List of public pages created with Protopage




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About this site

This site use to be aggregation from only commercial web services. It was an experiment which proved that in a long run capitalism doesn't provide sustainability/stability. These days this Protopage aggregates some feeds from commercial services, some from virtual machines (in the cloud) where I run my own servers/services. collects RSS feeds from,,,,,,

From 2006 until 2010/11 it seemed that this kind of approach could be the way to avoid the "bottle neck" of the web publishing production: no web designer, no web programmer and no sysadmin. Not any more. Non-techies are again in the situation where it's not that easy to set up their authoring, selection/filtering, or just their presence all around the web into one destination.

When I decided to use commercial services that was partialy because I'm lazy, it is convenient but also because of a network effect these platforms have. That made me almost completely depended on corporate infrastructures. I prefer that dependence to pathetic attempts to (re)publish content on TV, radio, newspapers and/or call people on mobile phones. Still, this setup makes me feel very ambiguous about my choice. More free software and p2p will make it much better. I hope that free software and p2p will get better in reaching relevant network effect in the future.

However this site was made I recommend to read all of the streams as regular RSS feeds with whatever of your favourite RSS readers ;)

About Marcell Mars

Nenad Romić (aka Marcell Mars, b. 1972). Advanced internet user.

Marcell is one of the founders of Multimedia Institute - mi2 (1999) and club mama in Zagreb (2000). He initiated GNU GPL publishing label EGOBOO.bits (2000); started Skill sharing (2004) informal meetings of technical enthusiasts in mama + regional hacker gatherings ‘Nothing will happen’ (2007).

Mars started his research “Ruling Class Studies” at Jan van Eyck (2011-12), continued at Akademie Schloss Solitude (2013) and since spring 2015, he is a PhD student at Leuphana University in DCRL (Digital Cultures Research Lab). “Ruling Class Studies” is a research of corporate state-of-the-art digital innovation, adaptation, and intelligence. It looks closely at the Google, Amazon, Facebook and eBay.

Public Library was established in 2012 to develop sociotechnical infrastructure and invigorate (again) historical argument for universal access to knowledge. Marcell often plays as a narrator of the project. Also develops software: [let’s share books] Calibre plugin and related server infrastructure. Public Library was heard and exhibited at Museo Reina Sofía, 98weeks, Impakt Festival, Transmediale, The New School, Kunstverein Stuttgart

Nenad Romić aka Marcell Mars (r.1972.). Napredni korisnik Interneta.

Istraživač na Jan van Eyck Akademiji u Maastrichtu (2011-12), Schloss Solitude (2013), te od 2015. doktorant na Leuphana univerzitetu u Lüneburgu (Digital Cultures Research Lab) sa projektom Ruling Class Studies. 

Jedan je od osnivača web dizajn studija ShePOoArts Airways (1997.), nevladine organizacije Multimedijalni institut - mi2 (1999.), net.kulturnog kluba mama (2000.) te izdavačkog projekta i produkcijskog kolektiva EGOBOO.bits (2001.). Inicijator je Razmjene vještina (2004.) i serije (ne)konferencija Ništa se neće dogoditi (2006.) koje su okupile hakersku zajednicu i entuzijaste tehničke kulture u regiji. Ovih dana zagovara i radi na projektu "Javna biblioteka".

U polju digitalnih medija je organizirao, producirao, konceptualizirao, kurirao brojne festivale, izložbe i konferencije, a samostalno radi i kao istraživač, programer i umjetnik. Njegov rad priznat je u stručnim pregledima relevantnih praksi medijskog dizajna, umjetnosti i društvenog angažmana u regiji, Istaknuta je javna ličnost za teme tehničke i pravne regulacije interneta, intelektualnog vlasništva i stvaralaštva.

Nenad Romic za Novyi Byte

Rich sticky notes

About Nenad Romic za Novyi Byte

It’s repetitional and meditative when not boring. People tend to start to love the melodies after listening “on repeat”. YMMV.

Lyrics are well understood in exYugoslavia and few of the songs are in English. It is funny and a bit goofy. A lot of the songs are about love.

Bits is a neverending story where Nenad Romic za Novyi Byte uploads drafts/songs as they are made in his home studio. Most of the songs are just couple of riffs/melodies which are mixed up in 3ish minutes songs. In most cases it is just singing couple of lines of metrical text over one guitar riff + sometimes that’s mixed up with one of the default drum kit patterns from Boss Loop Station RC-50 and maybe bass guitar riff.

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nenad romić likes to explore doing things which he can't do "properly".

the name novyi byte is inspired by novyi byt (new way of life) from bolshevik revolution. bolshevik activists self-consciously viewed themselves as the vanguard of a militantly modern new way of life (novyi byt) at mortal odds with an old way of life (staryi byt).

"A small group of Bolshevik activists from the Bol'she-Polianskii district (raion) Communist Party Committee arrived in the village of Novoe Pokrovskoe in the Russian Central Black Earth Region on January 17, 1930. They had come for the church bells.

Someone from among the village faithful spotted their approach and managed to climb the bell tower before it was too late. The bells loudly sounded the alarm during the ensuing scuffle between parishioners and activists. More and more villagers rushed to the scene in response to the tocsin, shouting their indignation not only at the plan to remove the bells, but also at the recently imposed collective farm (kolkhoz).

Once the crowd reached menacing proportions and threatened the activists with physical, even mortal, harm, they wisely fled. Having won the battle, villagers then organized themselves to guard the church should the defeated activists return for another attempt at the bells.

Indeed, a second attempt was made only a few days later, except this time officials from higher up the Bolshevik hierarchy arrived, hoping that a more authoritative delegation would force the village's acquiescence. Nevertheless, this delegation faced yet another angry crowd, hastily assembled at the sound of the tocsin. The crowd's list of complaints against Bolshevik policies now expanded beyond the bells' confiscation and the establishment of the collective farm to include the excessive "insurance" payments required by the regime for the church as well as the arrest of the local parish priest

"Constructivist theorists and artists, then, although famed for their commitment to technological production, also invented the concept of the everyday material object of socialist consumption as a socialist thing. This thing would be an active "co-worker" or "comrade" of the human subject rather than a mere commodity to be possessed. The very mundanity of cheap printed cotton fabric--its absolute usefulness in the "new everyday life" (novyi byt) being promoted by the Bolsheviks after the revolution--made it an exemplary Constructivist thing. But it is exemplary only if Constructivism is acknowledged as a practice that sees that the subject is formed as much through the process of using objects in everyday life as by making them in the sphere of production."


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