Spelling List
1. beauty
2. ugly
3. lazy
4. marry
5. ready
6. sorry
7. empty
8. honey
9. valley
10. movie
11. duty
12. hungry
13. lonely
14. alley
15. body
16. twenty
17. turkey
18. hockey
19. fifty
20. monkey
Mr. Richard A deRuiter
Room 110
3180 Hein Dr.
Sterling Heights, Michigan 48310
(586) 825-2780
Thursday is Bagel Day!
Bagels are $.75. You are allowed to purchase
more than one if you like. Paper bags and
napkins are provided.
Leftover bagels will be sold on Friday for $.50.
Spelling List
1. rotate
2. union
3. embargo
4. reflect
5. migrate
6. sum
7. difference
8. orbit
9. volume
10. strike
11. recycle
12. tilt
13. immingrant
14. season
15. addend
Spelling List
1. pilot
2. depend
3. visit
4. human
5. seven
6. chosen
7. paper
8. reason
9. become
10. parent
11. never
12. modern
13. tiny
14. tuna
15. event
16. fever
17. moment
18. prison
19. basic
20. open
Spelling List
1. survey
2. tally
3. chart
4. horizontal axis
5, vertical axis
6. mean
7. median
8. mode
9. range
10. ration
11. prosperity
12. discrimination
Spelling List
1. yellow
2. bucket
3. package
4. narrow
5. rabbit
6. chicken
7. declare
8. person
9. entire
10. number
11. gather
12. engine
13. rocket
14. nothing
15. rather
16. garden
17. secret
18. limber
19. apron
20. silver
Spelling List
1. tariff
2. producer
3. profit
4. export
5, corporation
6. economics
7. interest
8. service
9. goods
10. import
11. scarcity
12. consumer
13. partnership
14. tax
Spelling List
1. acting
2. anybody
3. blanks
4. bother
5. buys
6. charm
7. cloud
8. cookies
9. crops
10. fade
11. painter
12. places
13. pounds
14. press
15. risk
16. setting
17. stairs
18. stamped
19. stuck
20. tiny
Spelling List
1. magnet
2. circuit
3. pole
4. condutor
5. insulator
6. electromagnet
7. switch
8. battery
9. static electricity
10. chemical energy
11. mechanical energy
12. colon :
13. semicolon ;
14. comma ,
15. parentheses " "
Spelling List
1. race
2. justice
3. peaceful
4. rights
5. protest
6. march
7. nonviolence
8. minister
9. dream
10. freedom
11. nation
12. boycott
Spelling List
1. eighth
2. tongue
3. through
4. once
5. enough
6. chose
7. favorite
8. guess
9. believe
10. loose
11. lose
12. another
13. choose
14. anyone
15. quit
16. beautiful
17. would
18. quite
19. height
20. weird
Spelling List
1. village
2. cottage
3. bridge
4. fence
5. strange
6. chance
7. twice
8. cage
9. change
10. carriage
11. glance
12. ridge
13. manage
14. damage
15. since
16. marriage
17. edge
18. lodge
19. cabbage
20. dodge
Spelling List
1. beauty
2. ugly
3. lazy
4. marry
5. ready
6. sorry
7. empty
8. honey
9. valley
10. movie
11. duty
12. hungry
13. lonely
14. alley
15. body
16. twenty
17. turkey
18. hockey
19. fifty
20. monkey
Spelling List
1. sunnier
2. cloudier
3. windier
4. cities
5. heaviest
6. prettiest
7. studied
8. easier
9. noisier
10. families
11. ferries
12. crazier
13. funnier
14. earlier
15. copied
16. hobbies
17. angriest
18. emptied
19. worried
20. happiest
Spelling List 1
1. gain
2. cream
3. sweet
4. safe
5. past
6. reach
7. kept
8. gray
9. field
10. break
11. east
12. shape
13. steep
14. pray
15. pain
16. hello
17. west
18. cheap
19. steak
20. chief
Spelling List 3
1. brush
2. juice
3. fruit
4. tube
5. lunch
6. crumb
7. few
8. true
9. truth
10. done
11. suit
12. pump
13. due
14. dull
15. tune
16. blew
17. trunk
18. sum
19. glue
20. threw
I understand what I read
- Check for understanding
- Back up and reread
- Monitor and fix up
- Retell the story
- Use prior knowledge to connect with text
- Make a picture or mental image
- Ask questions throughout the reading process
- Predict what will happen; use text to confirm
- Infer and support with evidence
- Use text features (titles, headings, captions, graphic features)
- Summarize text: include sequence of main events
- Use main idea and supporting details to determine importance
- Determine and analyze author’s purpose and support with text
- Recognize literacy elements:
(genre, plot, character, setting, problem/resolution, theme)
- Recognize and explain cause-and-effect relationships
- Compare and contrast within and between text
I can read the words
- Cross checking: Do the pictures and/or words look right?
Do they sound right? Do they make sense?
- Use the pictures: Do the words and pictures match?
- Use beginning and ending sounds
- Blend sounds; stretch and reread
- Flip the sound
- Chunk letters and sounds together
- Skip the word, then come back
-Trade a word/guess a word that makes sense
I can read accurately, with expression,
and understand what I read
- Voracious reading
- Read appropriate-level texts that are a good fit
- Reread text
- Practice common sight words and high frequency words
- Adjust and apply different reading rates to match text
- Use punctuation to enhance phrasing and prosody
(end marks, commas, etc.)
Expanding Vocabulary
I know, find, and use interesting words
- Voracious reading
- Tune in to new and interesting words and use them in speaking
and writing
- Use pictures, illustrations, and diagrams
- Use word parts to determine the meaning of words:
(prefixes, suffixes, origins, abbreviations, etc.)
- Use prior knowledge and context to predict and confirm meaning
- Ask someone to define the word for you
- Use dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries as tools
What are we reading?
1 - Dash, the Young Meerkat
2 - Cyril the Dragon
3 - Ruby Bridges
4 - Message in a Bottle
5 - Rescue in the Bermuda Triangle
We are practicing these strategies:
- Checking for understanding
- Back up and reread
- Do the words make sense?
- Use start and sounds
Topic 1. Numeration
1-1 Thousands
Students will represent numbers with place-value blocks and
number lines. They will write numbers in standard form, ex-
panded form, and word form.
1-2 Millions
Students will represent numbers in the millions using a place-
value chart. They will write numbers in expanded form, using
periods to help write numbers in word form.
1-3 Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers
Students will apply their knowledge of place value to compare
and order numbers.
1-4 Rounding Whole Numbers
Students will show how to use place value to round whole
1-5 Using Money to Understand Decimals
Students will use place-value charts to read, write, and
compare decimals in tenths and hudredths using money.
1-6 Counting Money and Making Change
Students will convert a collection of coins and bills into a total
amount and make change.
1-7 Make an Organized List
Students will systematically find and record all possible
outcomes for a situation.
Topic 2. Adding and Subtracting
2-1 Using Mental Math to Add and Subtract
Students will apply a variety of methods to add and subtract whole numbers mentally.
1. Properties of Addition: pgs. 28-29
Cummutative Property of Addition:
You can add two numbers in any order.
Associative Property of Addition:
You can change the grouping of addends.
Identity Property of Addition:
Adding zero does not change the number.
2. Methods for adding and subtracting mentally: p. 28
Adding: breaking apart and compensation
Subtracting: counting on and compensation
2-2 Estimating Sums and Differences of Whole Numbers
Students will round whole numbers to estimate sums and
2-3 Problem Solving: Missing or Extra Information
Students will identify what information in a problem is not needed
or not present.
2-4 Adding Whole Numbers
Students will add numbers to hundred thosands with and without
Topic 17. Data and Graphs
17-1 Data from Surveys
Students will design and use a survey with a sample size that
allows accurate predictions to be made about a larger popul-
17-2 Interpretting Graphs
Students will use bar graphs to display data.
17-3 Line Plots
Students will learn and understand how to draw line plots,
interpret points, and recognize outliers.
17-4 Ordered Pairs
Students will learn to locate points on a coordinate plane using
ordered pairs.
17-5 Line Graphs
Students will use line graphs to see changes in data over
17-6 Mean
Students will calculate the mean from a collection of values.
17-7 Median, Mode, and Range
Students will identify the median, mode, and range for
numerical data sets.
17-8 Stem-and Leaf Plots
Students will use stem and leaf plots to organize data by
place value.
17-9 Reading Circle Graphs
Students will use circle graphs to show parts of a whole.
17-10 Make a Graph
Students will make and use graphs to display data and solve
Topic 3. Multiplication Facts
3-1 Meanings of Multiplication
Students will recognize multiplication as repeated addition of
equal groups, used in arrays and comparisons.
3-2 Patterns for Facts
Students will use patterns to find products with factors of 2, 5,
and 9.
3-3 Multiplication Properties
Students will use mulitplication properties to simplify compu-
3-4 3 and 4 as Factors
Students will use the Distributive Property to simplify multipli-
cation problems by rewriting one of the factors as a sum of
two numbers.
3-5 6,7, and 8 as Factors
Students will use the Distributive Property and other regroup-
ing properties to simplify multiplication involving 6s, 7s, and
8s by rewriting one of the factors.
3-6 10,11, and 12 as Factors
Students will use patterns as aids to mastery of facts and
multiples of 10,11, and 12.
3-7 Problem Solving
Students will draw pictures to problem solve multiplication
situations and use their pictures to write number sentences.
Topic 5. Multiplying by 1 Digit Numbers
5-1 Multiplying by Multiples of 10 and 100
Students will use basic multiplication facts and number pat-
terns to multiply by multiples of 10 and 100.
5-2 Using Mental Math to Multiply
Students will use compatible numbers with adjustment,
breaking apart, and other strategies to multiply mentally.
5-3 Using Rounding to Estimate
Students will use compatible numbers and rounding to es-
timate solutions to multiplication problems.
5-4 Problem Solving: Reasonableness
Students will check for reasonableness by making sure their
calculations answer the questions asked and by using esti-
mation to make sure the calculation was performed correctly.
5-5 Using an Expanded Algorithm
Students will record multiplication using and expanded
5-6 Multiplying 2 Digit by 1 Digit Numbers
Students will multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers
using paper and pencil methods.
5-7 Multiplying 3 Digit by 1 Digit Numbers.
Students will use the standard algorithm to multiply 3 digit
numbers by 1 digit numbers.
5-8 Draw a Picture and Write an Equation
Students will solve problems using he problem-solving
strategies draw a picture and write an equation.
Topic 7. Multiplying by 2 Digit Numbers
7-1 Using Mental Math to Multiply 2 Digit Numbers
Students will discover and understand patterns used to
multiply by 10 and 100.
7-2 Estimating Products
Students will use rounding and compatible numbers to
estimate solutions to multiplication problems.
7-3 Arrays and an Expanded Algorithm
Students will use arrays and expanded algorithms to
multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers to find a
7-4 Multiplying 2 Digit Numbers by Multiples of Ten
Students will use grids and patterns to multiply 2 digit
numbers and multiples of 10.
7-5 Multiplying 2 Digit by 2 Digit Numbers
Students will use partial products to multiply 2 digit
numbers by two digit numbers and find the products.
7-6 Special Cases
Students will learn to multiply greater numbers.
7-7 Problem Solving: Two-Question Problems
Students will solve two-question problems.
Topic 4. Division Meanings and Facts
4-1 Meanings of Division
Students will use and draw models to solve division problems.
4-2 Relating Multiplication and Division
Students will use arrays to write and complete multiplication
and division famiies..
4-3 Speical Quotients
Students will use mulitplication facts with 0 and 1 to learn
about speical division rules with 0 and 1.
4-4 Using Multiplication Factsto Find Division Facts
Students will identify multiplication facts related to division
facts in order to solve division problems.
4-5 Problem Solving
Students will draw pictures and write related number sentences
to solve problems.
Children are aware of changes that occur around
them during the course of a day. a month, and a year.
They begin to understand how these time periods are
determined. Long-term observation allows students to
recognize patterns and cycles in weather, seasons,
moon phases, and the apparent position of the sun in
the sky. The motion of the moon around the Earth
(month) the rotation of the Earth on its axis (day), and
the orbit of the Earth around the sun (year) determine
months, days, and years.
This unit serves as a review of weather, weather instruments, and the seasons. Descriptions of weather are heard or read daily in the media. While specifics of weather vary from season to season in Michigan and most of the United States, daily weather reports typically contain key components to describe changes in weather and to predict the development of storms and other hazardous weather.
In the elementary grades, students' descriptions of weather and seasons are to include at least its visible aspects, such as temperature, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, and precipitation. They use thermometers, a windsock or vane, and a rain guage to collect weather data over a long period of time.
Click on the link:
Moon Phases
Sun, Moon, and Earth
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
(The Moon)
1. Weather Trackers
Students learn how the weather changes from day to day
over the seasons and relate patterns in weather to the
seasons of the year.
2. Sky Watchers
Students will study the moon and identify it as a common
object in the sky.
3. What Makes Daytime and Nighttime?
Students will track the apparent movement of the sun
across the sky and describe how we have daytime and
nighttime due to the spin of the Earth on its axis.
4. Moon Shapes
Students will describe the visible shape of the moon and
how it follows a predictable cycle that takes approximately
one month.
5. How Big Is It?
Students will learn how large objects appear smaller when
they are far away.
6. Scale Model of the Earth and Moon
Students will compare and contrast the relative sizes of
the moon and the Earth.
7. Comparing the Sun, Moon, and Earth
Students will learn about the similarities in the sun,moon
and the Earth.
8. The Solar Dance
9. Time Wise
Students will learn how the motion of the sun, moon, and
the Earth relate to the measurement of time.
10. The Sun and the Seasons
Students will learn what causes the change of the
11. What Do We Learn From the Rock Layers?
Students will learn how rock layers provide evidence of
the Earth's past.
12. Fossil Layers
Students will learn how fossils become part of the
layers of the Earth and how they provide evidence
of the history of the Earth.
During the next several weeks, the
students will be actively involved in the
study of heat energy, electrical energy,
and magnetism. By the completion of
the unit, each student will be able to
give examples of where the transfer of
heat energy and electrical energy has
changed objects.
Students will be introduced to how
the movements of electrical current re-
sults in charged objects and the flow
of electricity. They will explore how to
make complete circuits and how to
open and close circuits using switches.
They will observe how magnets behave
with different materials and with other
magnets. They will experience magne-
tic attraction and repulsion. With this
information, they will begin to under-
stand and explain how compasses
1. Heat It Up!
Students learn to describe heat as a form
of energy and observe changes associ-
ated with the transfer of heat energy.
2. Rubbing, Burning, and Electricity
Students will observe how adding energy
can increase tempertaure. They will dis-
cover how heat is produced through rub-
bing, burning, and electricity.
3. Heat Energy Investigation
Students will observe changes that occur
when energy is transformed due to a dif-
ference in temperature.
4. Electricity As a Form of Energy
Students will recognize electricity as a
form of energy that can change things
and do work.
5. Can You Light the Bulb?
Students will construct electical circits
using batteries, wires, and light bulbs.
6. What Is an Electrical Circuit?
Students will discover that a circuit is
a continuous path through which elec-
tricity flows.
7. What are Good Conductors of
Students will learn to distinguish be-
tween good and poor conductors of
8. Making Switches
Students will design switches to open
and close electrical circuits.
9. What is Attracted to a Magnet?
Students will classify objects according
to their physical attributes.
10. Magnetic Attraction
Students will learn that only certain
metals are attracted to a magnet.
11. Magnets Have Poles
Students will learn that every magnet
has two poles.
12. How do Magnets Get Along?
Students will learn that opposites do
attract each other!
13. Which Way Is North?
Students will learn that the Earth acts
like a gigantic magnet with two poles.
During this unit of study, students will observe, experiment with, and discuss several types of matter and thier physical properties. Each type of matter will be considered using thw following properties: color, size, shape, weight, texture, flexibility,smell, whether it sinks or floats, and its state of matter. the atates of matter include solids,liquids, and gases.
Since all matter has mass and takes up space, these two properties will be examined by learning to use measuring tools. Metric rulers, primary balances, gram masses. graduated cylinders, measuring cups and spoons are some ot these tools.
The students will be experimenting and recognizing a variety of physical changes that occur in matter. Physical changes include changes in size and shape by bending, tearing, breaking, or cutting. Another physical change occurs when matter changes from one state to another. Whne a substance chages state, this means that it changes from solid to liquid or liguid to gas.
1. What Are Properties of Matter?
Students will describe objects in terms of their properties. They will describe matter as
anything that has mass and volume.
2. A Little Mass Here, aA Little Mass There, A Little Mass Everywhere!
Students will construct a simple balance to measure the mass of various objects. They will use
a spring scale to measure the weight of various objects in newtons.
3. Solids
Students will give examples of matter as a solid and describe the properties of solids.
4. Liquids
Students will describe the properties of liquids.
5. Gases
Students will describe the properties of gases. they will also compare and contrast the states of
6. Air: What is It?
Words you need to understand:
1. community - people who live in the
same area or share common
2. culture - customs, languages, and
3. climate - the kind of weather an area
has year after year
4. erosion - the wearing away of land-
5. natural resource - material supplied
by nature
6. ecosystem - living and nonliving
things in an area
7. habitat – the natural home of a plant
or an animal
People and places you need to know:
James A. McDivitt was a pioneer of
the space program and controlled
the spacecraft while the first per-
son walked in space.
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
is continually being shaped by wind
and water.
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park
is a recreational park shaped by
Caroline Kirkland was an early
settler who wrote about the beauty
of Michigan.
Pigeon River Country State Forest is
where many elk live.
W. K. Kellogg started a cereal
company and founded the Kellogg
Bird Sanctuary.
Facts and Main Ideas:
1. How are people part of an area’s
People use the land, water, and
natural resources of the area.
2. Name two cultural festivals that are
celebrated in Michigan.
African World Festival in Detroit;
National Cherry Festival in Traverse
3. What are some natural resources
found in Michigan?
Soil, water, lumber, copper
4. What did W.K. Kellogg do for the
people of Michigan?
He established the Kellogg Bird
Sanctuary to protect Michigan’s
5. What are some of the cultural groups
found in Michigan?
Arab Americans; African Americans;
Native Americans
6. How do the Great Lakes affect the
climate of Michigan?
Moisture from the lakes brings in-
creased rain and snow to Michigan;
they keep Michigan cooler in summer
and warmer in winter.
7. Why is the conservation of resources
so important?
Once they run out they are gone for-
8. Why does Michigan have such a
varied landscape?
It has been shaped over time by
glaciers, tectonic activity, and
till rocks, gravel and sand left behind by melting glaciers
moraine hills of till
tourism the business of serving travelers
locks “steps” that allow ships to move from higher to
lower water
reforestation planting new trees to replace trees that
have been cut down
waterway places where ships can travel
People and Places
Lake Plains all of
eastern half of the U
furniture that was shipped down the
Wallace Goodridge took photographs of the lumber
industry around
at the World’s Fair in
Traverse City once a lumber town; grows lots of
cherries; popular vacation spot for
thousands of tourists.
Superior Upland western
mountains, forests, lakes, and
Bruce Catton Civil War historian who wrote about
Facts and Main Ideas
1. Explain why the Lake Plains region is flatter than the
Superior Upland.
The glaciers flattened the Lake Plains region, leaving
behind moraines.
2. What are two resources found in the Superior Upland?
3. In what region are the Soo Locks located?
4. Why do tourists come to the Superior Upland?
They enjoy its natural beauty.
5. Why has
industrial city?
and products to be shipped to and from the industries
located there.
6. Why are waterways important to the Superior Upland?
7. Why are there fewer farms in the Superior Upland than
in the Lake Plains?
flatter than in the Superior Uplands.
Read Workbook Packet
General Information and Games
The Soo Locks - Animation
The Edmund Fitzgerald