Watching Pele World Cup 1970
See http// These were set up at 04:00:00 Jan 1
as was Munch of a Muchness
Protopage is down again I can not register ibmQQQQ so I have had to annotate the Red Octopus Company Estrablishment database in under the tab IBMqqqq
The current status is Amber - I can not continue without Protopage. - It has been down most of Christmas.
DefCon 4 - I am concernesd thatr the changes that I am making will be backed out. I can not documenrt the cganges that I am making it is too much work I can only log in the dat in the life the protopages managed during the phase.
Agile Pegasus Project Management
1. Hyper Project
2 Super Project
3 Project
4 Microproject
5 Phase
6 Activity
7 Task
8 Milestone
9 Timebank
Record this as Hyper Project Nimrod 2023 Milestone 0 Setting the Organisation Structure 24 hours time now 00:07:00 Jan 2
Holiday - See Jan 1 for blog.
Watch / Munch / Hoskyns Education - Tee Time Movies
Produce Vision @£ Document with Terms of References detailing tangible deliverables - Who/what/why/where/when/cost
January 3, 2023IBM Watson for Beginners if this is a book can you please buy 2 copies – if it is an online service can you buy just one
Project Sycamore for The Meta Verse an on line Stock Market for Virtual businesses.
Thank You
You wi;; enjoy this project by converting forest 404 to AI standards as Forest 303.
International Business Management
See for Munch Project
I don’t do online purchases since i was scammed and my bank account was raided.