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Rich sticky notes

About Nigel

Nigel Paine is a learning technology specialist with a world-wide reputation and a unique grasp of the public, private and academic sectors.


He is an outstanding public speaker and has extensive experience in developing training and learning projects with global industry players such as Goldman Sachs, Arthur Anderson, and ICL as well as a range of government and education initiatives.

Nigel Paine (11th & 12th October 2006)

How this page works

Welcome to the Queensland E-learning page on protopage. This page is a collection of resources from the 11th and 12th of October workshop that was run in Brisbane, Queensland, such as:
If you would like more information about any of these resources, please contact:

Jodie McCabe or Madonna Scrase

About the workshop

Nigel Paine conducted a two day workshop on the 11th and 12th of October, 2006. The workshop was broken down into four main sessions. These were:

Manager's forum

Other resources

PowerPoint slides


Session 1 - Manager's forum:

Part 01

Nigel discussing failure

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Nigel discussing old age

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Nigel discussing organisation 
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Part 03

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Nigel discussing knowledge sharing

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Nigel discussing activities

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Nigel discussing elected spokesperson

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Web widgets

Workshop Photos


Nigel Paine