Plain sticky notes
Chapter 21: Spacial Sense
Lesson 1: Same Size and Shape Lesson 2: Symmetry Lesson 4: Give and Follow Directions Lesson 5: Problem solving
Chapter 8: Subtraction Practice
Lesson 1: Practice the facts Lesson 2: Subtraction to 8 Lesson 3: Subtraction to 10 Lesson 4: Follow the rule Lesson 5: Fact Families Lesson 6: Choose the Operation
How it works
Chapters colored blue are complete. pink chapters have yet to be covered. To view chapter contents place your cursor over the sticky note, located on each chapter title (left hand corners).
Chapter 22 Patterns
Lesson 1: Describe and extend patterns Lesson 2: Pattern Units Lesson 3: Make new Patterns Lesson 4: Find a Pattern
Chapter 9: Building Numbers to 100
Lesson 1: Tens Lesson 2: Tens and Ones to 20 Lesson 3: Tens and ones to 50 Lesson 4: Tens and Ones to 100 Lesson 5: Expand Numbers Lesson 6: Estimates
Chapter 23 Length
Lesson 1: Compare Lengths Lesson 2: Use Nonstandard Units Lesson 3: Inch Ruler Lesson 4: Centimeters Lesson 5: Estimates
Chapter 10: Comparing/Ordering Numbers
Lesson 1: Greater Than Lesson 2: Less than Lesson 3: Make a Model Lesson 4: Before, After, In-between Lesson 5: 1 less, 1 more Lesson 6: 10 less, 10 more
Chapter 24 Weight and Capacity
Lesson 1: Use a Balance Lesson 2: Estimate and Measure Lesson 3: Compare Capacities Lesson 4 Measuring tools
Lesson 11: Number Patterns
Lesson 1: Ordinal Numbers Lesson 2: Patterns on a Hundred Chart Lesson 3: Skip Count by 2s, 5s, and 10s Lesson 4: Find a Pattern
Chapter 25 Fractions
Lesson 1: Halves Lesson 2: Fourths Lesson 3: Thirds Lesson 4: Choose the Model Lesson 5: Parts of Groups
Chapter 12: Addition to 12
Lesson 1: Count on to 12 Lesson 2: Doubles Lesson 3: Add 3 Numbers Lesson 4: Number sentences
Chapter 13: Subtraction to 12
Lesson 1: Count back Lesson 2: How many more? Lesson 3: Related addition and subtraction Lesson 4: Draw a picture
Chapter 26 Addition/Subtraction to 20
Lesson 1: Doubles and Doubles plus 1 Lesson 2: 10 and More Lesson 3: Make 10 to add with 9 Lesson 4: Make 10 to add with 6, 7, and 8 Lesson 5: Add three numbers Lesson 6: Problem Solving
Chapter 1 : Addition Concepts
Lesson 1: Addition Stories Lesson 2: More addition Stories Lesson 3: Add with pictures Lesson 4: Write an addition sentence Lesson 5: Add 0
Chapter 14: Addition and Subtraction
Lesson 1: Use addition to subtract Lesson 2: Fact Families Lesson 3: Sum/difference to 12 Lesson 4: Choose a Strategy
Chapter 27: Subtraction Facts
Lesson 1: Count Back 1, 2, and 3 Lesson 2: Doubles Fact Families Lesson 3: Think addition to subtract Lesson 4: Choose the Operation
Chapter 2: Using Addition
Lesson 1: Add in any order Lesson 2: Ways to make 7 and 8 Lesson 3: Ways to make 9 and 10 Lesson 4: Vertical Addition Lesson 5: Problem Solving
Chapter 15: Data and Graphing
Lesson 1: Sort and Classify Lesson 2: Tally Marks Lesson 3: Picture Graphs Lesson 4: Bar Graphs Lesson 5: Make a Graph
Chapter 28: Addition/Subtraction
Lesson 1: Sums/Differences to 14 Lesson 2: Sums/Differences to 18 Lesson 3: Sums/ Differences to 20 Lesson 4: Make a Table
Chapter 16: Counting money
Lesson 1: Pennies/nickels Lesson 2: Pennies/Dimes Lesson 3: Count groups of coins Lesson 4: Problem Solving
Chapter 3: Subtraction
Lesson 1: Subtraction Stories Lesson 2: Subtract with Pictures Lesson 3: Write Subtraction Sentences Lesson 4: Problem Solving Lesson 5: Use Subtraction
Chapter 29: Adding 2-digit
Lesson 1: Add Tens Lesson 2: Count on by ones Lesson 3: Count on by Tens Lesson 4: Add Tens and ones Lesson 5: Model Problem Solving
Chapter 17: Using Money
Lesson 1: Trade pennies, Nickels, Dimes Lesson 2: Equal Amounts Lesson 3: Quarters Lesson 4: One Dollar Lesson 5: Act it out
Chapter 4: Using Subtraction
Lesson 1: Take apart 7 and 8 Lesson 2: Make a Model Lesson 3: Vertical Subtraction Lesson 4: How many more? Lesson 5: Use Subtraction
Chapter 30 Subtracting 2-Digit
Lesson 1: Subtract Tens Lesson 2: Count Back by Ones Lesson 3: Count Back by Tens Lesson 4: Subtract tens and Ones Lesson 5: Subtract 1 digit from 2 digit
Chapter 18 Telling Time
Lesson 1 : Read a Clock Lesson 2: Problem Solving Lesson 3: Time to the hour Lesson 4 Time to the half hour Lesson 5 Practice with time
Chapter5: Addition Strategies
Lesson 1: Take apart 7 and 8 Lesson 2: Make a Model Lesson 3: Vertical Subtraction Lesson 4: How many more? Lesson 5: Use Subtraction
Chapter 19: Time: Days and Months
Lesson 1: Months and Days Lesson 2: Order Events Lesson 3: Make a graph Lesson 4: Read a schedule Lesson 5: Reasonable estimates
Lesson 6: Addition Facts
Lesson 1: Practice facts Lesson 2: Sums to 8 Lesson 3: Sums to 10 Lesson 4: Follow the Rule Lesson 5: Number sentence
Chapter 20 Solid Figures/Shapes
Lesson 1: Solid Figures Lesson 2: Logical Reasoning Lesson 3: Flat surfaces on Solids Lesson 4: Plane shapes and solid figures Lesson 5: Sort and Identify Shapes
Chapter 7: Subtraction
Lesson 1: Count back 1 and 2 Lesson 2: Count back 3 Lesson 3: Relate addition and Subtraction Lesson 4: Draw a picture