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Welcome to Protopage

Hello World! We are going to turn the clock back to 1977. In 1977 I established my Tiger Team. A group of individuals who just wanted to be the best at being the best. In 1977 we had an IBM 370/135 to play with.... Now we have the world.

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The Clock is ticking. In 1977 we had a TOD Clock,,, but no job logging systems. TOD...Time Of Day . Our mission was to work as effectively as we could such that we could finish early. The tales which I could tell would fill a book. It made us Insanely Great..

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April 2016
Press Release I am pleased today to announce an Association with David Gosling.

The High5Local Associate are lease that once again David has entered into a contract with Alan Bramwell to deliver IT Services into Bitesize Golf

1st on the agenda is to resolve the Bitesize Golf Finder page which has initiated this contract.

This is the second collaboration between David and Alan in 2007 Alan was appointed IT Strategist for YMG.
Alan recruited 3 teams of developers.
AIOC Computing deiivered a rework of the YMG Site, Replication and launch of Ladies Masters Golf,a forum, a quiz and a tournament booking page. 
Red Camel Computing  delivered an interim shop , Ocean design delivering the final solution.
Ben Fish of AIOC must have charged David £1 per hour for his work, my SSNA development came free
as did Richard Gilbert. We were trying to support a friend in need.
The team is back - this time to drive out commercial initiatives and the team has been extended.
Scott Currie - Bitesize Golf will deliver via his website.  High5Local has supported Scott during is development over the past 16 years - When Scott smashed his laptop he came to us.
There is more - watch this space.


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Here we shall announce our releases - there are many sites in construction the stat of each site is shown here.

As will release dates for Bitesize Golf site changes.

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We are now using Oppenheimer for releases - we have since 22 July 2023 Prince Georges Day

09/09 is kings Day when we shall make an announcement to Brooklands
10/10 is Prince of Wales Day when we announce the FIOC to Manchester University giving Richard time to complete Turin.




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My Home Club - Home of The Golf Channel as I am a social member.

For 16 years I have been too  busy working to play golf. I am now returning to full membership as my work days are over.

I am in full time employment but it is not IT.

Relese Dates

Scott Currie CMS - Mid 2007
Bitesize Golf - Post 2008
Scott Currie Main Site - Early 2016
The Golf Channel - 03/04/2016


Since April 2000 I have been Scott Curries IT Support Person.

I have : 
Repaired his machines 
Provided him with Back Up and Security Procedure
Prototyped many websites for him including developing HTML/CSS and ASP.Net  sites.
We have hosted potential sites but never been able to obtain content till we suggested WIX.

Now Scott.
Knows WIX and knows SEO - Good Job - Good Results

Scott could do your club web site for you using our SSNA Infrastructure and it would be significantly more powerful than yours - it may not be pretty but it is hyper functional.

Scott is the catalyst for The Golf Channel and all to follow - it has taken a long long time.

Todo lists

The Golf Channel Launch Strategy

For Association with Biitsize Golf
Phone Dave
Propose Plan
Discuss Contract
Obtain Verbal Contract
Set Release Date
Meet With Dave
Define Objective
Produce Detailed Action Plan
Distribute Action Plan
Define Associates
Agree Associations
Create Contracts
Create SLA
Distribute Work Plans
Commence Build
Release for Assurance
Sign Off Prototype
Schedule Launch
Hold Pre-Lauch Party
Monitor SLA
Review targets
Hit Targets
Party Time.



Being Five

Savage Chickens





Wizard of Id

Moderately Confused



Inside the Net

CNN News Update

BBC Podcasts : Entertainment feed 1

BBC Podcasts : Entertainment feed 2

BBC Podcasts : Entertainment feed 3

BBC Podcasts : Entertainment feed 4

this WEEK in TECH - MP3 Edition

Diggnation (Mp3)

BBC Podcasts : Music feed 1

BBC Podcasts : Music feed 2

BBC Podcasts : Music feed 3

Reel Reviews Radio

Video Podcasts


the show with zefrank

MobuzzTV - Daily Buzz (QT 16:9) Technology, Business, Media, and News Podcasts

Ask A Ninja - iPod


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Try our new multi level todo lists - you can even drag items between different lists! (drag todo items by their check boxes).

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There are 270 user contributed widgets for you to choose from - click the 'Add widgets' button on the toolbar to discover them.


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The word "orchis" was first used by Theophrastos, in his book "De historia plantarum". He was a student of Aristotle and is considered the father of botany and ecology.



Protopage News Blog

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We'll post helpful tips and regular news of our latest features on our blog...

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You can click the 'Category' tab to reveal more categories. Use categories to organize your tabs. You can drag and drop widgets between tabs. You can also click the button on the right side of the category tab to reveal options that will let you color code and share your tabs with other people. Just start clicking and exploring!

Nov 14 2022 See infinity tiger team









HardTalk 30/11/2022

Sept 2023 Oak House Tiger Team



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Roll Out

The decision has been made to approach Brooklands before approaching Oak House to give Richard time to complete Blazor / Azure

So Its King's Day 09/09
and FIOC day 10/10

Red Octopus AGM

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07/12/2023 Design House / Systems House

Red Octopus AGM

December 7, 2023

1 Nimrod 1.0

Do you know why The Intonrt is clearing down?

I am going to have to go with your software as it is – re-name it GatleytSSC fault.

then supply the infonet as Magna Carta AS INFONET with country / county / postcode (3 Characters).

Answer : RJG

2 The problem is Time – I am busy.

2 Red Octopus Share holders

1.0 Alan Bramwell

2.0 Richard Gilbert

3.0 Emma Bramwell

4.0 Susan Bramwell

5.0 Andrew Clark

6.0 Paul Edwards

7.0 John Goddard (WGC)

8.0 WGC Members (1 Share)

9.0 Jobie X

10.0 NIck X

11.0 Tesco Club Card Holders (Tesco Infonet) – 1 Share to Tesco Charity.

12.0 St Annes Hospice

All will receive a dividend as a percentage of the profits from The Infonet – dividends being decided by a collaborators table.

The current factor for James Dunn (representing WGC Members) is 0.00000001

3 Change to Nimrod Schedule

Holidays start 07/12/2023 to 02/02/2024

See Tesco Infonet for Christmas Shopping List – Match Box

Notes :

Meeting Ended 10:00:00 with email to the Tiger Team – Note Mike Kane POF (Product Owner Finance) MP is not on Share Holders list – he is not communicating.

King Charles and Prince William have not been included as they have not been invited to the AGM we will be writing to them again in 2024. They are still Product Owners even though they do not reply to my letters – and are not on the circulation list for e’mail services.

It should be noted that members of the Tiger Team refuse to monitor Red Octopus as they are given the impression that the Charman is Bi-Polar. This development is real – it is Tangible. The IFOC – The Infinity Federation of Co-Operatives is Operational Alan Bramwell is President – It is a New World Order for Greta Thunberg. will plant acorns in Forest 404 ha members in high Education and America still to be contacted post-AGM / 2024 EGM when RJG has completed The Infonet / Intranet Services. (New Phoenix University).

Toast :

Aftermath – Kahlua and Baileys




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