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1. Course Code
2. Course Name

Data Dictionary

0 Table  / Table
1. Column / Data Code
2. Row / Channel 
3. Entry 1 / Language Indicator
4. Nominal Ledger Code
5. Entry 3 Pre-update Function Name
6. Entry 2 / English Code Description 
7. Entry 3 / Swedish  Code Description

For Pre Update Formulae please see Specification from Google Drive.


1. Course ID
2. Student ID
3. Student Nickname

Personnel Table

0 Channel 2
Clone Payroll for Personnel ID and PERC001 to PERC010

Establistment Table

0. Channel 01
1. Primary Key Establishment Type
2. Foreign key - Business 
3. Memo data ESTC001
4. Memo Data ESTC002
5. Memo Data ESTC003   
6. Memo Data ESTC004 
7. Memo Data ESTC005 
8. Memo Data ESTC006
9. Memo Data ESTC007
10. Memo Data ESTC008
11. Memo Data ESTC009
12. Memo Data ESTC010  

Post Channel

Channel P1

Clone Personnel for PSTP1C001 to PSTP1C010

Create multiple Post Channels P2 to P9

Pay Table

0. Channel 2 
1. Primary key Payroll ID
2. Foreign Key Nickname
3. Foreign Key Business
4. Memo Data PAYC001
etc to PAYC002
- Tax Year
- Tax Period

Company Structure

0. Channel 0
1. Table 
2. Parent Account Primary Key
3. level
4. Child Account  Foreign Key
5. Cost Centre Code

0/costru/interpol/o/interpol.inter (Bucket1)
0/costru/interpol/1/themet/met (Bucket2)
0/costru/themet/2/gmp/gmp (Bucket3)
0/costru/gmp/3/Adivision/gmpadiv (Bucket4)
0/costru/gmp/3bdivision/gmp/bdiv (Bucket4)
0/costru/gmp/3/cdivision/gmp/cdiv (Bucket4) 


1. Occupancy Table Number
2. Period Start Date
3. Period End Date
4. Occupancy Dated Event 1
5. Occupancy Dated Event 2
6. Occupancy Dated Event 3
7. Occupancy Dated Event 4
8. Occupancy Dated Event 5
9. Occupancy Dated Event 6
10. Occupancy Dated Event 7

General Ledger Data

1. Bucket
2. Nominal Ledger Account Code
3. Accounting Year
4. Accounting Period  
5. Data Code Value

Control File

1. Tax Year
2. Tax Period
3. Base Control Date - Period Start
4. Period End Date
5. Payslip Date
6. BACS Control Date

General Ledger

1. Ledger Code
2. Ledger Description

Read Me

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Is tantalus sufficient to get you started with out any code validation

GMP Training Officer Registration



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Program service Request PSR 30/03/2023 - 001

Please See Trello 
Add Nickname language 

and now badge and now badge number

Well done Richard you are a great lad

GMP / BSG Elite Student Registration



My Study Buddies

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1. Officer
2. Officer URL
3. Officer E'Mail
4. Child 1 URL
5. Child 2 URL
6. Child 3 URL
7. Child 4 URL 
8. Home Server (Stratbox) ip address

NHS/Withington Golf Club Air B&B



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Rich text note

Booking form required for the Sanctuary with BACS Deposit of £20