List of public pages created with Protopage


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Passionate Educator and Technologist

Helping others discover and use technology both in and out of the classroom  

I am an instructional technologist working at a 4 year university in the NYC area.  After teaching high school math for 8 years, I wanted to spend more time developing technology resources for faculty and teaching them how to use various technologies.

Please note, this site is no longer being updated.  For all current and new content visit

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It's been a while since I've added a new tab....  

I was closing down tabs in my browser and took a quick glance at one of those pages-- that glance was all it took, before I knew it, it was over an hour later.  In that tweet, I clicked a 

link, and as they say, that was that!  To be honest, that tends to happen to me... a lot...  but it hasn't happened in a while about math.  Usually, I hyperlink my way across the internet on other topics and while I do appreciate it when I come across the odd math tidbit, I rarely spend that amount of time reading about math anymore.  

I don't teach math anymore, but I do still love it and I miss getting to share that.  While this tab can not possibly hold everything that I love or would want to share about mathematics, it's a start ;)  

My bookmarks

Some of the tags of my delicious bookmarks related to mathematics:


As it's been years since I've been a math teacher, some of these links might be out of date and I'm sure I'm missing some great sites, but there are still some gems to be found here!

Piece of trivia, my first delicious link was about math! 7/29/05

Some more recent links

Before I start to go off on a tangent....  I should share a link or two about Darren and why I follow him on Twitter (besides the fact that he has great tweets!).  I came across Darren's blog, "A Difference", back in the day when I was starting to realize the power of the internet in terms of connecting educators.  Connecting to other educators to help us become better teachers by learning from each other and our students.  Teachers were doing amazing things in their classes with this 'new technology' and they were sharing about them on their blogs!   

So, take a look at an example of why I thought Darren's blog and his ideas were so awesome:  The Scribe Post!  Genius idea really.  And, it can be adapted very easily for a variety of types of subjects and levels of students both at the K-12 and higher ed level.  

I highly recommend you follow him on Twitter- he's definitely in my top 10 (I should put that list together!).  He's truly one of the most inspirational people I follow ;)

Back to getting to those links....  As I started reading the article from the archive of Devlin's Angle I realized- woah, this is the guy that wrote the Math Gene!  How could I have not come across this archive of wonders before?  How could I have missed "The Math Guy"?  And he tweets!!   Not to mention, this is an article that every math teacher should read.  And then it was on, I was off, clicking on hyperlinks, looking things up and then clicking some more.  Here's some of what I found (including some old favorites!):

Archive of Devlin's Angle by Keith Devlin

Lockhart's Lament by Keith Devlin
Paul's article:  A Mathematician's Lament


What Is Mathematics For? by Underwood Dudley

Visualizing Math tumblr blog

Adventures in Teaching:  A Professor Goes to High School to Learn about  Teaching Math by Darryl Yong

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe via @mathwithbagdrawings
XO9 on iTunes


Some of my favorite math books

Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife

The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number by Mario Livio

**need to finish adding books and then going through delicious links...
Also need to add post about math diaries, mathopoly etc...

Math 101:  A Reading List for LifeLong Learners via Ideas.TED


The tweet



SMARTBoard Lessons Podcast

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What are SMARTBoards?

SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard
are interactive whiteboards

Tutorials and Training

Need help with SMARTBoard Basics?  Take a look at a Two-minute tutorial from SMARTtech

Register for free, online training on the SMARTtech website
Smartboard Basics (38pg userguide)
Free learning resources by SMARTtech

SMARTBoard Software Downloads

SMART Notebook v10
SMART Notebook 10.7 Math Tools (Windows);  Math tools features and demo

SMART Notebook Student Editions
(Mac, Window, and other operating systems are supported)

SMART Notebook Express
(Online-Beta);  Express notebook features


38 Interesting Ways to Use Your SMARTBoard
Link to the google document presentation
*note, you can download a PDF or PPT version by clicking on the "Action" drop-down menu at the bottom of the screen

Link to Tom Barrett's Blog where you can find more of his ideas and thoughts on using technology in the classroom.

What kind of SMARTBoard user are you: 
Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced?

Take a look at this chart to find out and see different uses of the SMARTBoards!



My Recent Delicious Bookmarks on Twitter

My Recent Twitter Updates (kris10_)

TwiTip RSS Feed

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About Twitter

This is a collection of resources for teachers interested in using Twitter, but not sure where to start!  Take a look at section to the right with some of the blog posts on why teachers are tweeting, there are some excellent ideas on how you can be using it too! 

Once you're ready to get started, check out the Twitter Cheat sheet and Top Easy Steps for Twitter Beginners in the "Twitter Resources" section on the far right of the page.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to share your twitter tips- I'd love to hear from you, tweet me!  My username is kris10_

Read the "Kristen Daily" (newspaper like format of the content I get via the people I follow on Twitter updated daily)

Why teachers are tweeting (and why you should too!)

Twitter for Teachers via @murcha
Twitter Non-Guidebook: What NOT To Do via @mrsdkrebs
Help a Fellow Teacher Get on Twitter- Every Day! via @jdthomas7
Can Tweeting Help Your Teaching? via @NEAToday
Reflections:  Twitter, teaching and learning via @willycard
Twitter- It's Not Just What's For Breakfast via @web20classroom

Twitter Resources

New to Twitter and wondering where to start?  
Top Easy Steps for Twitter Beginners

My Twitter Cheat sheet (one page pdf)
My Twitter Cheat sheet (two page pdf)

50 Ideas on using Twitter for Education
21 Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom
Twitter for Academia

Top 100 Edu Tweeters

Top 20 most influential tweeters in learning technology

What I learned from Twitter Today (from Teach42)

Mom, this is how twitter works (not just for mom's!)

Twitter Newbies FAQ Wiki (via @butwait)


Twitter Chat Master Schedule (Google Spreadsheet you can download to your own Google Drive)
Index to Educational Twitter Hashtags (Google Document you can download to your own Google Drive)

Some Hashtags I follow

#edchat What is #Edchat?
#mathchat  Introducing #Mathchat see also #Mathchat wiki
#TEDxNYED TEDxNYED is a TEDx event that focuses on empowering innovation in education
#EDUCAUSE is an association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology
#SMCEDU to discuss various topics relating to social media and education

Want to know more about hashtags?  Check out The Twitter Hashtag: What Is It and How Do You Use It? via @TechForLuddites

If you printed out my tweets...

Evan Williams (Twitter CEO) Talks About Twitter on

Web widgets

Why Social Media Can and Is Changing Education

Social Bookmarking


My Recent Delicious Bookmarks (krillion)

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What's So About Social Bookmarking?

I’d like to tell you about how I use it, but first take a quick look at this short 2 minute video so I can tell you a little bit about what it is…

If it looked like I had a lot of bookmarks, that’s because I do!! I’ve been using for about 3 years now and have collected over 1300 links. Math, Technology, and Education are three of my most frequent tags because for the last 8 years I’ve taught mathematics on the high school level. I’ve learned to save everything I find useful or interesting and label them liberally with tags so that way I can find what I need when I need it.

It’s been an invaluable resource and a huge timesaver— not only do I have access to my bookmarks online and can use it like a search engine, but also allows me to search links that other people have saved. And it’s easy to add an RSS feed of my links to keep up-to-date with my bookmarks! (hmmm… if you don’t know what RSS is, don’t worry–we’ll talk about that soon!).

There are of course many more features, and ways to use it, but hopefully you’ve heard enough to want to get started! Take a look at the links I’ve posted on this page for more information or you can go directly to and register for your own account!


Delicious Ideas and Resources

Top 10 Ways to Use Delicious
a Lifehack article with suggestions and ideas for using Delicious

Mashable's Delicious Toolbox "Here are over 80 tools for everything from your mobile device to yourblog, and more, that can help you view your bookmarks in new and uniqueways, backup your bookmarks in a secure location, take your bookmarkswith you on the go, blog about your most recent saves, and then some..."

Packrat.ius- tool that automatically saves your tweets on Delicious (and more!)

Wordle of my Delicious tags

wordle of my delicious tags

Social Bookmarking


Social Media in Education

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Presentation Slides

This is a modified version of the slides I used during the presentation I gave at Faculty Technology Day at Fordham on 5/16/11 (view the comments by clicking on the "View on Slideshare" button for a short transcript)
View more presentations from Kristen T

Handout: Twitter

PDF version (w/clickable links) orTwitter Handout on Slideshare
View more documents from Kristen T 


I will be using this tab on my protopage to collect resources for faculty who are interested in using social media.

Handout: Facebook

PDF version (w/clickable links) or Facebook Handout on Slideshare
View more documents from Kristen T

Rich text note

These are slides from a presentation given at an IT Brown Bag on 6/23/11.  

Slides 1-54:  A discussion on not only how modes and methods of communication have changed but also the types and amount of information that is available.

Slides 54-96:  Examples, tips, and screenshots

To view the full size version, view on slideshare
View more presentations from Kristen T
Fordham IT’s ’Brown Bag’ program began in June 2008. This program was designed specifically to spend time with fellow colleagues getting to know what they do on a daily basis. It has evolved into presentations on current projects, lesson learned from conferences, etc.

Like the FTC on Facebook

Additional Resources

Infographic slideshow used while people walked into the session (PDF)  
Links to infographics

See my Twitter tab for more info and resources on using Twitter

Pros and Cons of using Social Media

Web widgets

Twitter Cheat Sheet via Edudemic


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Copyright Information

Short brochure on using works in teaching (see p5 for chart)

Teaching & Technology's chart of
Copyright and Fair  Use Guidelines forTeachers

Presentation with Audio



Finding Images

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Resources and Links

Flickr Creative Commons: I like to use the creative commons search on Flickr to find photos for a couple of very simple reasons- easy, free, the copyright issue is hassle-free.  All you have to do is give attribution or credit to the author.

Here's a great blog post that will give you some ideas on how creative commons works on Flickr.

If you decide to create an account so you can save your favorites or upload your own photos, here's a great presentation on getting started with Flickr.

My bookmarks on additional places to find images

Each link has a short written description about the site as well as copyright info.  You may also search these bookmarks by tag or flip through them visually
For additional resources on finding eye-catching images, check out the ITAC blog post on this topic.


by andercismo
via Flickr

Graphics for Beginners

A More In Depth Look at Graphics

Education News RSS Feeds


Wired Campus


NYT Education

Teacher Magazine: News and Information for Teacher Leaders

School Library Learning 2.0

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Looking for up to date EdTech news?

Free Rss icon

I've posted some of the RSS feeds of EdTech websites that I find have helpful posts and articles.

Teaching with

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10 TED Talks That Could Be Used As Course Titles via Edudemic

TEDEd:  Lessons Worth Sharing "Flip this video", searchable resource, and more (see video below for more info)

Teaching With TED Wiki complete with searchable spreadsheet of TED talks

TED Talks Demystified for Teachers from The History Teacher's Attic Blog High and Low Tech in the Social Studies Classroom

The 20 Most Watched TED videos to date 

25 TED Talks Perfect for the Classroom

15 TED talks that will change your life

Introducing the TED All-Stars: 50+ speakers who’ll return to the stage at TED2014

50 Ted Talks Every Educator Should Check Out (2014 Edition)

What is TED? Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design.

Their Mission:
We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other."

Watch any of the 500+ videos of the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers as they give the talk of their life!

My Delicious Links on TED

Take a look at my delicious links on TED for some of my favorite videos along with links to more pages for ideas on using them in the classroom.

Web widgets

Flip This Video

Teacher Blogs


A Difference

Digital Passports

learning, together

Digital Passports



Technology Tips For All Teachers -TeacherTechBlog

Tech Ed-dy

Infinite Thinking Machine

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RSS Feeds of Teachers' Blogs

(Teacher Appreciation Cupcakes by clevercupcakes via flickr)

Web widgets

More Blogs

Educause 2010

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I am using this tab on my Protopage to collect resources and information from the Educause 2010 conference I attended this past October.

About Educause:
EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology.

by jsutka via Flickr


PDF of slides used during Brown Bag presentation on Educause  (with clickable links)
PDF of thoughts and reflections on the sessions (with clickable links)
Free Streamed Sessions
Purchase video/audio from the 2010 conference
Flickr feed
Tweets from the entire conference
Additional resources from the 2010 conference




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Have an iPad?

I recently received an iPad and have been exploring ways that they are being used by educators and students.  apple, ipad, touch screen icon

If you have an iPad, or looking into getting an iPad, I hope you find this collection of ideas and suggestions helpful!

iPad 101

Not sure about whether an iPad is right for you?  Or have an iPad and don't know where to start?  Take a look at this excellent set of slides by Mark Baggett.IPAD 101: UTK LIBRARIES
View more presentations from Mark Baggett


Websites and Wikis
Teach with Your iPad Wiki
iPad Curriculum
iPads in Education

iPadRX and Apps Blog

Tips and Tricks

Getting Started with Your iPad
75 Useful Tips and Tricks
11 Essential Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your iPad
100 Incredibly Useful Free iPad Apps

Articles, Documents and Blog Posts

Pros and Cons of iPads in Education
iPads Could Hinder Teaching, Professors Say (via Chronicle of Higher Education)
The iPad will Change Education Forever
In Your Hands:  iPads for Learning
(Resource booklet with classroom ideas for learning)
iPads in Education: Grading what's working and what's not
Overview and Executive Summary of the Educause 2010 session on iPads

iPad Assistive Technology/Disability Round-Up via ATMac
10 Ways People Are Using The iPad To Create Content, Not Just Consume It
iOS 4.2 Ten Great Features
18 Enlightening iPad Experiments in Education

Using the iPad in the Classroom
10 iPad Apps for Educators

iPad Workshop (via High Meadows)

Start sharing your favorite apps!


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Finding e-books

Flexbooks (free e-text books)
Flatworld Knowledge (free to view online, affordable offline, open-licensed, and customizable by educators)

Classic Reader
Project Gutenburg
E-books directory
Planet eBook
NYPL e-books
List of 25 Free sites for reading books online


Anthologize: free open source plugin that allows you to publish a Wordpress blog into an e-book. This tool was developed through the "One Week, One Tool" program, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Issuu: read/publish digital magazines and documents either with free or paid subscriptions.


Image by boltron- via flickr


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Layers Magazine
Adobe Magazine (archive)
Adobe TV

Kuler (color themes)

100 Wicked Tips via Layers Magazine
Quickguide for using the Pen Tool in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

InDesign CS5 (30 min video) via Adobe TV
Adobe TV:  InDesign

The Basics (PDF)

Guided Lessons via Adobe Press (free online or purchase the book)

Collection of Useful Guides (PDF) via

Course Guide

InDesign Secrets

My Delicious Bookmarks:  InDesign

Premiere Pro CS4 Delicious Bookmarks:  Premiere Pro

Tutorial Sites
Premiere Pro tutorials 
Layers Magazine: Premiere Pro 
Adobe TV Premiere Pro

15 Premiere Pro Tutorials Every Video Editor Should Watch
69 Free Tutorial Videos to Help You Learn Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

Some Tutorials I had saved, probably not as good as just listing the tutorial sites
Camera Synchronization
Professional Color Corrector
Highlight Part of an Image
Creating and Animating Effects Using Keyframes 
Convert a Video File to a Different Format Using Adobe Media Encoder
My Delicious Bookmarks:  Premiere Pro

After Effects CS4

My Delicious Bookmarks:  After Effects

10 Basic Lessons (video)


Shortcuts (pdf)
My Delicious Bookmarks:  Soundbooth

CS3 Soundbooth Userguide
5 Key Tasks to Editing Audio in Soundbooth
Noise Reduction (video)


Audacity Cheat Sheat (pdf)
My Delicious Bookmarks:  Audacity
Audacity Download and Directions for LAME download (to export .mp3 files)
Detailed guide on downloading Audacity and exporting .mp3 files
Tips for getting started
Audacity wikis and guides

Illustrator CS4

Tool Panels and Shortcuts (pdf)
My Delicous Bookmarks:  Illustrator

Vector Guru
Adobe Illustrator Tutorials
Learn Illustrator CS3 in 30 Days
60 Tutorials and Tips
60 Tools and Tutorials

Topic Specific Tutorials
Gradient Mesh Tool, Gradients, and Blends
Text Wrap and Text Area in a Compound Shape
Wrapping Text Around an Object
4 Simple Shapes
Using Layers
Clipping Mask
Tracing a Drawing
Neon Text
20 Amazing Tutorials for Creating Icons
Build Awesome Color Palettes Effortlessly in Illustrator via DesignShack
10 Essential Tips for Working With Color Swatches in Illustrator via Creative Pro
About global swatches via gomediazine 
Using and Creating Swatches via Adobe
How to use the pathfinder palette via Illustrator Tips
Kuler (can save in the cloud by creating an adobe id)

Vectors, Symbols, and Textures
I Heart Vector
123 Free Vectors

Dream Weaver CS4 and Web Design (pdf)
My Delicious Bookmarks:  Dreamweaver
My Delicious Bookmarks:  Web Design

Dreamweaver Quick Visual Guide
20 Cheat sheets for Multimedia and Web Producers
Add Depth and Dimension

Flash CS3 and CS4

Tools and Shortcuts (CS3)
My Delicious Bookmarks:  Flash

ActionScript Toolbox
50 Flash Twitterers Worth Following
Adobe's Flash Delicious Bookmarks

10 Killer Flash Tips for Beginners
Flash Fade In and Fade Out
Alpha Gradient Mask
Morphing Text
Zoom Transition Effect
Handling Illustrator and Photoshop Content in Flash
Flash Perfection (huge list of Flash tutorials)

Photoshop CS4

Shortcuts (pdf)
My Delicious Bookmarks:  Photoshop

Photoshop Candy
Smashing Magazine's Photoshop Video Tutorials- Best of

Pi Day

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Countdown to Pi Day

Pi Day Countdown


Watch the Pi Drop live on Pi Day

K-12 Activities 
(Most can also be adapted for other grades)

Pi Day: The Other Math Holiday! (PDF) activities
Suggestions submitted by readers
Brain Pop episode
3.14 Trivia Game  
NCTM Pi Activities
Pi Day Lesson Plans
Pi and the Fibonacci Numbers
Monte Carlo Estimation for Pi (statistical modeling)
The Irrational Webquest
Pi Day Challenge
Wiki How to Celebrate Pi Day
Take the Pi Day Challenge
Pi in the Sky (via NASA)
FREE Pi Day (March 14th) T-Shirt Design Idea, Project Sheets

Pi Websites and Pages on Facebook

My Bookmarks: Pi

Pi Infographic


Pi Day graphic via

About Pi Day

Pi Day is celebrated in Math classrooms all over the world twice a year on March 14th (3/14) and "Little Pi Day" on July 22nd (22/7). 

This Pi Day I decided to be uber geeky and design some Pi Day shirts.  If you're also a fan, you can order on RedBubble

More Pi

Million Digits of Pi
Billion Digits of Pi
Pi Poetry
A chronology of Pi

Pi Trainer for memorizing Digits
Mentat Wiki:  Pi Memorization
Pi Searcher

Let's Take Another Look at Pi Day
National Pi Day Legislation (and the Pi Day Bill)

Pi (Wikipedia)

Typing Pi on the Keyboard

Behold the world's geekiest artwork: Pi in the sky to 1,000 places

Pi Photos on Twitter from 2014

Visualization of the first 1,000 digits of pi

Videos and Songs

Pi Rap

The Story of Pi
The World's Most Mysterious Number
Pi Day 2007:  Pi Another Day Pi-Day 2010
Amazing Pi Sand Art 
Pi is an Irrational Number- Star Trek clip
Pi Day Tribute:  In Love with Pi
Can You Imagine the World Without Pi
Why We Need Pi
The Number Pi Challenge
e + pi

Web widgets

#piday tweets on twitter


Designing Presentations

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Resources on this page are from a talks given to several undergrad classes on how to design presentations.


Delicious Stack:   "Presentations*"  links mentioned in the slides
Delicious Links:  "Presentations*"  searchable list of all resources labeled presentations*

Additional resources

Create and share video/whiteboard lessons


Mobile Apps in Education

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Mobile Apps in Education

Slides used during presentation given at Faculty Technology Day 5/22/12.
Resources (including links to apps) to follow....


Web (and Mobile)

Cell Staining Simulation Tool
3D Brain
Course Smart
Seismic Network


Google Goggles
Nuance Mobile
Get Pocket


Chronicle of Higher Education
Use Your Handwriting
History Maps of the World
Dragon Dictation


Where to find apps

Searchable by age/skill/subject and other helpful criteria:



iPad Curriculum

Common Sense Media:  Best apps, games, and websites for learning

Additional Blogs/Websites

Android for Academics

50 Free Android Apps Being Used in Education Today (listed by age group) 10/11/12

Presentation slides

View more presentations from Kristen T

Career Day 2014

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More Cool Math Stuff

Cool Math Stuff

10 Amazing Examples of Architecture Inspired by Mathematics

In Mysterious Pattern, Math and Nature Converge

Algebra proves useful after all, boosts Wi-Fi speed by 16x

Doing the math 'predicts' which movies will be box office hits

The Math of Pringles

How Math Can Help Save a Dying Language

Math can save Tylenol overdose patients

Mathematics in Movies

Inside a mathematical proof lies literature, says Stanford's Reviel Netz

Origami finds new dimensions at MIT

Headlines from a Mathematically Literate World

Carlos '97 free kick no fluke, say French physicists

9 More Super-Controversial Math Facts That People Refuse To Believe Are True

Dropping In on Gottfried Leibniz

Pixar:  The math behind the movies - Tony DeRose

Mathematicians Are Hoping their Calculations Add Up to the Perfect Bracket

Simpson's Math

MegaPenny Project

Maths Timeline

Visualizing Math
Tumblr Blog

Math Gifs



Infographic- Jobs

The Best Jobs of 2014

10 Rad Jobs of the Future

Jobs of the Future

10 Jobs that Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago

Math Jobs

Jobs That May Be Slipping Away - And Those That Are Here To Stay

We Use Math


Why do you study math?

Mathematics. Trust me. It's important in your life

What is Mathematics For?

Why Do We Study Calculus?
or,a brief look at some of the history of mathematics

Why Math?


The Beauty and Mystery of Mathematicsl

Engineering & Curiousity

We Use Math

When not knowing Math can cost you $15,000

The Futures Channel- When would I ever use this?

Students Turn Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" Into Calculus Mnemonic

Zero and One

The Best of YouTube:  Education

The Magic of Fibonacci Numbers

Math Anxiety

Math Anxiety?  Scientists have it too!

Coping with Math Anxiety

Other Cool Stuff

Inside Science
Plus Maths

Information and links about 3D printing

MOOCs and Free Online Learning

Major MOOC Players

Coursera Udacity edX

Top Ten Places for Free Courses

Udemy iTunesU Stanford UC Berkeley MIT Duke Harvard UCLA Yale Carnegie Mellon

Free Online Learning Resources

More than 100 Free Places to Learn Online and Counting
Thousands of FREE College Courses Listed by Institution


Career day 2014 at Queens Vocational and Technical HS from Kristen T