALCULATOR paper!
Unit C
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What is 'standard index form'? Standard Index Form is a way of writting very big, or very small numbers in an easy to read way. There are three rules you must learn before you can tackle any Standard Index Form question, they are: 1)The front number must be between 1 and 10 2)The power of 10, n, is just how far the decimal place moves 3) 'n' is positive for big numbers and negative for little numbers. (If you forget these rules when you're working out the questions, make sure you keep checking them so you know them for your exam)
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Before you can start learning the trigonometry you'll need for Unit C, you need to make sure you're familiar with it from Unit A- if you can't remeber read through the boxes below and make sure you check you understand.
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