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Date:                            7th April 2006


Time:                           9.30 am


Subject:                      HAP Implementation Group


Venue:                        Board Room, Swandean


Chair:                          Jeanette Drake


Minuted By:

Jeanette Drake - Head of Services




Kevin Davies

Cath Scott

KC Lee

Chris Ball

Mark Stables



1. Apologies:

Melissa Morris

Sarah Hawke

Andy Macdonald

Su Forrester

John Parsons

Brian Hughes



































































































































Minutes and matters arising from meeting on 3rd February 2006


·        Update on HAP Work - Chris Ball to ask Geeta what action is to be completed and by whom.


·        Project Money


The money that had been made available from AAW was spent on Jo McCaffrey working in AAW for two days a week and Andy Macdonald working in Western, for the past two months. 


Jo has been contacting surgeries who have been involved in the project to find out what help and support that they need and has been chasing up those practices that have not yet signed up to the LES.  Jo McCaffrey has updated the HAP checklist following feedback from CTPLD members and practice staff.  The money we had available was not sufficient to have enough new copies printed. 


To find out if document can be word protected and put on CDs to be circulated to PCTs, GP practices and CTPLDs.  The CDs will be given to practices by hand to be placed in the green folders and as another opportunity to remind people about the HAP project.


Residential homes have expressed an interest in using the checklist when their GP practices are not involved.  CTPLDs to hand out the old paper copies where it would be felt to be useful.  CTPLDs to give instructions on their use to the residential homes and to write to the clients’ GPs to advise them that they will be using a HAP checklist.  Standard letter to be drafted.  This letter will be a way of reminding people that the HAP project is available and  we are keen to ensure that people access mainstream health. 


To find out who is holding paper copies now,  some copies are in the Causeway held by Liz Hall, Brian Hughes’ Secretary.  KC to find out how many available.


Update on HAP work


Training for Residential Staff.


It was felt that not all Social and Caring Services managers were represented at the workshops.  KC to inform Mark  which Social and Caring Services staff have attended.




Training for People with Learning Disability and Carers.


Jo McCaffrey has liaised with powerful trainers who will provide 9 x 2 hour sessions of training covering Worthing, Horsham and Chichester.  They have been given a copy of the “Not the Doctor” DVD and Valuing People Documents relating to health.  Their brief is to develop an interactive package aimed at service users and their carers, particularly family carers.  Powerful trainers will incorporate several role play scenarios based on sections of the health assessment document.  They would like a HAP Champion present at each of the sessions to answer any questions.  The HAP Team to provide a stall showing examples of health promotion resources available on loan.  HAP team to arrange venues and invites.  Dates of training likely to be weekly from June.  A meeting has been set up with powerful trainers but this will need to be re-organised, possibly to May 19th at 9.30 am.  Chris Ball, KC Lee, Andy Macdonald to meet with powerful trainers, Melissa or Sarah also to be asked.  People to put thoughts on paper before the meeting.  Kevin to be advised of the date.


Article on Health Action Plans -


During Jo McCaffrey’s work practices have asked for a friendly article that could be used in their newsletters.  Kevin has a copy of one used before to send to KC.


HAP Project Worker


Advert, JD and Spec have been finalised.  Kevin has checked it with recruitment and it is banded at 6.  There is enough money for two workers, two days a week for ten months, one in the Northern area and one covering Western and Southern.


Funding confirmation needed from Andrew Tyson.  Kevin to chase.  Advert to go out, prior to this funding confirmation needed before recruitment.  Circulate JD and Spec and advert to PCTs, Sussex Partnership NHS Trust, Social Services.  Set up interview dates and closing dates.


Plan for Project Workers


Identify GP practices still to engage.  Send copies to Kevin and Jeanette for project worker to work on marketing HAPS/Publicity.  Project Workers to look at how we can tell more people about the project, i.e. posters, flyers, getting into carer’s leaflets, adverts, linking with health promotion teams.


Any Other Business


The group wished to record their thanks and gratitude to Cath Scott for all her work with Health Action Planning within West Sussex.  Cath is leaving West Sussex to work in Brighton and Hove as a Community Nurse Manager, so will still remain working for the Trust.  Cath started the HAP work some years ago with Matt Box and Mark Stables, for which everybody is grateful.


Date of Next Meetings :


2nd June 9.30 am, Board Room, Swandean

14th July 9.30 am, Board Room, Swandean

1st September 9.30 am, Board Room, Swandean

3rd November  9.30 am, Board Room, Swandean





























KC Lee, Chris Ball, Andy Macdonald and Su














Chris Ball and KC Lee Andy Macdonald and Su Forrester












KC Lee, Chris Ball, Andy Macdonald and Su





























KC Lee, Chris Ball, Andy and Su


















Kevin Davies, Specialist Services Manager, Sheencroft, Mid Sussex PCT

Cath Scott, Senior Community Nurse Manager

KC Lee, Community Nurse Manager

Chris Ball, Community Nurse Manager

Mark Stables, Service Manager SACS

Melissa Morris, Primary Care Development Manager, Horsham & Chanctonbury PCT

Sarah Hawke, Head of Public and Patient Involvement, Crawley PCT

Andy Macdonald, Senior Community Nurse

Su Forrester, Senior Community Nurse

John Parsons, Development Manager, Western PCT

Brian Hughes, Director of Planning AAW PCT





Jeanette Drake


01403 225182





Date:               7th April 2006


Time:              9.30am


Duration:        1 1/2 hours


Subject:          HAP Implementation Group


Venue:            Board Room, Swandean


Chair:              Jeanette Drake







Minutes and Matters Arising from meeting of 3rd February 2006







Update on HAP Work



Top Tips

for Health Professionals!

From People with Learning Disability

And Family Carers



*                 Get to know me and understand my disability


*                 Access is about more than ramps !  Make it easy for me to find out where to go.  How welcoming is your reception and waiting area


*                 Explain things to me step by step.  It may help to use symbols or diagrams.  My carer helps me to understand, they can help you too


*                 Find out what is a good time to see me.  Offer me a double appointment time


*                 Would your Team benefit from training by people with learning disability and family carers ?  Get in touch !



Get it right for us !

Get it right for everyone !



Working Title: Learning to succeed against the odds

Purpose: to promote health and well-being for people with learning difficulties

Three reasons why it’s time to change:

· people with learning difficulties have as much right to our best health services as anyone else - evidence shows they are subject to adverse discrimination in accessing health services.

· effective individual health assessment and planning is likely to improve health and help us to target scarce resources more effectively.

· Greater targeting of primary care and general medical services resources at quality outcomes presents a good opportunity to improve access for people with learning difficulties.

What you can do:

Make contact with the Western Sussex Learning Disabilities Network (PLDNet) who will help you access additional resources to make the changes required.
Join PLDNet now – click here

For further information contact: John
01243 770794 or 07899 956254
Or visit the website

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Improving Health for People with Learning Difficulties in West Sussex

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Western Practice Leads
Jerry Nelson - Avisford
Justyn Jackson - Lavant Road
Lynnette Hurdle - Maywood
Fiona Lewis - Cathedral
Joanna Reiss - West Meads
Lorena Rodriguez - Riverbank

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