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MSNBC - Top Stories

This Week in Tech


Fresh Air International Edition




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Plain sticky notes

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Emma Bramwell - CEO Red Octopusbusiness Services Limeted




In Transition

Todo lists

The War Room - 5 Year Plan

Do shopping
Buy eggs
Buy milk

In Transition 2 - Managers Open Office

Do shopping
Buy eggs
Buy milk

White Swan

Do shopping
Buy eggs
Buy milk

In Transition 1 Public Protected

Do shopping
Buy eggs
Buy milk

Todo list

Do shopping
Buy eggs
Buy milk

Star Mail

Rich sticky notes

2022/1 Contracts

Rich / Paul
We are in busines 
You have a contract for 400,000 units
Contract 2 
101 units at £50 per unit 
Withing Golf Club Member TeqSys
Ii have a meeting with him tomorrow at 5 pm
Paul Start Costing out the cost of your build and schedule outsourcing to Hitec Computer

Build a 101 page website on a memory stick called Room101 like htt[p://
Thank me please 
Both of you start sing Pegasus Agile to run your work load 
start your own protopage in yoyour own name an clone wwww4intransition
Make this a BC Class - Business Critical
Add forest as a BC Class
Add Bossons as a BC Class 
Share price are going up from £1 to £101 we have £20,000 £1 Shares - How many do you want and what Directorship do you want
Pegasus Agile - Retailig at £350 per book - The Price of an Apple Watch
Wecome to The Apple HyperNet ISTAT IPRINR IPLAN I am waiting an Email from Tim Cook about Tim Cook Supernets
Welcome to MicrosoftChannel9/TimSneath FacxTV
Bill Gates Foundation TV
The Erica Society TV
Garry Neville TV
Thats Enough For Now
Richard Gilbert Teckybod TV
Paul Edwards Click and Collect TV
Stratbox TV
Pegasus TV
BSG Elite TV
Q Core TV
Zeus TV
Q Accounting TV

The War Board

Rich sticky notes

White Board - Task Overloading

Hitec Computers
Bideford Centre
Northenden Community Library
Forest404 Red Camel Systems
Slattocks Computing
Redcamel Systems
Withington Golf Club
Houldsworth Golf Club
Hazel Grove Golf Club
My Study Buddies
Garden Guardians

White Rose - Written Of Development

Hitec Computers
Garden Guardians

White Knight Freeware - Where there is benefit for ROBS

Clients that you will work for as a Community Guardian to try to grow their business.

Hitec Computers
Forest 404 Redcamel Systems
Withington Golf Club
Hazel Grove Golf Club
Houldsworth Golf Club

Black Rose - Small Claims Court

Hitec Computers

White Swan - Business Opportunities with immediate profit potential

Hitec Computers
Redcamel Systems
Withington Golf Club - Pegasus Infonets / Empire Intranets

White Queen - Clients that you do work for as a product owner

Bideford Centre
Northenden Community Library
EX Hitec Computers
Forest 404 Redcamel Systems

Red Rose

Christmas Gifts / Charities

Black Swan - Awkward Clients

Hitec Computers
Bideford Centre
Forest 404 Redcamel systems - Won't use protopage for Pegasus Agile Project Management 
Withington Golf Club

Black Queen - Black Listed

Withington Golf Club
Scott Currie

Rich text note

1, The Metaverse
2, Apple.AI
3. Lisacurtis
4. Curtis Hughes 

Black King - Suspended Work

Hazel Grove Golf Club
Matt Davies PGA

Black Knight - Bad Clients

Hitec Computers

Withington Golf Club

Rich sticky notes



September 9, 2022

We are at WAR

AB has Announced WAR on WGC –

I stopped David Fricker having a Media war with Withington Golf club when he Registered Withington Golf Club . Com

David had a beef about his corporate membership.

Pegasus Agile

You should have enough codes to start planning and tracking your projects and seeing how much it is actually costing us.

I will do time tracking for Redcamel Soon – Stay with me I am Overloaded with work I had about 4 EGMs and an AGM Today.

Went through Tax and NI rules with my accountant – appointed a solicitor

Set up Pegasus Communication to My Solicitor and Accountant

Tom – You can’t have the Printer – I have Prints to do for King Charles that are Private – Top Secret.. Class TS Top Secret

Please start a Longhorn ( L) T – Training Task for WP Without Portfoli0 

For Foundation Computing – Protopage Google Form for Taskit Occupancy File


Activity Start Date and Time

Occupancy Start Date (Occurs 49 Times)

Task Class

Task Description

Vision Suggestion

Activity End Date End Sate

Can you Please Plan

1. Phase

2. Activity

3 Task

4 Milesones

You track Velocity by Accumulating the time for (COMPLETED TASKS)

When assigning tasks log

Start – Strat Dependancies

Start – End Dependancies

End – End Dependancies

A Mile stone is a Task with Zero House For Timebank Zero Hours Contrack Reporting

Garry Higgins has been Informed that we a re writing a Payroll System for him for Timebank and a Coshh System

Richard – Can you please move over into business Analysis and specify Waterfall Documents for Wigby for Coshh then Foundation Compute them for Wigby ask SQL Server them for Longhorn

Develop TDD JSON Interfaces Please

BBC Design House



Nimrod 2023

Rich sticky notes


See Moses Diary - Back Pages 20/1 Product Owners Long Term Plans

Pegasus Agile Diary Management

Rich sticky notes

Rich text note

Pegasus Agile Task Management.

0 Tasks are not recorded linear - they are graffiti
1 A Nimrod Arrow at an angle is a pointer to another task on the War Board
2 A War board can be overladed in red / blue / black and green
3 for Project Task Management the War Board can be written a Overloaded Day entries - This is a Genesys document DO NOT attempt to schedule tasks = Transcript onto a Protopage todolist when a mpnths effort has been recorded. Collect tasks as C tasks till [[lanning phase has been undertaken.
4 An Arrow to the right is Plan Ahead
5 An arrow to the left is a history task
6 An arrow up is a long term project
an arrow pointing down is a scheduled task within day
7 A circle with a star in it is an unscheduled task
8 A circle with one line through it is a Started Task
9 A Ciircle with a cross is a finished task
10 two circles representing start date / end date is occupancy recording
11 a square with a date is a pointer to an occupancy start date

The Book Review Club

