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Technology that Enhances Instruction


Larry Wilson bookmarks

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Larry Wilson notes

*YouTube - to download from YouTube to show in class: use and copy URL of the video from YouTube into zamzar URL box (be sure not to let it have two https) - change the file extension to .wmv (or another type depending on the use) - enter email address, click Convert. *Xtranormal - text-to-movie *book - "Why Students Don't Like School" - "Hot, Flat, and Crowded" by Tom Friedman (The World is Flat author) * - thinktank *Ken Robinson - Is Education Killing Creativity *vocapeople *animoto - downloads as mp4 - upload to zamzar and convert to avi to burn to dvd ulead videostudio - he doesn't like MovieMaker - not free

Oodles of Google - list of links

Moodle by Brian Beaver 7-7-09

* * *MOODLE = Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Enironment *you can edit the components of Moodle as you wish - modular (like a bookcase) *a wiki is a component of Moodle *guest-accessible - can't do assignments, but can explore *group learning - kids should be able to work collaboratively - in Moodle learners as well as teachers participate in developing their own knowledge *training server for today's workshop = *Moodle Docs = *the CD he gave us is the entire teacher's book for Moodle *open enrollment = students can enroll themselves *teacher controls class enrollment after students get enrolled in Moodle *Brian has a Moodle server that is large enough for everything we can throw at it *doesn't maintain constant connection *many schools (including higher ed [UCLA, etc.]) use Moodle for many or all their courses *free, open-source *you can post videos and mp3s on here to share *Course Management Features - Modules (this is in the Moodle class) - Assignment - used to assign online or offline tasks; learners can submit tasks in any file format - Chat - allows real-time synchronous communication by learners - Choice - Insturctors creat a question and a number of choices for learners; results are posted for learners to view. Use this module to do quick surveys on subject matter - Database - allows the teacher and/r students to build, display and search record entries about any conceivable topic *"turn editing on" so members can edit - Forums - threaded discussion boards - Glossary - Label - Lesson - allows instructor ... - Quiz - Resource - Survey - Workshop *teacher can require students to join from a particular email account - if they enroll in Moodle from hotmail, for example, the teacher wouldn't enroll them in the class - Groups - determine how members will interact with each other - Calendar - include deadlines, etc. - Roles - admin, course creator (create own courses, teach in them, and assign others to teacher roles), teachers (in a specific course), non-editing teacher roles (adjuncts, part-time tutors, student-teachers, mentees, etc.) - Scales - for grading forums and assignments - can give a grade for participation, etc. - Grades - Logs - keep a log of students' activities, when they did the assignment, etc. - Files - centrally local all course resources within the Files area so they are available when creating new activities - Help - how-tos and teacher-only forum - Enrollment Key - teacher can create and require an enrollment key to allow participation in a class instead of the teacher picking students who belong in each class *If teaching multiple sections of the same class, you can create one class and multiple groups inside that class *OR create a class, back it up, then use the back-up to make another class *any resource or activity can have a start and stop date so you can control when students have access to them - Email Notifications - learners subscribed to forums can be notified of new postings. Instructors can notify of new assignments this way *

Cool Tools for Educators



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Karen Fraser's presentation at HSTI 2010 *URL shorteners - tinyurl and *can't reuse name after / (/hsti12) * tracks usage (how many people came to site from the link you gave them) - sign up to create account * addresses are case sensitive *newer and fewer custom names are taken * (like DabbleBoard) - online concept mapping *Zamzar - can do other conversions besides video (pdf to word, for example) *Pecha Kucha (peh-chak-cha) - 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide, timed *Presentation Magazine - templates you can use instead of Microsoft's templates *Guerilla Mail - temporary email address that is only good for 60 minutes *JingProject - like Camtasia * - 10GB free online storage space - log in, upload file, direct people to that address (or change to a tinyurl or to share files - if don't log in for 30 days, account disappears *In WinXP - image resizer - Microsoft PowerToy Image Resizer - adds an option to right-click menu to resize one or a group of pics *Simpy - like Delicious, but can create private links - can create collaborative groups * - create educator account - can highlight information on a webpage

Photo Fun

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Interwrite DualBoard



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Kubbu - free teacher account
"Free account is limited to 30 students and 15 activities at a time. Students' results are stored for 30 days. The account will be deleted after 60 days of inactivity."
3 steps to get started:
1 - create student accounts and/or group profiles
2 - prepare an activity and set activity permissions
3 - pass login information to students
1 - create groups with anonymous access via web address
2 - publish web addresses assigned to activities
3 - print activities


Use eraser tool to reveal answers. (Put a white box with no border on top of the answer ahead of time.)
Use pull tabs. 

Flip Cameras



Woot, etc.



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