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SECTET SANTA and OTHER christmas list


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28th of july

28 JULY 2007
             10:45        Robin jer jess and jon meet at boatyard on decking
11am  Boatyard, Leigh on Sea  (15-20 persons)
11:00        Robin to meet Registrar
11:15        Katie meeting with Registrar

11:30 Civil Wedding walk down
             12:00 cermany ends
12:30        Champagne and canapés on decking or inside if bad weather photoes on decking
01:15         robin, jer, jess, and jon leave to walk up hill.
01:30pm   guests walk 5-10 mins (or taxis if inclement weather) up to St Clement’s church

We have ordered an 8 seater minibus, so that everyone at the Boatyard can get a lift to the Church if they would prefer. He will able to do a couple of trips.

02:00-2.20pm         The Blessing
02.30 photos outside groups
03:00 see off couple with confetti outwith the grounds of the church
03.30 go to Park View, chalkwell rose garden photos
04:00 meet in bistro at back of park view for drinks and nibbles
04:15 main five people greet guests in line up. r k m b l
04.30 Sit down meal

06:30 - 7:00 Speeches and things

07.30 Evening invitation music and dancing and some more food

music off @ 12.00

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