List of public pages created with Protopage


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about me

My name is Dominik Prankl and I live in Ruprechtshofen. I am a thirteen year old boy with blond hair and brown-green eyes. My hobbies are playing football, driving my Motorbike and meeting friends. I like summer more than winter, because in summer you can go out and play somethink outside.

Todo lists

Todo list

Be at this webside



Web widgets

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Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

The earthquake in Haiti was a strong earthquake. It befall in the 12th January 2010. The epicenter was 25 kilometers soutwest of the capital Haiti and the hypocenter 17 kilometers under it. The magnitude was dispositive of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) with 7,0Mw of the Momenten-Magnituden-Skala. 3.2 Million people are homeless and 250.00 flats and 30.000 bussines dealings destroyed. The damages cost 5.4 Milliarde euros. There was three aftershocks.

Web widgets

Google Maps
